Margin of loss acceptance?

Breathe, breathe in the air
If Biden wins what do you think the margin of loss needs to be so that Trump will accept the result or will he just say it's fake news or rigged postal voting whatever it is?


  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    The answer to this question is no matter what happens Trump ain't gonna like the results, and he's probably gonna try and gum up the works but it's not gonna work, he's really a lousy poker player, guy's got a million tells, and it's completely impossible for him to keep his mouth shut.
  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
    Drumpf won't accept a losing outcome regardless of how badly he loses.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I guess the news in the U.k. is as biased against Trump as in the U.S.

    Trump never said he would not accept the results, it is a narrative the Dems push so if there are improprieties w.r.t. results the Dems don't want anyone looking into them and wanna use the excuse of Trump "not accepting the results" - plus it's been the Dems that have been on record saying that it should be Biden that must not accept the results if Trump wins (it's typical leftist strategy to accuse the other guy of doing exactly what you are doing or plan to do).

    Additionally - it's been the left that has perpetuated all the violence on the streets in the last few-months, and the ones threatening violence if the election does not go the way they want it.

    This is all about OMBS (Orange Man Bad Syndrome - everything that Trump does is bad and if he hasn't done it then we'll just accuse him of having done it or planning to do it).
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Biden has had an army of 600-lawyers (may be more now) for months to contest everything w.r.t. the election if he loses - to think that neither side will contest anything resembling a close-race is not dealing in reality.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago

    If Trump wins what do you think the margin of loss needs to be so that Biden will accept the result and the “progressives” will not riot in the streets? Yeah, I know. Trick question. They will riot no matter what the margin is.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    I'm watching Trump speak to a crowd of 1000s of supporters in Michigan right now.

    I have never seen such excitement for a candidate in my life.

    I doubt we need to worry about a margin of loss.

    What we do need to worry about is the losing side not accepting the outcome. Keep your guns loaded.

  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    If you have "doubts" about who's who and who's doing what; check out the 2 vids in the link below - particularly the 2nd-vid titled "Shutdown DC" that talks about how these lunatics think and what their intentions are (particularly the nutcase white-lady starting at 1:45 into that vid).

    The first vid titled "Federal Employees ..." is a zoom call with those in the deep-state that form part of the "Trump resistance".
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ it takes a minute or two for the vids to load
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    If Trump does not win, it will be because the vote was stolen in states AFTER the election.

    wrt to the OP, yes, the BBC is as biased aainst Trump as MSNBC.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    These are the direct links to the vids I mentioned (the website I liked to seems slow):
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    There is no road to a legitimate trump victory. Hitler was elected too
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I have a different question, I voted over two weeks ago, have all of you done the same? (I honestly don't care who you voted for I only care that you voted) Because that's what is the important part of this process !
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... I'm watching Trump speak to a crowd of 1000s of supporters in Michigan right now ... I have never seen such excitement for a candidate in my life. ..."

    Butler, PA trump rally:…
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... I have a different question, I voted over two weeks ago, have all of you done the same? (I honestly don't care who you voted for I only care that you voted) Because that's what is the important part of this process ..."

    I take voting so seriously I voted for both of them
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ That's seriously funny 😁😁😁😁
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
  • founder
    4 years ago
    Anyone on the political forum that does not vote carries no voice here.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    Chulo = "Have U voted...."

    A. Yes, in early October. Local election board verified they received my ballot on Oct. 12th. Safely stored, waiting to be verified and counted starting 7am tomorrow morning.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    London; a week ago, there was a 96 mile long caravan for Trump in Arizona. I don’t mean it traveled 96 miles. I mean the distance from the first car to the last was 96 miles. Flags flying. Horns honking. None of the news organizations reported on this. Not even local Arizona news. It was as though it didn’t happen. Spontaneous Trump events like this are springing up everywhere.

    Meanwhile, Biden has very few events, partly because there are 2 or 3 Trump supporters turning up at his events for every 1 Biden supporter. Go find the video of a Trump caravan of trucks escorting the Biden campaign bus out of Texas.

    If you get your US news from CNN International, BBC, and even The Times, you are convinced Biden is in the lead. He isn’t. His support is a Potemkin Village supported by the entire Mainstream Media. The polls are even less accurate, and more biased, than 4 years ago when everyone knew Hillary would win.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    The most accurate poll I've seen is the TUSCL-poll and it has Trump up BIG
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    Papi: One of the videos you posted has already been taken down by Youtube for violating "community guidelines."
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    In 24 hours, the results of in person voting will start pouring in. They will point to a Trump victory.

    Then, the news media will declare the results as suspect because all the smart people know Biden was in the lead. Antifa and BLM will declare ( without evidence ) that Trump cheated and he needs to be removed from office. They will take to the streets.

