MJ might want to rethink his Billion dollar donation to BLM

avatar for nickifree

So Michael Jordan pledge a billion dollars over the next 10 years to the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet this same organization is torpedoing his business, as Jordan is the owner of the Charlotte Hornets.

That's gratitude for you. And a prime example of black ignorance on the part of black NBA players.


last comment
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
One hundred million over ten years, not a year for ten years.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
You're right! What the fuck was I thinking?
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
I thinking I might have "Biden Disease". I hope there's a cure.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Why don’t you put your own money where your mouth is, y’all mouth off a shit ton, unlike Jordan that man backs up his shit not like y’all, mad respect to that man he puts his money on the line
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Michael Jordan welched on a golf bet. He is a fucking homo.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Skibum is a racist bum that hates black people, nothing new here.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
My post isn't a pejorative about Jordan. It's a dismissal of woke NBA players.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Trump filed for bankruptcy while owning a casino who does that LOL what a fuckn putz
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Why do racist love bringing up black people all the time. Mind y’all damn business, let us do us.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Post about your boy trump, Tom Brady, or a white church shooter or something. Leave the black Goat alone and the rest of black people alone.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Note how Wavey doesn't try to talk African-American Vernacular English when he's writing a review. He's a troll. A very WHITE troll.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
A monger here named Eve just met up with me at a club on Thursday how am I a white troll? And I talk the same everywhere, why u stalking my post bruh? See what I mean y’all dislike us but wanna follow us! This is Trayvon all over again!
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
@Tetradon That's a response very common to white liberals and dumb blacks. Particularly it reflects how white liberals really view black people.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
@nickifree who u calling a dumb black tho? Get that hate out ya heart. I Can’t help black people are cool and you gotta see black lives matter everywhere now 😂✊🏾✊🏿
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Didn’t Jordan invest in the Washington Wizards?

Not all bets are winners.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Trump never filed for bankruptcy. One of his corporations did. You'd think people smart enough to post here wouldn't be so stupid; but they are.
If you really want to figure out the stupidest person on earth, look for "people" using "bruh". Guaranteed they're a moron and a bigot.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ The only shareholder of the companies that went bankrupt, was Donald Trump, so if you want to get technical, he still went bankrupt and a lot of people that trusted him did not get paid. One man in particular who I knew personally commuted suicide, because he was unable to meet his obligations after being stiffed by that fat piece of shit, yeah spin it how you like he is a fuckn con man.
You'd think people smart enough to post here wouldn't get conned by that grifter yet they are.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Companies go bankrupt all the time. The Corporation went bankrupt. I am conned by no one. I hate Trump; I hate Democrats more. Fucking that simple. Trump will pass; Democrat fucking assholes won't.
avatar for latinalover69
5 years ago
Yea but those rich nba stars/movie stars/music stars/business stars gotta pay the piper at some point lest they get called out by the blm mob. Can't have that happen.
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