
Lindsey, Britney, Paris... (topic revived)

Of course the old post is far too old to append to, so I am resurrecting it.

First, I was surprised that Britney looked as good as she did at the MTV VMAs. I wouldn't go as far as saying that she looked hot, though, because she is still much thicker than my preference. I'm also wondering about her hair.. surely it can't be more than an inch long at this point, so whomever weaved in her hair extensions did a great job.

In other news, I must be living under a rock because somehow I missed this entirely. Paris Hilton's best friend (or so I've heard), Kim Karashian, in order to not be one-upped by her buddy (Paris) released her own sex video. Personally, I find Kim to be much hotter than Paris. Additionally, although I haven't seen the whole video, I HAVE seen enough of it before it was removed off the 'net, to say that she appears to be much more talented in the boudoirs than Paris. When I get a few spare moments, I will have to do some searching for the real, whole video. In the meantime, here is a link (http://www.youtube.com/watch?search=&mod…) to give you an idea of what she looks like. Dang, up until a few days ago, you could do a search on YouTube and see some steamy clips of her video.


  • DougS
    17 years ago
    And speaking of careers going in the wrong direction... How about Vanessa Hudgens? She's the talented and serious hottie (though young, and maybe jailbait at the time the pics were taken?) from Disney's High School Musical movies. Revealing pics of hers have recently popped up on the 'net. Here's a link that has a brief summary describing her decent;

    I'm guessing that Disney is not smiling. According to this article (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,2962…), Vanessa, now 18, took the pics "a couple of years ago" and emailed them to Drake (of Nickolodeon's Josh and Drake fame).

    Maybe she has stripper potential?!
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I downloaded about 20 photos of Vanessa. Actually about 5 because most of them were the same. Only one nude one. In the bed room. Yes. She is beautiful. I struck out on KK. Will try again sometime.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    I found a link to some of Kim Kardashian's uncensored sex videos. Here it is... enjoy..

  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    Doug, I hit pay dirt today in my search for KK. I downloaded from 8 hosts. 98,000 kb file. It took 15 minutes. I think that they were all on dial up. I didn't like her big tits. The rest of her was okay. As far as porn goes. I would have to give it a failing grade and have deleted it. Check out KimKsuperstar.com. It is part of the VIVID.com site.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    All the radio DJs and talk-show pundits seemingly have tossed Britney off the bus and pronounced her music career to be over. Personally, if they don't want her, I'll glad take her home and fuck her tonight. Yes, she may a little thick compared to her former 16 year old tight body, but as far as strippers go, this is exactly the body image that I am attracted to. Although my current ATF is tiny (about 5'1" and 103 pounds) I generally prefer full-figured blondes like Britney.
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    Who would have thought of the three Paris would end up the stable responsible one.

    I still say Britney's career is following the perfect stripper arc. Young and innocent gets into the buisness, learns what people want works hard and becomes super hot (and successful), deadbeat boyfriend/husband, a couple of kids, divorce, drugs and alcohol, hotness gone, and finally a half hearted attempt to get back to where she once was, but the hotness is gone and she is firmly on the B or C list for the rest of her career.

    P.S. This is not refering to all strippers, it is however a common theme I've seen.
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