    A certain percent of the US will believe, to their dying day, that Trump stole the election from the true winner.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago

    Crazy - perhaps if one searches the titles (using or anything other than Google), they may be up someplace else
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    And if it goes the other way a different certain percent of the US will believe to their dying day that Biden stole the election from the true winner.
    This is your conspiracy theory coming home to roost.
  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
    "In 24 hours, the results of in person voting will start pouring in. They will point to a Trump victory."

    Your delusion runs miles deep.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... One of the videos you posted has already been taken down by Youtube for violating "community guidelines." ..."

    Glenn Beck has part of the vid on his website (the part where the crazy anarchist lady is talking) - Glenn starts to talk about the vid at the 3:45 mark):…
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    "Trying to disprove [...] any conspiracy—is frustrating and foolhardy; it soon becomes apparent that what matters is not *what* a person believes *but that a person believes*, and that satisfaction is more important than truth or falsity."…

    Many people can't manage the anxiety surrounding uncertainty. To reduce the inner turmoil they latch onto some belief, no matter how lacking in credibility or how ridiculous. The act of believing in something tranquilizes the turmoil and provides a satisfying, if fragile, certainty.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago

    I will play along and answer your question.

    Q: Margin of loss acceptance?

    No margin.

    The Pedophile-Rapist-in-Chief will never accept defeat.

    It is an American tradition to say: “I will never accept defeat.” It is in the US Army Soldier’s Creed

    Look at our most recent defeat in Vietnam.

    Our most popular Vietnam end-stories bury the long, ghastly history that preceded the “fall,” while managing to absolve us of our primary responsibility for creating the disaster.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    As some of you may suspect, I vote Republican - but even I have to sometimes question myself/my-believes when the other side puts forth a well-informed intellectual to eloquently argue their side - I gotta admit; this short-vid has me questioning whether I voted for the right guy:…
  • xpando
    4 years ago
    This election will surely tell if campaign events still rule the day or social media is all you need.

    There has never been anything in US politics like what Trump has been doing these last few days. While Biden is mailing it in.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    The latest from the Biden-camp is that they are gonna increase the # of rallies on November 4th - some say that's an unusual strategy but this *has* been the most unusual of campaigns.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I think the Left would only accept a Trump margin of win of 52 states; and likely not even that
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Quote of the election:

    "The Democratic party leadership cares more about the black vote than the black people"

    John James - AA Republican running for the Senate in Michigan

    "and it’s time to wake up. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can have a seat at both tables, and we can elevate our people together,” said James"…
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Now I understand why Londonguy started this thread. Gathering info from the top political minds before betting.

    “Mystery Brit gambler bets $5MILLION on Donald Trump election victory in the ‘largest political wager ever made’”
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Just stop it. This media talking point is based on nothing. President Trump is not the one threatening democracy. Dems are. This whole talking point is just bizarre.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Then, there’s this:

    “New from Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon: “Under no scenario will Donald Trump be declared a victor on election night””

    Under no scenario. Roll that around in your mind for a little while. They are laying the groundwork for what had been their plan all along. Send tens of millions of unsolicited mail in ballots using outdated and corrupted voter rolls. Harvest these ballots and mark them all for Biden. When Trump challenges these ballots, declare he is suppressing the vote. Delay certification of the election for as long as possible. Ideally, beyond Inauguration Day.
  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
    ^ you are one delusional idiot.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Multiple responses to multiple comments:

    1) Founder said you have no voice in the politics room if you didn't vote, on a thread started by a Briton. The meta here is ironic beyond description.

    2) PC said he voted twice. Too many democrat party adherents ascribe to the "Vote Early and Often" paradigm, and practice it regularly.

    3) mark94 wrote that the Biden campaign has tipped their hand as to their victory strategy, and they absolutely have. They have been telling us their plan since Clinton advised Biden not to concede, ever, at all. Trump will win the election. Under a one person-one vote system, with only actual, living, US citizens voting, Trump would score an electoral college victory at the very least. However, and in PA especially, the democrat party has laid every piece of groundwork available to steal the election by packing as many ballot boxes with with Biden votes as possible. I do not expect a victor to be declared tonight. The "red mirage" some have spoken to is a smokescreen to hide their intent to steal the election with false votes. Fauci has said that we are going into the deepest, darkest months of COVID. I think it will also the deepest darkest winter of American history, with no victor declared At ALL, and Nancy Pelosi assuming the presidency in January. Under this scenario, is it really unforeseeable that Donald Trump would refuse to accept such a blatant and illegal attempt to steal power in this country? I think most patriots would.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I don’t think it matters whether Trump decides to accept the results.

    Unless it’s a landslide - the results probably won’t be known on election night.

    It would be a horrible decision to not allow for a peaceful transfer of power.

