Ask 2ICEE to teach you about your White privilege.....

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TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!…

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avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
That is some crazy ass shit right there!

I guess this is a hot topic for wackos - and some are capitalizing by having seminars and writing books too.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
I thought I’d get some answers to my questions from resident expert 2ICEE. Maybe he’s too busy whispering to stripper Hoes?
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I love the grading system where doing things late and behavior don't count towards your grade. Its an acknowledgement that certain cultures cannot even act responsibly no matter the locus. A the end of the day this is just a protection racket looking for money. None of the losers attending school in this district will ever hold a real job, just training "activists" i.e. criminal scum.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Look at Nigerian-Americans, some of the most successful immigrants. They hustle and value learning, and genetically they're the same West African stock.

It's the values, stupid.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I think this is a seminar for teachers to mark a box on their resume saying they have completed sensitivity training.

In my view, the course appears written by angry folks who see themselves failing economically and emotionally.

I’m sure it’s white folks fault that many black fathers are simply sperm donors who play no role in their children’s lives! Take responsibility, and own up to the truth. It’s not white privilege that destroys these communities, it’s the thug culture that so many try to emulate.

Let’s agree to the first point - about the USA being started on stolen ground. It was taken from indigenous people - not the black community.

Slavery was wrong, but it was also prevalent in the world at the time. Have these folks returned to Africa to take their frustrations out on the countries that profited by selling their ancestors into slavery?

The middle passage was horrible - but there was as much complicity on the part of native Africans as there was on the Americans.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
good post Cash!
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Thanks TheeOSU!

I think we need to use logic and analytics - as opposed to emotion and disappointment.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
Emotions are the tool for liberals and their progressive kinship. I think nearly all intelligent people want inclusiveness, diversity, and equal opportunity for all. If you don’t then market forces will yield you out of mainstream society. There is no denying that there is too much profit in promoting anti-racism, so there will always be those looking g to capitalize on the opportunity for this propoganda. Let it run it’s course so we can expose those who have altering motives of profit, like the Al Sharpton’s and 2ICEE’s of this world.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
The idea is designed to prevent discussion of whites being demographically replaced in nearly every country they were historically a majority in. Yes its controversial to talk about and people will claim its "racist" to care about but I would care if it was happening to any group. I'm not going to not care if its happening to my own group just so I 'm not hated or called names ( I'm white which should be beside the point).
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
The idea is keep talking about whites being the ones who are racists and you prevent demographic replacement, historical erasure, and cultural cleansing of whites from even being subjects publicly discussed.

I believe thats what this constant talk about supposed white racism is about, to shift the focus of attention from the efforts to get rid of whites. Again, I would be concerned if it was happening to any group not just whites. Even the Dalai Lama has said its not right.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
Noel Ignatiev, Harvard professor publicly called for "abolishing the white race" several years ago. When challenged he claimed he fidget mean it literally, but the figurative "construct" of white which doesn't actually exist.

OK, but why not call for abolishing every other humam identity group equally? Why only whites are targeted?
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
You all seem to be missing the point because what the left is doing is following the Josef Goebbels handbook. The holocaust didn't occur because the Nazis decided in 1939 to start eradicating a group of people. It started in the 1920's with a media/political campaign of increasing hate against Jews; dehumanizing them and denigrating their accomplishments. We'll call it "white privilege"; "lands stolen"; "all whites are responsible for slavery" and on and on. We now see riots, looting and crimes against the public, destroying the past, because they don't like it. Burn down buildings, tear down monuments, violate the law every day. We have the constant threat of violence with "no justice, no peace" and other slogans for the lower than 50 iq crowd. We have abnormal thug behavior being enshrined, or soon to be enshrined in law with the George Floyd act. Imagine a law named after a sick disgusting drug addicted sperm donor thug who held a loaded pistol to a pregnant woman's stomach during a home invasion being memorialized. The progressives in this country are socialists in the same vein as the Nazis. Biden is field Marshall Von Hindenburg; a senile dupe at the end of his career. Watching the Democrats make sure the people they pretend to represent never get any stimulus money unless Democratic cities get paid is no different than the rampant inflation in 1920's Germany, used to ramp up the population. That brought us Hitler and WW2. What do the sick socialists have in mind now.......
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
If this is an attempt to eradicate whites, it is very short sighted.

The truth is - the white population creates significant tax revenue - which funds most of the entitlement programs - that these folks rely upon.

The eradication of white Americans would be a classic case of cutting off ones nose to spite their face - as the lifespan of the funds won’t last long without tax revenues.

It seems that there is enough money for all the disadvantaged. But since those folks won’t contribute even after receiving hand outs - this is a parasitic idea.

Capitalism fuels and funds growth. It isn’t going to work telling folks to keep innovating and the government will take 99% of your hard earned money.
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