The Body Club Miami Club Details

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Being so active on TUSCL I get a lot of questions/messages about SoFlo clubs – and being that I mostly hit the small black clubs, from time to time I get PMs from whiteguys that would like to visit this club but are a bit apprehensive and require a bit more details about the club since it’s a bit different than the avg mixed-club – although I have a rotation of clubs I hit, The Body is sorta my go-to and the one I hit the most thus there’s certain details I know about it as a semi-regular – below I’ll explain details about the club so I can point others to it that ask and thus don’t have to repeat the info on multiple messages, or have to repeat the info on reviews since I tend to write multiple reviews of my various visits to a specific club.

I will describe – parking; cover-charge; dances costs; VIP costs; dancer description; mileage; hours/shifts; layout

The Body is a small club thus it has a small parking-lot; there is never a charge for parking – there is limited parking all around the perimeter of the small standalone building – in past years there was overflow parking in the adjacent vacant-lot but that lot has been off-limits for about 3 years – from what a dancer told me the lot’s owner wanted to increase the rent they charged the club for the club’s customer to park there and the club didn’t wanna pay the extra-amount (not sure how true this is but def plausible) – most of my visits are dayshift visits but even then there can be issues w/ parking - being familiar w/ this club I’m aware of some not-obvious spots where I can park – when one first enters the club there is a space immediately to your left – it’s not marked/painted as a parking-space and it can often be empty b/c people don’t notice it; I just back up into it right next to the entrance – the other non-obvious space to park is immediately to the your right as soon as you enter the parking-lot; this spot is easy to miss and it’s also not marked/painted as a parking space – there is a big wooden sign at the back of this space but since I drive a small sedan I can back it up against the sign and still have enough space to not block the entrance; this spot is also often unused b/c it’s not an obvious place to park (gotta be careful parking in this spot w/ the sign b/c there is like a 2ft-high long cement-block on the floor that’s not visible using your mirrors (or pulling in) unless you know it’s there and kinda looking for it) – another spot to park is behind the club where there is a grass area - also behind the club there is a dumpster against the back wall; I park my small sedan parallel to the back-wall of the club and back-up against the dumpster – on the southside of the club there is a plant-nursery-business that closes in the afternoon and one car park next to it once it’s closed.

Pre-Covid this club never had a charge on dayshift (typical of almost all SoFlo clubs) – nightshift officially started at 8pm and that is when they would start charging a cover – nightshift cover was b/w $10 and $20 (early-week and pre-10pm was b/w $10 and $15 – most other times at night it was $20) – I visited this club on Saturday 4/15/21 and Sunday 4/16/21 – on Sat afternoon I was surprised to be charged a $10 cover – on Su afternoon I was charged a $15 cover (on Sat I arrived around 4:30 and Su around 5:30) – IDK what the nightshift post-8pm cover-charge is now but would not be surprised if it has increased since they are now charging a dayshift cover – not sure if the club will go back to their old no-cover dayshifts as business picks up post-Covid

$5 floor-dances; $10 lap-dances – hard to distinguish b/w the two, and it can be dancer-dependent – this is a very-small-club and most seating is barside and that is where most of the dances take place – “officially” a barside dance is considered a floor-dance b/c the dancers’ feet are on the floor and she’s “technically” not grinding on your lap for it to be a lap-dance although you will usually get a constant grind when seating barside getting the floor-dances – there are a couple of seating-areas along the perimeter of the club with low seats where a dancer can dance on your lap making it a “lap dance” and these are “technically” $10 lap-dances – but a lot of dudes here seem to just hang out and not buy any dances thus some dancers will still charge $5 on the low-seats around the perimeter - no matter where I sit, although I tend to sit mostly barside since I prefer dances on a highchair, I always say (not ask, say) “$5/song right” – reason I state and not ask b/c if you ask it makes you look like you don’t know and some dancers will tell you a different price; stating vs asking comes across as you knowing the deal – if I’m seating on a low-seat and she tells me $10 then I usually oblige (but there are some girls that wanna charge $10 barside but will quickly change their tune if you state it’s $5 barside) – the songs here are played on the short-side and depending on the DJ can be played super-short like even under a minute to about a minute-long although that doesn’t happen as much as in the past particularly on dayshift – b/c the songs can be played short and at different lengths, and the DJ mixes them together, it can be hard to know when one song ends and another one starts – my M.O. is to tell a dancer b/f she starts dancing for me to let me know every time she starts a new song (as a newbie to this club I had a couple of “surprises” w.r.t. dance-count when I thought I was in the 1st or 2nd song and the dancer told me we were on the 4th; etc)

