
How many times?

Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
How many times can a city close businesses and expect them to reopen successfully reopen? I understand cities/states closing businesses like strip clubs to control covid. I can even understand some places keeping them closed 6 months later if cases are still high in the area. What I can't understand is a city repeatedly alternating between allowing these business to open and then closing them again.

Indianapolis just closed their strip clubs (and other live entertainment venues) for the 3rd time since the virus started in March.

The first closure started on March 16th and lasted 3 months.

Clubs reopened on June 19th for about a month.

Clubs were ordered closed again on July 23rd for a couple of weeks.

Clubs briefly reopened yesterday September 8th.

Clubs were ordered closed indefinitely today September 9th.

How could anything have changed enough in the past 24 hours to justify closing a group of businesses that they had just declared safe to reopen?

Indianapolis has already had multiple clubs announce their permanent closure during the past few months. Now I don't know how any of the remaining clubs can afford to keep operating in the city given the lost revenue, continued overhead costs while closed and the costs associated with preparing to reopen multiple times.


  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    We’re certainly gonna find out one day what happens to strip clubs when you close them for a year in communist NYC
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Mortgage and pandemic insurance.

    Fuck the business owners. Its the employees who need help. But the republinazis won't pass the heroes act
  • docsavage
    4 years ago
    I live in Indianapolis. I miss both the clubs and the girls. There are several reasons why this is happening.

    Part of this may be a form of neo-puritanism. Even in normal times a lot of people don't like strip clubs and bars. If you can claim they are a source of disease spread, you can use that as an excuse to shut them down. If you can keep them shut down long enough, you can drive them out of business permanently. The objection to strip clubs used to come mostly from the religious fundamentalist right but now a lot of the feminist left don't like them either. That means you can no longer depend on liberal Democrat mayors like Hogsett here in Indianapolis to allow them.

    Part of this is a dislike of small business owners by Democrat mayors. Small business owners aren't dependable Democrat voters so the fewer of them around the better. Welfare recipients and government workers are dependable Democrat voters so if you shut down private businesses and throw their workers out of jobs and then give them welfare or government jobs you create more votes for the Democrat party.

    Part of this is a desire by the media to make money. People pay more attention to the media during a crisis so the media is always trying to drum one up.

    Part of this is just panic. People don't understand the threat here. Polls show the public believe that 9 million have died from this when it is less than two hundred thousand. Polling also shows they think half of deaths are under the age of sixty when it is really 10%. The average life expectancy in the U.S. is 78 and the average age of death for a Covid patient is 78 so most people who die from this would have died shortly from something else. The hard hit states of New York and New Jersey and the countries of Sweden and the U.K. had higher than average deaths in April this year but lower than average deaths in July. People died from Covid in April who would have otherwise died a few months later. An average 78 old can expect to live 10 more years but the typical 78 year old who dies from Covid isn't an average 78 year old. Forty percent of deaths in this group are in long term health care facilities where the average life expectancy is six months. If people understand the actual risk here it would decrease the panic and hysteria but you aren't going to learn any of this from the mainstream media or liberal Democrat politicians.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Doc savage youre right about the neopuritanism. Clubs and bars are being targeted now exactly the same way they were during prohibition and the great depression. With casinos being the exception since they wield so much political power.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Its republicans doing it though
  • SerenitySinn
    4 years ago
    Indianapolis Mayor!!!!!!!!!
    The BIG D.
    Democrat PERIOD.

  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The heroes act is a bailout of the thug pension systems in liberal shithole cities. They get nothing. Watching the animals riot and California Washington and Oregon burn has made this a wonderful summer. Hope all the protesters still are out protesting when it gets cold....of course the fucking masked pussies won't be doing anything.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    Covid will shut down many businesses that won't open back up. I suspect the strip club scene all across America will look totally different after this blows over. We probably won't see the full effects until then. One positive though is that this will condense the talent to a smaller number of clubs and there will be stiffer competition.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Strip clubs were dying off before the virus amd business has been declining for years. Like with night life in general I think bottle service pushing expensive vip packages and online sites and apps helped the decline.

    With smaller clubs it came down to dancers and hoes realizing they can have their own customer network via social media rather than relying solely on the club.

    I'm starting to see a trend with stripper party organizers hiring dancers as recruiters for dancers. And dancers starting to organize their own events. Its on a small scale and not sustainable for a consistent income though.

    Lastly I think there is a generational component. Young guys aren't as sociable and don't have much of a disposable income.

    I think the post covid 19 world will pick up where it left off
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Covid won't kill any businesses; the government will and the businesses they will make sure die will be the ones where people can congregate in public and exchange views which the government doesn't like. It is no coincidence that protesting/rioting good - sturgis bad; restaurants bad; beach bad. We will see a loss of 75% of restaurants and probably more strip clubs because the Government murdered the economy and people will now be beholden to them for a few crumbs.
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