I had this discussion with my friend earlier. We were discussing how no one goes to the new spot. We were like they would have done better just operating as a new club and leaving the whole follies attachment dead. Follies will never be follies without the old building and the location. It’s been so long that other guys and girls have found new homes, new favs, and just honestly don’t care about follies. If they did you would have saw a rush soon as it opened at the new spot, advertising and “follies day shift.” She also told me how most of the Cubans were being trafficked anyways at the old location and would all ride in a van together. Without the Cubans coming in there and doing the same thing, this club will remain dead. Vivide needs to let that follies shit die, follies people should get a new building/location and start from scratch, or they should just do away with the follies thing while at vivide and name it something else. It’s been months now and people don’t care if you’re promoting follies day shift. Every other club is packed so obviously something is wrong. Everyone knows it’s open too, esp people at every other strip club, no one cares. Some girls are working at tattletales, a regulars heavy club, oasis, and fannies and are making way more money without selling any Pussy, I doubt they go back. I ask them and they’re like no, for what? Let follies die! Sorry that’s just my view and rant.
Wavvy, I have not been to the "new" Follies, but you are rushing to judgement. Covid has had a tremendous impact on most of the real Follies customer base. Think back to how many older men and travelling businessmen were part of that customer base during the day? Business Travel is less that 25% of what it was. The older crowd is just starting to get vaccinated. Will it ever return to life as we knew it? Probably not. But there are still plenty of bored, lonely, horny men out there with some cash who will go seeking some fun once the threat of Covid is way more under control than it is now.
@RTP you actually kinda have a point I forgot there were a lot of older gents that visited that establishment. Also the business travelers. I’m just saying because other clubs are open with older guys and business travelers, I’ve talked to some about the new club and no one cares. They even said it won’t be the same so no one is going. But I do see what you’re saying though. Great point.
I think a lot of follies white spinners were from griffin and Carterville for ex Spaulding county just moved in school learning from feb 1 to feb 8 now to mar 1. You may see some return after that. Some of my favs had kids so that may be an issue
@jmiddle30234 Yeah I remember a lot of you guys loved the griffin girls etc and with them and the Cubans gone, a lot of guys don’t wanna go. Would love to really see how it picks up if all these groups decide to come back. Some of the griffin girls moved though, some are in Florida. I met one girl at fannies last week, she’s new. Her sister dances at another club and used to work at follies. This girl was 19 and her first day ever stripping, didn’t even know how to give a lap dance.
If “Vivide” had opened 6 months earlier perhaps it would have captured the old Follies girls and custies. Since it was late to the game everyone scattered and dug in elsewhere ?
@mets1986 that’s a damn fact tbh. This Cuban at fannies told me she makes 1500 or so each night she works just talking to simps at tattletales. You think she’s going back to follies to fuck and ask wanna vip for 150? 😂 these women know their worth now. That’s why they ain’t going back to follies too.
What up Wavvy. I couldn’t agree with you more man. Me personally I’ve gotten use to just living with the memories of what was and ventured out into other spots I wouldn’t have gone to if Follies was still open and for the most part I’ve enjoyed what’s out there. It’s kind of like Jordan coming back after 3 years to play for the Wizards. It was a good business move for him but clearly the player we knew and loved was finished. With this clearly the Follies name will bring people out and they have the best layout... darkness, drinks, hookah, space, TVs, etc but no talent that makes you want to go consistently. Hell, the door girl gets all the shine lol. All in all, the breakdown is if you want the white girls hit up TT at night, Latinas Platinum or Diamond, for everyone Oasis, and the ebony beauties no need to address because it’s so many. It’s matter of finding your comfort zone. They should let the Follies memory rest and not try to bring it back to life by presenting subpar quality.
Follies day shift should have opened at Allure, the ok’d 24k it’s closed during the day and closer to Buford follies than Marietta st. Ha dr ever wavy and shadow want to open lol
It's all/mostly elementary - sorta "build it and they will come" - if a club is good it kinda doesn't matter too-much where it is or what it's called; PLs and dancers will go there as word gets around - I mean Follies was:
+ small + smoky AF and kinda ghetto w/ visible drug-dealers and dancers rolling blunts out in the open + pretty-far from the airport and many parts of the metroplex
And still Pls and dancers flocked.
