It mentions he was an experienced base jumper. I guess his calculations were off. That seems like a low floor for a safe jump.
In high school I took a bus trip to Daytona for spring break. I think the hotel was horrified by us. The first night we decided to try and send one guy out for beer. The teachers were watching the hall - so we couldn’t sneak out inside the hotel. Our room was on the fifth floor - so we tied all the sheets together to make a flimsy rope. I was the tallest - so we figured I’d fall the least if things didn’t go well. It was a crazy idea. I made it down...
If we made everything that was dangerous illegal there would be no cars trains airplanes bicycles or swimming pools. If he had gotten someone else killed I could see it but he only killed himself. There’s no reason to make that illegal.
Ugh you guys are missing the point about being illegal.
Look at what happens after this.
1. With my luck I’d be the poor sap that he lands on when his chute fails.
2. Some poor bastard has to clean up the mess that this guy leaves. Is that a janitor at the hotel making $12.00 an hour. “Shit these brains baked in the sun and won’t come off this sidewalk for anything!”
3. His family will probably try to sue the hotel saying the windows shouldn’t have been able to be opened up.
last commentIn high school I took a bus trip to Daytona for spring break. I think the hotel was horrified by us. The first night we decided to try and send one guy out for beer. The teachers were watching the hall - so we couldn’t sneak out inside the hotel. Our room was on the fifth floor - so we tied all the sheets together to make a flimsy rope. I was the tallest - so we figured I’d fall the least if things didn’t go well. It was a crazy idea. I made it down...
Look at what happens after this.
1. With my luck I’d be the poor sap that he lands on when his chute fails.
2. Some poor bastard has to clean up the mess that this guy leaves. Is that a janitor at the hotel making $12.00 an hour. “Shit these brains baked in the sun and won’t come off this sidewalk for anything!”
3. His family will probably try to sue the hotel saying the windows shouldn’t have been able to be opened up.