If it comes down to it, how does an average person go up against the neo-klan?
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
I don't have a gun, and have never fired one. I figure the best I can do is to take as many out before they take me out. One idea is to get a hold of a big truck, and run them over till they take you out. AR-15s seem to be their firearm of choice. The small-calibre bullets don't seem the best to put a large truck out of commission, even though they probably convert them to full auto. Or are Molotov cocktails the better choice?
Use your truck to run away.
If you have to and can, talk your way out of the situation.
Lastly: “If you can't beat them, join them.” Until you have the opportunity to run away.
This time last year I was going to work, business as usual, planning a trip to Vegas and going to watch March madness in person. Right now I’d be playing basketball with my friends as we always did on Monday night in a school gym.
Fast forward a year, deadly virus on the loose that supposedly came from people eating bats in China, riots, looting, essentially all year long for more reasons that I can count. Congress gets raided by a bunch of crazies and now there’s talk of a new president being sworn in and there has to be 25,000 troops present because there’s a worry about violence happening. Meanwhile I just want a vaccine for the virus and it looks like I won’t be able to get one until 2023.
Please let me wake up from this bad dream!!!!
More than half (51%) of American males live in a household with at least one gun. That means that the "average" American male has access to a gun to defend themself and their family.
I'm not sure how the average liberal defends themself since only 15% of them say they own a gun. I would say that they rely on the police to defend them but I'm not sure how effective that will be in cities that want to "Defund the Police."
Defunding the police is not a yes/no thing. But it's a no brainer we should take away the funds the police get by inventing fake crime https://www.propublica.org/article/nypd-… .
Compare this with actual political violence and intimidation for years from leftists and Democrat supported groups. In 2011, pro-Democrat groups invaded and occupied the Wisconsin state Capitol for several weeks. In 2017 at Trump's inauguration, liberals rioted, setting fires, smashing windows, and beating up innocent people. That was the beginning of 4 years of ongoing liberal violence and intimidation from anti-Trump groups.
Last Spring, in an incident that most people never heard about, a La Raza supporter derailed a train in a racially motivated act in California.
None of that starts to compare with violence that BLM and its supporters have committed for years culminating in the "mostly peaceful" riots all last summer which caused hundreds of billions of dollars of property damage, over 30 deaths, and terrorized neighborhoods across the country. Not only did many politicians not condemn the group, they openly knelt and marched with it. It received millions of dollars in corporate contributions while the rioting was still going on.
Many of the same politicians, media, and corporations feigning outrage over the equivalent of some people rushing the stage at a concert on 1/6 legitimized, excused and funded the groups behind the violence race riots last summer.
Based on the numbers that stormed the capitol - there must be people in most every state - and possibly a few nearby.
My thought is basic - and likely prone to error. I make friends with everyone who lives anywhere nearby. I say hello, I ask how the family is doing, I make sure to offer any assistance they might need. But, I don’t get political, and I avoid any heated discussions about odd potential triggers.
I’m not thinking that my methods will keep me safe, but I’m simply hoping to buy enough time to get away, as maybe they won’t decide to come for me first.
I also live in an area where more white folks have BLM lawn signs. The Trump Pence signs seem to be gone now.
I didn’t know about the meaning of the Betsy Ross flag, but I now do. One neighbor had one of those, and that was a surprise to learn.