
Both Obamas call for free speech to be banned for those they disagree with

Holy fucking shit. This cannot be allowed to stand in America.

As much as I detest both Obamas, consider them divisive, hateful, racist, extremist liars, I would lay down my life to defend their right to have and express their beliefs like everyone else.

People openly supporting censorship and conspiring with big tech to do it systematically are criminals. Period.

This cannot stand.


  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    I would live to never hear from the fucking Obamas, but I would oppose any censorship of them. Even BLM should be allowed, subject to appropriate time and place considerations.

    By the way eye witness evidence is mounting that the minor overhyped incident at the capitol yesterday was started by known antifa members dressed in Trump gear. This appears more and more a coordinated deep state operation.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    History will not those engaging in or advocating censorship well. This era will pass and future generations will be not judge these censors and tyrants well. It never does.

    Emily Ratjakowski is admirably standing up for free speech.

  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    One thing we can all agree on... Emily Ratajkowski is hot as fuck.
  • trapdoor
    4 years ago
    Is Dave_Anderson a troll account? Been a member since 2012 with 0 reviews.

    And the censorship argument is laughable. You realize censorship is only illegal when it is the government performing it, right? If Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, whatever social media company/app wants to censor content, they can. It's part of the Terms and Agreement you abide by whenever you sign-up for an account. Censorship even happens here on TUSCL whenever Founder decides a troll account has gone too far.

    If you don't agree with what they are doing, then just stop using their platform.
  • TheElmerFudd
    4 years ago
    yup. legally, government censorship violates free speech rights, but not censorship by private entities. also the right to free speech is not absolute
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Absolutely false trap. Cbs, nbc, abc are all private corporations and are required under the law to provide equal air time for opposing political views. I would like to congratulate Joe Biden on winning with his steal money from working people and give it to losers platform. By the way Joe you made me look like a genius for keeping 2 sets of books this year. First time in my life I will declare 0 cash, making up for your theft. Fuck off Donald Trump, you made me do something I swore I'd never do: apply for a concealed carry permit.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I’m sure there are real issues being discussed. But I would find it more interesting if Emily R made a topless video showing her support of free speech.
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    "keeping 2 sets of books"

    the way all governments work it would of no surprise if they kept 3-4 different sets themselves.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    Do you have a link for this alleged atrocity?
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Rat - an entity that pays $75.00 for a screw driver keeps no books lol.
  • TheElmerFudd
    4 years ago
    ski is right i forgot about the equal air time rule. i think technically that only applies to radio and tv, although one can argue that the spirit of it is applicable to other media as well. i think there are also executive orders meant to block online media censorship, but i'm not sure what the enforcement of that looks like practically. twitter, facebook, etc obviously still ban people for various reasons they deem appropriate
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Fuds if you will recall both Trump and AOC were sued/threatened with suit over their blocking of some people on social media and had to unblock.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    I thought the equal air time only applied to candidates seeking office, if cnn had Biden on during campaign they had to offer same to Trump (though candidates usually decline to go on unfriendly networks). The media platforms are private but they do have fed protection from liability for content they allow but do not create. Interesting that Biden was just as in favor of abolishing that protection as Trump last January but has since been silent
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Joe Biden, blue collar guy died 12 years ago and was replaced by Joe Biden left wing fraud. Name one thing in his platform that doesn't involve giving people money they neither earned, nor deserved.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    This is a joke, right? Trump gets more media coverage and social media coverage than anyone. Probably 10x the next most covered person. Right now, the 10 stories at the top of The NY Times front page are all about Trump.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Meanwhile, in the real world, Trump incited a mob of deranged followers to attack the US Capitol. These lowlifes trashed the Capitol, forced senators and representatives to hide in fear for their lives, and murdered a police officer.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Should have been the cop who murdered the protestor, which would be national news if she was a piece of shit like George Floyd. Kind of funny that weasels on the left didn't care about the occupied zone in Seattle; burned police stations; Federal Courthouses attacked and occupied. Different perspective when you're not the ones pretending to protest.
  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    They warned that crowd three times they would use deadly force if they attempted to enter that chamber. She then tried to climb through the door window. I guess she thought they were bluffing.
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