The Body has a “VIP dance area” – basically a small-room out of sight of the main-room – inside it’s divided into a handful of individual small-booths each one with a heavy curtain so lack of privacy is not really an issue – there is a lightbulb on the ceiling which is reachable by stretching your arm and many of the girls turn it off when they go back there (out of sight out of mind I guess) – the individual booths just have a padded bench against the wall and a small cocktail table (I find the padded-bench kinda uncomfortable for “getting dances”; in the past I’d drag an armless-chair from the main-floor as I preferred that for my “VIP dances” but these chairs are no longer available) – the VIP house-fee used to be $25; then a year or so b/f Covid it went up to $35; when I was there in mid-May 2021 (after being away from the club for 14 months b/c of Covid) I asked one of the staff members and he said VIP house-fee is now $50 which I think it’s too-much for this club but … (maybe this too will come down once the club’s business picks up post-Covid) - “officially” VIP dances are $10/song but I always negotiate a block-payment - $100 usually does for “VIP dances” but I usually pay around $120 – I think the official time limit is 30-minutes but I’ve rarely had anyone interrupt me even if I’ve gone over 30-minutes

This is an all-black club – rare to see a non-black dancer although I’ve seen one every now and then – it’s a small $5/dance neighborhood club so one is not gonna run into beauty-queens – dances lean young often early-20s; there may be some late-20s/early-30s ones but not the norm – for a few years now this club has tilted more towards the slimmer/more-petite-ish girls vs the thick girls – me being into the thick girls it feels there aren’t enough of them but in reality it’s probably a good mix of thin and thick although not as many thickalicious ebonies as in the ATL clubs – girls are friendly and fairly professional given it’s a small $5/dance club – it’s a small neighborhood club w/ cheap dances so not the place to come looking for beauty-queens - the dancers here would appeal to those that are primarily into black-dancers – if a black-dancer has to look like Halle Berry for you to consider getting a dance from her, this is not the club for you

Mileage is pretty-consistent here (at least for me) – it’s typical of the girl to grind consistently throughout the whole-song song-after-song vs doing some ‘air modeling” as in some clubs where a girl grinds for part of the song and “models” for you part of the song – one downside that doesn’t bother me but bothers others is that they usually keep their backs to you – I don’t mind; as long as I’m getting a grind full of ass and two handfuls of titties I’m not complaining – at times I’ll gently turn them around so I can enjoy looking at the titties but most of them seem more comfortable w/ the reverse-grind (again I guess out-of-sight out-of-mind) – floor-dances are “technically” full-nude but some girls don’t feel comfortable grinding full-nude and keep their bottoms on – IME if one asks them to take off their bottoms they usually do – I don’t ask them b/c I care more about the grind than it being full-nude (i.e. I’m concerned that if I ask them to go full-nude that they may not grind as much/as-well) – in the past it seemed like half-and-half w.r.t. the girls that went full-nude during the floor-dances w/o you having to ask them – some of them will take off their bottoms once they see you are getting more than once dance – also this being a black-club, from my observations it seems a lot of the custies don’t care much about the titties so some dancers don’t even bother to take off their tops during a dance; this could be b/c most cuties here don’t care, or them being lazy IDK – it’s rare I get a dancer that won’t take off her top if I ask her to; often times all it takes it’s me running my hands over her top and she gets the hint I’m into titties and she then frees-the-puppies w/o me having to ask – w.r.t. VIP/extras – one would think that with what seems to be a low-money-club that most of the girls would be down for extras-$$$ - but in reality girls that do extras are actually the exception not the norm although there are def some that do – OTC is not my thing and I’m not one to have fave-dancers or be a regular of specific dancers; I’d say OTC is not “common” at The Body but it’s not undoable either

