Do you support the Hamas Caucus?
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
If you are a democrat, you do. If you continue to contribute political donations to the DNC, then you are directly aiding and abetting the enemy. Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, AOC, Sanders and the rest of their cronies are all working hard to do direct harm to one of our staunchest allies and middle east proxies; and simultaneously providing aid and comfort to a known terrorist organization that would be focused on killing Americans if they were not so busy killing Israelis.…………
Fucking coward.…
Would you rather:
1. Stand in Tel Aviv or West Jerusalem wearing Palestinian garb and a shirt that says "FUCK JEWS" or "FUCK LIKUD"
2. Stand in Ramallah or Gaza wearing Orthodox Jewish garb and a shirt that says "FUCK MUSLIMS" or "FUCK HAMAS"
It'll be amazing to see Palestine blossom when they start putting international aid into schools and hospitals rather than Qassam rockets.
We must support Israel. There is no other option.
Biden and his Iranophiles have set Middle East peace back decades.
Biden is proving himself to be a Muslim/Islamic terror supporter. This is a man who bills himself as an abortion supporting Catholic! He’s been in Washington so long - he doesn’t even see the web of lies and inconsistencies he’s mired in!
These terror groups destroy religious artifacts and leave ancient relics in a pile of dust! They care not about the greater good. They have a perverse view of their own religion - and they will continue to pervert it to serve their desires and their lust for power and control. Look at the path of destruction of sites in Nineveh and other ancient sites - and you will see their horrific brutality.
Similar to all these Trumptards who just want to tear everything down....
Hamas just wants to destroy shit. Funded by Iran? Ya, Like Iran give two shits about the Palestinians...
So, Israel goes and does exactly what HAMAS and IRAN WANT. And you guy do and defend them like they can do no wrong.
And a bunch of white wing evangelical cult members out of americuh who just can't wait to see the world end (apparently they thing THEY are going to paradise when it happens...) fund the right white zionists to go piss on the Palestinians so they'll let Hamas keep going it's thing.
It all a big shit show. And the less we care about it, they quicker they'll all get tired of fighting (if no one pays any attention, why bother?)...
Both Israel and hamas play martyr. Today's politicians in Israel wouldn't be able to stay in power without the conflict to blame for their shortcomings. Same with hamas.
In my mind, that makes Hamas the terrorist and Israel the justified defender of its innocent population.
This could all end tomorrow if Hamas recognized Israel’s right to peacefully exist. The Palestinians would be able to form their own independent nation and foreign aid would flood in. That offer has been made time and time again, and rejected by whoever is in control of Gaza and the West Bank
Israel is shooting cheap Qassam rockets with interceptors 100x more expensive, and conducts very targeted strikes. Yet Hamas purposefully places rocket installations near schools, mosques, and hospitals. If Israel didn't give a shit about casualties, they'd bomb every launch site they could and really give the American left something to cry about.
Of course, the American left (as seen above) knows jack fucking shit, and just sees "brown people good, white people bad!", as though Jews were some "white-privileged" race. Take any jaunt through Salon, American Prospect, or other cesspools and see for yourself.…
And this has nothing to do with bringing peace or helping the Israelis. It's all apparently some scheme they think will create a war that will bring the second coming of Jesus and end of the world.
Bunch of fucktards on all sides of this one.
Your claims are attempts to support your arguments - and they may not have any factual basis.
Based on Democrats lack of support for Israel - I wonder how many Jews are Dems.
You accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of to assert the moral high ground. It’s not working.
Yes, most American Jews are Dems -- about 71%. Orthodox Jews are the exception and they are 75%, Republican. But Orthodox Jews make up only about 10% of the US Jewish population.…
^That’s called ICEE logic
“After hiding behind Gaza civilians during the eleven days of conflict with Israel, Hamas leadership has come out of its hide-outs and terror tunnels to hold “victory” parades and rallies.
In one such event, Gaza’s Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was seen showing off a child carrying a heavy assault rifle in his hand.
The child was dressed up in camouflage and wore a headband apparently depicting the logo of the Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s terrorist militia. The imagery highlights Hamas’s strategy of indoctrinating Palestinian children and youth in the ideology of martyrdom and jihad warfare against Israel.”
Btw, I don't give a damn what they do over there. Can't we just focus on fixing our own shit for once.
Lightning ?
People who say “ all ( people of a certain race or religion ) are X” are
1. Ignorant
2. Bigots