IDK why Vivide hasn't gotten more traction - could be:
+ word hasn't gotten out enough - although I doubt this would be the main-reason
+ per the reviews seems very few Cubanas there - and to me this is a bit odd - the Cubanas have a knack for finding the most-lucrative clubs in short-order and invading them - could be the Cubanas are waiting till Vivide gets traction (if it ever does) - or could be Vivide management doesn't want a Cubana-invasion for w/ereason; IDK
+ per Vivide reviews; seems dancer #s are kinda low - I wonder if this is due to low custy #s; of if the dancers are not finding Vivide attractive (e.g. management style(?); higher-dancer-fees than other clubs(?); etc(?); etc)
Who knows how it will shake-out - at the end of the day Follies was def an outlier for the ATL-scene so it may be hard to replicate.
I have been twice to Folliesdayshift@Vivide and talked to the 2 brothers that are trying to make a go of it. It's the old question of which came first the chicken or the egg. I think that COVID is making the situation worse. Bad time to opening a new strip club. I think that if they have the financial resources to hold out till spring or summer that they have a chance of the club taking off. If/when that happens they can make changes to the seating/VIP and hours.
Vivide opened as black strip club and closed due to lack of business. So as to not lose the liquor license they opened as a night club on weekends. That could change if the brothers can make a go of it.
Still watching to see what happens with the old location. I understand that there is still litigation in progress. So the building stands vacant till that is resolved. They could reopen as a night club as they still hold the liquor license. If they lose that, I'm sure the building will go up for sale. Liquor licenses can not be transferred. So they won't be moving to another location.
I don't think that there is any chance that they will reopen as a strip club. That is why the are letting the brothers use the name.
I haven't given up on the new club but COVID still has me scared. As soo as I can get vaccinated I'll be back. Diamond club would be my back up and I won't consider Platinum. I value my Mustang too much and don't much care for the Cuban dancers.
I haven't actually visited Vivide yet, but I've been passing by that area about once a week since September and I have noticed that in the past couple of weeks I've regularly seen several cars in the lot.
I generally pass by in the early evening between 5-7, so that could just be the time the traffic picks up there. It is however a stark difference from what I saw driving by in Nov & Dec around the same time of day.
I'm personally debating between visiting Vivide or Diamond for my first visit post/during COVID. I'm currently leaning toward Diamond since reviews still say dancer numbers are low at Vivide, but if those cars are representative of actual improvements then I might start there.
last comment+ small
+ smoky AF and kinda ghetto w/ visible drug-dealers and dancers rolling blunts out in the open
+ pretty-far from the airport and many parts of the metroplex
And still Pls and dancers flocked.
IDK why Vivide hasn't gotten more traction - could be:
+ word hasn't gotten out enough - although I doubt this would be the main-reason
+ per the reviews seems very few Cubanas there - and to me this is a bit odd - the Cubanas have a knack for finding the most-lucrative clubs in short-order and invading them - could be the Cubanas are waiting till Vivide gets traction (if it ever does) - or could be Vivide management doesn't want a Cubana-invasion for w/ereason; IDK
+ per Vivide reviews; seems dancer #s are kinda low - I wonder if this is due to low custy #s; of if the dancers are not finding Vivide attractive (e.g. management style(?); higher-dancer-fees than other clubs(?); etc(?); etc)
Who knows how it will shake-out - at the end of the day Follies was def an outlier for the ATL-scene so it may be hard to replicate.
Vivide opened as black strip club and closed due to lack of business. So as to not lose the liquor license they opened as a night club on weekends. That could change if the brothers can make a go of it.
Still watching to see what happens with the old location. I understand that there is still litigation in progress. So the building stands vacant till that is resolved. They could reopen as a night club as they still hold the liquor license. If they lose that, I'm sure the building will go up for sale. Liquor licenses can not be transferred. So they won't be moving to another location.
I don't think that there is any chance that they will reopen as a strip club. That is why the are letting the brothers use the name.
I haven't given up on the new club but COVID still has me scared. As soo as I can get vaccinated I'll be back. Diamond club would be my back up and I won't consider Platinum. I value my Mustang too much and don't much care for the Cuban dancers.
I generally pass by in the early evening between 5-7, so that could just be the time the traffic picks up there. It is however a stark difference from what I saw driving by in Nov & Dec around the same time of day.
I'm personally debating between visiting Vivide or Diamond for my first visit post/during COVID. I'm currently leaning toward Diamond since reviews still say dancer numbers are low at Vivide, but if those cars are representative of actual improvements then I might start there.