Would You?

avatar for gSteph
Say – oh, I don’t know, one day an Angel of the Lord shows up and tells you “Dude, you won one of the little contests we have up there – here’s the deal: we can add 20 years to your (let’s go with) 60 year old life, but you have to spend the 1st 10 years being a hot ass stripper (we’ll give you several choices for a 9+ body, starting at age 21). After that, you’ll revert to your old body, restarting at 50 years old, to live out your regular life span.

Would you take that deal?


last comment
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
And you don't have to work in an extras club, but it has to be your only income.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Fuck you! Thats easy. If I get to keep whatever I earn and buy when I revert back into 50, and can be a lesbian, I would take that deal.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
10 years as a hooker having to service tuscl members. Who wouldn't want that
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
When I get to age 60, I fully expect to live another 20+ years anyway. So you haven't given me any incentives here at all.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
20 additional years, over what you would have lived.

'Tis a hypothetical.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
So in my case, do I get to be a middle aged dude then?

Helicopter dick! 😎
avatar for edgewise
4 years ago
This sounds more like being a reality show contestant than a lottery winner. Either way, I'm in!
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Do I have to take BBC or BBBC (or Juice) in the ass at an extras club?

No thanks! I don’t want to be 80 with looser bowels than I already have...
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
Loved the 1st two answers.

gammanu95 adjusts to make the best of a changed situation.

Icey assumes nothing can change and stays the course.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
When I was living in Chicago, we were semi-regulars at the Admiral Theater, and on first-name basis with many of the staff and performers. This was a total non-extras air dance club. Girls there, like the top places in Vegas, make six figures without ever having to touch a dick. Hustlers, as in the movie Hustlers, can make even more if you want to risk the crime.

How would that be to fall asleep in women's prison a 31 year old stripper convict, and wake up a 50 year old man? That would be a riot.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
Lol. One night your cell mate is purring with delight, next morning she's screaming WTF, get that Dick outta here.

(Unless she's bi)
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