    There is far too much polarization and unrest in this country already. We don’t need our president to stir the pot.
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    Lol if you didn't vote early. I'll catch the highlights of the polling place shitshow on Youtube. Though maybe I should show up on voting day to confirm my ballot was received, like Trump recommends.
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    There is no margin of victory that will stop the opposing side from claiming the election was gamed.
    The good news is the founding fathers created a system of checks and balances that work. We survived 8 years of Obama. We survived 4 years of Trump. We will survive the next 4 years either way.
    I don't understand all the vitriol. What ever your party affiliation, more than half of Americans are something else. Most Dems aren't socialists. Most GOP aren't fascists. Most Americans are self described moderates. Chill and be glad you live in the UNITED States of America on Election Day.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Democrats are trying to steal the election in Pennsylvania. It’s going on right now at staggering levels in Philadelphia
  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
    You ought to write comedy.
    Oh already do!
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    Going back to the original question regarding the margin needed for tRUMP to accept the results is going to be in the 112 to 114 percent range to overcome his discredited notion of wide-spread fraud. And he might not have said specifically that if he loses that he will leave office, when asked that question, he has always deflected. Same when he has been asked to condemn his largest group of supporters...hate groups. He has not just deflected, but twisted his remarks to sound a bit like he is doing what was asked, but is truly saying is that he not only supports such hate, but considers himself a leader. "Stand down and stand by," sounds like an order to prepare and be ready to cause trouble. If he had directly said, "hate groups bad," he would have gained so much more than he lost, but he cannot help but display his racism.

    Nobody has mentioned his nepotism. He drained the swamp and filled it with incompetent advisors and bias officials. And he disposes of anyone who challenges his fantasies.

    And here is a person who is willing to commit mass murder in favor of money. I am sorry to categorize it as such, but what else can you call it when you know death is coming (Bob Woodward interview) and don't warn the potential victims?

    Many Republican policies are sound in principal. However, few Republican politicians are people of principal.

  • mark94
    4 years ago
    So, despite repeatedly denouncing white supremacy, he hasn’t used the exact wording that Democrats demand. And, we now learn that nepotism is defined as hiring people who agree with your policies. Finally, every single death caused by the China virus is the sole responsibility of Trump who, we are now told, made money off their deaths. Exactly how he made money apparently requires no explanation.
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    That's dumb thinking Trump profits off every single Covid death. Very dumb. Same as saying doctors profit off each Covid death
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Tahoe, all the arguments you are using are factually false, and frankly insulting. He has never courted hate groups, and repeatedly denounces them. Democrats and Biden have never denounced BLM and Antifa, and actively seeks their support.

    He has hired some of his children, who have proven to be exceptionally intelligent and politically gifted. They have been utterly transparent and totally honest. Biden covers for his son repeatedly, extorts foreign governments for his benefit, and profits from his corrupt dealings with HOSTILE foreign governments.

    Your COVID argument was the worst of the lot. You may disagree with his policy, but that does not make it murder. Are you really going to blame him instead of the Chinese Communist Party? What about the democrats who said his responses to the virus were fearmongering and xenophobia?

    Are you unaware of the facts, or have you chosen party partisanship over truth?
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Action: Trump hires his son-in-law as Middle East envoy
    Result: Peace deals being signed.

    Action: Biden travels to China with his son
    Result: China steals American intellectual property and takes over South China Sea while Hunter gets over $1Billion
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    "Are you unaware of the facts, or have you chosen party partisanship over truth?"

    There are very fine truths on both sides.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    So you have no proof or factual arguments against Donald Trump, you just parrot "Orange Man Bad" because Jim Acosta told you so. Sad.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Gammanu stick to planning sex tourist trips and leave your neonazi politics off the forum
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    My mom lives in a building for retirees and they have a polling place there - I went by in the late afternoon to take her some things and took a peek at the polling area and there were only like 3 or 4 people voting (that polling area is open to people that live in the area; not just the folks in the building) - seems most people voted early (the Republicans were planning on a mass show of Republican voters today but I'm not sure that is happening) - I think the same thing happened in 2016 (long lines for early-voting then barely any lines voting day).

  • joker44
    4 years ago

    Sums up 70% of TUSCL Magat posts

    Can’t defend Trump’s own statements and actions, but they can find plenty to criticize in his critics. This allows the right to indulge its hatred of liberals and liberalism while sidestepping the need for a reckoning with the disaster of the Trump administration itself.

    Here is how it works: Rather than defend President Trump’s specific actions, his conservative champions change the subject to:
    (1) the biased “fake news” media,
    (2) over-the-top liberals,
    (3) hypocrites on the left,
    (4) anyone else believed victimizing Mr. Trump or his supporters and
    (5) whataboutism, as in “What about Obama?” “What about Clinton?”

    Another 20% devoted to copypasta from non-creditable sources, conspiracy sites, and disinformation sourced from Russian troll farms.

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