
Women who are really hot.................................

Friday, April 2, 2021 3:29 PM
There is a difference between hot women and really hot women. At Desires last night I ran into a dancer I have known from another club for 3 years. Amazed to see her there because she was always intimidated by the audition process. I said the audition must not have been too bad and she said: "I came in and the bouncer called the house mom whom I thought was very tough to come down quick". "two minutes later she came out, looked at me and said I didn't need to audition, turned to the floor manager and said she can work any day she wants" and left. That is what very hot is all about: getting hired wearing sweats and a sweatshirt without a second glance. Damn life is good........... So many hot dancers last night and no customers.


  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Oh strip clubs - my friends and I always have had these talks over the years about how the hottest women we have ever seen are in strip clubs. Never mind 90% of the time we were intoxicated, the dark lighting working favorable to every person in the club, hot women showering you with compliments, the fact that the MOST clothing they are wearing is a g-string when on stage... yeah those things have nothing to do with it. Strippers are JUST PLAIN HOT!!!
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    The women you see on the beach in the bright sun and bikinis who you would probably rate a 7 or so, would be 10s in a strip club - factoring in makeup, high heels (which totally ramp up the look for me personally) and dim lighting.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Damn ski sounds great. I’m gotta check out Desire one of these days as long as they are done with that 10pm nonsense.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    I was at desires until almost one this morning. There now. About 90% normal.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Studme53 - you are absolutely right and unless you’re at South Beach in Miami how often do you see 7s at the beach? I’d say it’s much more rare than you think, adding more proof to your statement about 10s in the club and why is PLs go crazy over them.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    There was another poster a while ago who mentioned there are only three levels of attractiveness. Ugly women (who you ignore or actively avoid looking at), average women, and women you look twice at. The women you look twice at are hot, but I would add the fourth level for extra hot women, much like that overused meme of the jilted companion.
  • rl27
    3 years ago
    I agree lighting and makeup in a strip club can make all the difference, and it can vary on which club a dancer is in, and in certain cases the dancer can look hotter outside the club. There was one dancer who worked at several clubs. At her first club I rated her an 8, when she switched to another club she looked a lot prettier in the face, and I doubt she did anything different makeup wise. One of the clubs that I used to go to, the dancers would enter the club through the main entrance in their street clothes, then head to the dressing room. Quite a few of the dancers actually looked better without their hair made up, and their stripper makeup on. This one in particular would have been at least an 8, if she kept her makeup and hairstyle similar to her regular look, however fully made up I only rated her a 7.
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