
Best (Current) Detroit Club to Work At?

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 7:29 AM
This weekend, there will be a rare sighting of a Waffle at a Detroit club. I just don't know which yet. I'm hoping for some insight from you guys. Legends - I would have to renew my cabaret license. No official dances allowed, but girls can take customers to the vip waiting bench and give a little pseudo dance without being topless. Landing Strip - Based off of the most recent reviews, I'm led to believe they aren't enforcing social distancing or mask wearing while walking around. Is this true? I would love to go back, but not if they're filling the club with customers like in pre-covid times. BTs - I haven't worked at since 2013. Does anybody even go these days? I would have to reaudition probably. Silver Criket - I used to work there as the door girl and danced a few times. I would probably have to reaudition here, too. Unless the same door guy I used to work the door with is still there. I'm trying to find a trip to LA to shoot more scenes, so I need to go where I might have the best chance to make the most amount possible.


  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    *trying to fund. Why tf does my phone hate this website?
  • clubdude
    3 years ago
    Haven't been to the Landing Strip or Criket...yet. But reviews have been decent for both. Was at the Flight Club last week. Temperature check and contact information upon entering (for patrons). Mask wearing for patrons and dancers while walking around. Staff had a kind of face shield mask.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    Flight Club is way too expensive to work at. It's $147 minimum if on schedule and on time, or at least it was pre-covid. And that's even if you don't do dances or make anything on stage.
  • Balthamel
    3 years ago
    For dayshift or nightshift? Dayshifts won't be crowded anywhere, but nightshifts can be, especially on weekends. Capacity limit is now 50%, which I think basically means these places can fill up since official "capacity" may be higher than the number of seats available. Places like LC, FC, BT's, Coli, SC have temp checks and contact info books, but some have been less stringent recently. The hours are still messed up - nightshift ends at 11 pm, so they come in a bit earlier, and dayshift unfortunately has to leave earlier in some places. FC is still open till 2, but apparently pretty slow after they close the bar/kitchen at 11. Everyone else has to close at 11.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I recommend you avoid Detroit and come directly to Jersey. We need some sexy intelligent beauty out here! There are a few classy clubs for a top level beauty here - but I recommend the ones that are pure filth - for a great experience.
  • PhredJohnson
    3 years ago
    Criket is like 2019 except for masks while walking around. Other than that, no change. Full house last week day shift. No 50% bullshit.
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    From recent reviews (avoiding FC for cost and TLS for distancing) your best bets would seem to be Criket or BT's.
  • silkypants
    3 years ago
    Are Skylar Rae cherries really the sweetest ones you will ever eat? Not from Detroit but I have been to the clubs and right now I think the Cricket is your best bet.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I can vouch for Silky, even though this young man does not reside in the D I would challenge anyone here to prove they have better knowledge of the Detroit strip club scene than him. Well maybe Alan Markovitz knows more but not sure he really counts.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    I think I decided to go to LS. I don't want to waste $160 renewing my cabaret license with the uncertainty of me not even walking out in the positive at Legends. it will always be my home club and I really miss it, but I don't want to take that financial risk right now. Landing Strip and Flight Club are the two closest clubs to where I am right now. And at Landing strip, I know if I don't do any dances, I'm not required to pay anybody anything except for valet. I've always appreciated that about that club. The last time I was there in October, I felt like I was one of the more attractive girls, but everybody was being ridiculously cheap. So, I'll most likely be there tomorrow and Sunday. Saturday is photo shoot day for porn so I can't work.
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    Well have fun WW, hope you make some bank. Two more weeks and my vaccine will be fully effective and I will itching to get to a club. It's been too long for the Longball!
  • Jpayne
    3 years ago
    BT’s and FC are both generally at capacity early Friday’s and Saturday’s. Lots of girls have been rotating back and forth.
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