eye contact
I bought a couple lap dances from a dancer and she told me she had just been explaining to a new girl the secret to attracting customers. I asked her what is the secret to attracting customers? Her response was "eye contact". Do you think you are more likely to spend money on a dancer who makes eye contact with you in the club? What about the customer? Is a dancer more likely to come over to your table if you make eye contact with her? That never worked with my cat. If I looked at my cat he stayed away from me but if I didn't look at him and ignored him he would be jumping up on my lap and walking around on it. Are dancers more likely to come over if you look at them or are they more like cats and not paying attention to them is better?
Now if a guy is trying to make eye contact, some girls wont just to avoid coming over.
I get approached just the same when I’m looking at my phone or looking at another girl on stage.
If she's with a customer or you're shy have a bouncer go get her for you for a couple of songs
And the contact of her nipples pressing into mine, don't get me started, I can think about/remember that all day. And there's nothing so exciting as eye contact while ramping up a game of gentle mutual nipple play. Oh, yeah.
And it all starts with stage eye contact (and tipping and smiles). So, eye contact in strip clubs. Yeah, I'm a fan.