Per Google the club opens at 11am but I doubt there’d be much going on at that time – I tend to be a dayshift guy but have never been there b/f 2pm – like most Miami clubs The Body closes late at 5am (some SoFlo clubs even later) – late closing clubs like this often have 3 dancer-shifts (day, mid, night) – being a dayshift guy my preferred arrival is b/w 4 and 5pm – past 5pm midshift girls start arriving adding to the dayshift crew (dayshift girls I believe gotta leave by 8pm so it can thin-out dancers-wise b/w 8pm and 10pm when nightshift girls start arriving) – past 6pm the club starts feeling up a bit w/ the after-work guys so it can be a bit difficult to get a seat to get some dances – I rarely visit at night b/c it’s a younger-crowd and it turns into a bit of a house-party – the girls can be a bit more attractive at night but the mileage IME is often more hit-or-miss – pre-Covid Saturday late-afternoons, and particularly Sunday late-afternoons, it’d be jumping – this being kinda a low-money-club it seems some of the girls only dance part time on weekends to make a little extra-$$$ in addition to their 9-to-5 regular job so on late-weekend-afternoons there can often be more dancers than weekday afternoons (again this was the pre-Covid M.O.; I have only been to this club once since Covid)

(there’s been some minor changes in 2021)
The Body is a small standalone building – seems like a converted old small 2-bedroom house – a few years ago they did some remodeling and they put in a new ceiling and it seems they just installed it underneath the old one b/c the new ceiling is pretty-low (I’m 5’10” and can touch the ceiling if I reach up as high as I can) – this means that the speakers are kinda at floor-level (vs being mounted up high in a high-ceiling like SCs in commercial-style buildings) – being a small club w/ a low-ceiling and speakers mounted on stands maybe just 6-ft off the ground means you get blasted w/ their loud-ass music – it seems they’ve toned down the volume a bit; in the past I’d leave w/ my ears ringing and when you’d be walking towards the club you could feel the walls vibrating from the music; it doesn’t seem as bad now but it’s still a bit difficult to carry a conversation – there are two small stages w/ the “main-stage” being inside the bar and the secondary stage being in the middle of the club (both stages are small and just a foot or two off-the-floor thus the secondary stage has easy access to the dancers when it’s being used) - most of the seating is barside – there are some seating areas along the perimeter of the room – each seating area pre-Covid had a small cocktail table and two armless chairs; each seating area had dividers so it was a tight-fit and just wide-enough for the two chairs and small table – the chairs and table have been removed and the perimeter seating areas now have one continuous bench-seat about the width of a loveseat that can sit two – these seating areas were roped off on my May 2021 visit – near the end of one of my visits I noticed two guys sitting there that were being served a bottle of liquor so I guess they may now use the perimeter seating areas just for bottle-service(?) reducing the already minimal seating capacity unless you are buying a bottle – the pool-table is back to its original spot of a few years ago (the room to one’s left as one enters the club that for the last couple of years was being used as a bottle-service area and I never saw it used and went mostly as unused space) – the room in the far-right-corner as one enters the club where the pool-table had recently been seems it may be the new bottle-service room (or a room one can rent out for a group party; etc) – this room has a door now so IDK how it looks inside – so basically the previous pool-room and bottle-service area switched locations to the original spots of years ago – back-in-the-day the current pool room had some seating areas where one could get floor-dances but when I was there in mid-May 2021 the pool-room had the pool-table with some guys playing pool as normal and then a whole bunch of scattered leather chairs bunched together as temporary-storage (maybe these are chairs to be used for the new bottle-service area IDK) – besides barside seating and the few perimeter seating areas, there are a handful of cloth wrap-around chairs around the secondary stage in the middle of the room but these chairs suck for getting dances as the wraparound arms get in the way of a dance and I think they have wheels and can roll-around when getting dances


Papi da OG
Da beast reviewer I know is da Papi mane!
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