Is squirt pee or nah

avatar for WavvyCain
I’ve been seeing a lot of discussions on it lately and my friends and I have been discussing it too. Is that shit pee or nah? So far people say yes.


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avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
I’ve only run into four squirters. They all insist it isn’t pee. I have doubts, but it doesn’t smell like pee. But then again pee doesn’t always smell like pee either if you’re well hydrated, so I don’t know.
avatar for WavvyCain
4 years ago
I guess this is one of those things that we will never know! A girl did it on my pants and it didn’t smell like pee but as you said pee doesn’t always smell like pee 🤷‍♂️. Thanks for sharing!
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 years ago

Female ejaculate, also known as amrita, is a clear, slightly slimy liquid that is virtually odorless and tasteless.

When a woman’s G-spot/clitoris/vagina is stimulated the ejaculate builds up.  And, just as a woman begins to orgasm, ejaculation may occur.

Just as with men, women can orgasm without ejaculating and ejaculate without having an orgasm.

And essentially, it’s NOT urine.

Some men do not like women to ejaculate because they think it’s “dirty”, or it’s peeing. 

Men and women can’t physically pee and “cum” at the same time.

In ancient cultures, the act of squirting was considered to be a divine gift bestowed upon a woman’s partner.

She anoints him.

Her very essence, mined from deep within, and only coaxed out by the most sensitive and skilled hand and cock, was a gift.

In fact, the Sanskrit word for a woman’s squirting ejaculate is amrita, which also translates to:

The food of the Gods and

The Nectar of immortality.

What I consider the best sexual experience of my life was with a beautiful young girl from Russia, she squirted and became my All Time Favorite woman.

You can read the article here:…

There is a big denial/debate about this in Western civilization because sexual repression.

However thanks to more and more women finding about it, enjoying it and accepting it as a natural biological experience, it is becoming more and more common/“normal”.

Anyhow thank you for making me remember and enjoy the best sexual experience of my life.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
CD. Guess you 'll never inow coz you'll never taste it. Fucking idiot
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
i’ve experienced it with a number so far. it ain’t pee! and it is literally odorless and almost tasteless. i welcome it!
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
Having a GF that squirted like Cytherea I can tell you it’s not pee. If the girl completely emptied her bladder until nothing is left, and then can shoot a firehouse across the room, what else could it be? This girl was amazing, 10-12 feet if she was really turned on. Too bad she was bat shit crazy
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
I disagree with it being tasteless.

I will add, if you’re lucky enough to made a girl squirt that has never done it before, or rarely does it, she will be your sex slave for eternity.

If it’s one of those girls that can squirt just by crossing her legs then making her squirt during sex is no bid deal - at least to her.
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