Is everyone thats from Arizona racist?

Degenerate gambler and virgin
My black friends from there are excluded from this convo. I know about 5 black people out there in Arizona and they are cool and one has a white wife but she’s from Atlanta. But u white people from there that’s on here... boy... I’m starting to see a trend... y’all Mfs racist as hell. What’s up with y’all out there that got y’all hating people for no reason? Is there not enough to do or what?
No one can keep up with your level of racism, Wavey, I mean Clayton Bigsby.
You’re even as blind as Bigsby is.
People from ATL sorry as fuq. If Breh gets popping off at da mouth nonstop like his momma no wonder his daddy bailed.
Arizona is very backwards and very much like the south. It has a major reputation for being racist homophobic sexually repressive xenophobic and conservative.
But there are major backlashes against the racism in Phoenix and Tucson.
There’s racism and racists everywhere. Not just Arizona.
Tribalism is the natural default state of humans. If all adults died and we had a global Lord of the Flies situation, we would be even more racist because that is who we are at our core. That's how our instincts tell us to live to increase our chances of survival.
To not be racist requires education and changing human nature. Anywhere there is a lack of quality education, there will be racist people.
That's like asking if everyone from Atlanta is a gay male prostitute.
The answer is "Of course not, but you are ChickenShit"
BTW, you are a liar and a racist too.
@Richard wrote: "There’s racism and racists everywhere. Not just Arizona."
Yes, and water is wet. The question is whether Az has a higher concentration of white nationalists, xenophobes, homophobes, and uneducated rednecks. Agree with @Icey that if you exclude places in the deep south, AZ is right up there.
@Random - here is a pro tip for you - when you find yourself in agreement with a “great thinker” like Icey, it’s time to reconsider your opinion.
Random, Arizona does have it's share, I won't deny that, but having lived here for 30+ years I think it has actually improved over the past decade or so. It probably doesn't seem that way because the fringe are very far right and get a lot of publicity. Arizona is very purple at this point.
^^^ okay, fair point
Belief in conservative principals and a weak federal government is not compatible with racism. It is the economic prinicpals of the left that keep minorities in this country in poverty.
^^^ I guess that is why every neo-nazi and white supremacist group in the state identifies and votes with the Republican Party huh? And don’t get me started on the likes of Joe Arpaio and Russell Pearce.
Windex supported Arpaio
i have asian white black brown and indian friends . i try to accept individuals regardless of their ethnicity. been in arizona since 1974. native of cali. my folks were cali bigots.
my in-laws were bigots too.
If the OP would have any pride and be proud of his blackness he would not try to invade white space. Even he hates that hes black. he shouldnt care about being accepted by white people. i hold my own prejudice against my own race if people
Spend your money in your own communities so they can grow if it matters that much
"Invading white space"
I hope you don't use terms like that in everyday conversation
These crackas don’t talk like this everyday. Their ass would be in a compilation getting their ass beat. They only talk that shit behind their lame ass screen names
Is it ok for black person not to like another black person or is that racism too? just because one is not black, that does not equal that i have to like all the blacks because im not black. i like black people but i dont like all of you. i dont owe or have any endebtness to blacks. kiss my ass
Have your black friends complained about racism in Arizona, or are you judging the state off message board comments from PL's? I haven't seen extensive racism personally in AZ, but that doesn't mean it isn't present. Everyone's experience is different.
Icey, Random, and Breh seem to be the biggest and most ignorant bigots on earth. The only pussy talkinmg shit behind her screen is Breh, who would last about 5 seconds in a real fight before urine started dribbling down her leg. Joe Arpaio reminds me of Jesse Jackson.
@Skibum - what’s the matter with Joe Arpaio? While it is true that he was a bit of a publicity hound, it’s also true that he was a very effective Sheriff.
And some of the things he got publicity for were simply a case of doing the right thing.
For example, when he first took office, he removed cable TV for the cells of jails in Maricopa County. Inmates complained, eventually there was a lawsuit and he was ordered to restore cable access. He responded by restoring cable TV access, but only one channel was available - CSPAN.
You gotta love that.
@Icey - was your account hacked? You said something that made sense. Arpaio was a good Sherriff.
@Richars_Head as usual, you have missed the point. A state Senator and a county Sherriff aren’t exactly in position to set policies that restore the 9th and 10th amendment.
A week federal government and federalism can only be accomplished through actions of people in the federal government.
Aripao is a loudmouth like Jesse jackson, the President, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and on and on.
Like I said, he was a bit of a publicity hound, but he did a good job.
He cut the cost of housing prisoners radically. Things like the aforementioned elimination of cable TV, reducing food costs, moving prisoners from air conditioned buildings to tents. (I don’t know if you have heard, but Phoenix can get a bit warm at times)
He always used to say that he didn’t want to make jail a pleasant place to be.
What’s wrong with that?
^^^ I guess if you can overlook the racial profiling and human rights violations, Arpaio was a swell guy.
Enforcing immigration law is not racial profiling.
If you are trying to control illegal immigration:
Do you think it makes more sense to look into the background of, say Japanese tourists?
Or an off road truck driving through the desert at night with no lights and packed full of Mexicans?
Tell me, which is more likely to be a group of illegal aliens sneaking into the country?
Human rights lol. Such a ridiculous phrase. What are these "human rights" and who the fuck decided that they are rights? If you get caught illegally entering twice we should chop off a foot and send them back.
I think the human rights violations he is referring to are only letting inmates watch CSPAN in jail.
Oh the humanity!
And here I thought you were all about law and order.
The NY Times story wants me to register to read it. It’s not worth the effort for access to a steaming heap of crap.
The Guardian story starts out calling Tent City “Arizona’s Concentration Camp”. I’ve lived here since 1980 and can’t for the life of me remember any reports of gas in the showers or ovens to cremate remains.
A little (or a lot) less hyperbole and a lot more facts would be nice if you have a point to make.
^^^ so anything short of gas chambers is okay in your book. Good to know.
It’s no wonder your links are always worthless. You don’t understand what you read.
We have never had concentration camps in Arizona. Any article that starts off referring to Arizona concentration camps isn’t worth reading.
I am sure the same is true of the new links you just posted.
So law and order is selective on your part winex?
LOL. New times. Why not another Rolling Stones article? Or Mother Earth?
Your selective outrage is getting old winex. And for the record, it was Arpaio himself who called his tent city a concentration camp. He was/is a POS.
Abraham Lincoln had a joke he used to like to tell.
If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?
The answer is 4. It doesn’t matter if you call a tail a leg or not, it is still a tail.
There are two points in sharing that with you
Abraham Lincoln didn’t have the best sense of humor
Words matter
You can call Tent Citya concentration camp if you want, but it is still just a jail. Jails are not meant to be pleasant places. But calling Tent City a concentration camp diminishes the suffering that led to the death of some 6 million Jewish people who died in real concentration camps during World War II.
^^^ As I said, it was Arpaio who called it a concentration camp. Regardless, holding people in tents in the middle of the summer in Arizona certainly fits the description of cruel and unusual punishment. You haven't convinced me that he's not a racist POS.
How many people died as a result of living in those tents over the two decades they were in use? (note: I am talking about tent related deaths only. I know there have been. handful of cases of criminals dying while in custody)
I'm not sure what kind of point you are trying to make. Are you suggesting that if they didn't die it wasn't cruel and unusual?
If Tent City violated the 8th Amendment, it would have never been in place for over 20 years.
Breh, you make everything about race. You seem insecure about your blackness and believe that is why everyone treats you poorly. Really it's because you're the cum stain your mother should have swallowed.