Carl Winslow

Am I in the twilight zone?
“All this over a mask?”
“Someone call the police!”
“Is he even a real cop?”
Honestly... This was bullshit and unnecessary. But since other police vs. criminals that end tragedy seem to be comical and justified to most, I figured we take it in a different direction. Remember... Blue Lives Matter too👍
Salute to babygirl on here though. 2Pac wouldn’t have gone that hard. She thug he’s out.
Ay Breh! Where we going to for breakfast?😂😂😂
As for breakfast I say we go to Framingham, grab a omelet, and run a train on Skibum’s wife.
I think waking up in bed with ChickenShit is a clear sign that you need to stop drinking.
I would ask if your ass is sore, but after watching the beating that your boyfriend took from lil Jayne Doe yesterday, it's pretty clear he is dickless.
So did you have to pay to fuck him? Or is he in love with you?
It's a common trait among real men.
Of course I wouldn't expect you to understand.
First of all, I am typing, not speaking.
Secondly, I'm pretty calm. I'm just popping in here while a model is training.
When I want some lip from you, you'll know. I will signal you by tugging my zipper.
And you wonder why everyone calls you a dumb duck.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to pay attention to the Saints Packers game instead of your sorry scamming ass.