Gov. Bill Lee has joined DeSantis by lifting all COVID restrictions on business!. TN is still under emergency declaration and he will allow the six most populous counties to set their own restrictions, but advocates for them to allow business to operate free from limits. This is why I vote straight ticket Republican, even when I have to hold my nose to do it(2008 and 2012).
last commentYee haw tge south shal rise again and show them yankees who's boss.
Trump js a yankee lulz
Wave 2 coming soon
This virus will not go away no matter how much you lock down and we can't stay locked till we can vaccinate millions of Americans which will take a while (assuming there is an effective vaccine which is a fair assumption)
The damages of the lockdowns far exceeded any benefits. Livelihoods destroyed. International corporations and Mom and Pops destroyed. Far more lives were ruined by the lockdowns than were or would have been lost to COVID. Opening back up is easily the right decision.
6 million infected and 200.000 dead in 6 months even with mitigation efforts.
Lives outweigh private sector profits.
Man yeah today I was reading about how people vote with their feet. I guess ya move to where u dont wanna murder fucktarded ultra left trans hippie fags. If I wasn't from this shithole jfc I'd leave and never give back hahaha.
Go not give lmao
Posting "murder fucktarded ultra left trans hippie fags" would get you banned on most sites.
On tuscl, it's just another Wednesday.
I love when you describe people from Oregon like that!
Dude I once signed up for plenty of fish and somehow got perma banned from there in 3 days.
Maybe offensiveness comes to some of us naturally 🤷🏼♀️🥳🦄🧚🏼♀️🍻🥂
There was absolutely no sarcasm intended. I really do like the way you describe liberal idiots.
As for Plenty of Fish, maybe you were a touch too murdery for them.
Maybe try tinder?
@Founder, it’s not just another Wednesday. It earned blahblahblah23 a thumbs up from me.