Many of the young democrats/progressive/whiny bitches, love to think and say things like "well old white man you'll be dead in ten years". Saying it is the epitome of impotence. First off, its going to most likely be more than 10 years since many of us are in good shape and have money. Hell my blood pressure this morning was 117/72 with a 52 resting heart rate so I wll probably out live some of you dumb, useless fucks. The point is that the best of America is in the rear view mirror. Momentum will allow us to be ok for 10 -25 years, but after that? Czarist Russia 1917 is a prime example. So I got to live 60+ years when it was great with an 18 year old drinking age; missing Nam and the draft by 2 years; women who didn't use to get pregnant; no aids or even herpes; as an adult great economy; lucrative profession and as such most of us are well off enough to make the next 10-25 be ok. Typing this from the beach. The clam box for lunch on the way home; drinking smoking weed, after golf and strip clubbing and poker Thursday Friday and Saturday. Great sex in the pool yesterday too. This country under progressives will be an abject failure that looks like Detroit, so when I die I win again impotent bitches.
@SkiBirther, the whiny Democrats are fighting to keep old kooks like yourself alive. We've got a $24 Trillion debt. How are we going to repay that debt and where's it going to come from? Answer: cuts to Medicare and SS. So when your cancerous prostate is splitting your balls in half and you need that hip replacement after falling down the stairs, you better hope a Democratic congress is there to help decaying geezers like yourself. Lol, after Trump's executive order for a payroll-tax holiday do you think he gives two shits about aging boomers like yourself
You're right that Boomers really got lucky and enjoyed probably the best economy the US will ever see. WW2 decimated most of the world while the US was intact. We successfully brain drained a lot of talent from Europe (most of our best scientists were Jews who fled the Germans and Soviets). Women also entered the workforce allowing huge productivity boosts for the country.
Things probably won't get better until the eventual revolution overthrows the kleptocracy followed by a dark period. But I'm not sure any of that will happen in my life time.
Well you probably said to elders in your youth too. That's why I don't take offense to "OK Boomer"- actually think its one of the rare actually funny memes. Besides, millenials are pretty clueless. Thank god it looks like GenZ might have better common sense.
@JamesSD Boomers stuggled through the worse economic period since the great depression. Interest rates were around 12%, food prices were expensive relative to income. And appliances televisions, washing machines, etc., were very costly. You youngun's are simply looking at what took boomer's lifetime to accumulate. Even now (and in the 2008 "crisis") it was far easier to buy a house than it was 30-50 years ago.
Boomers had it very easy. Who wouldn't want 15% home mortgage rates; Student loans at 7%-9%; 10% inflation in 1979; 12.5% unemployment in 1982; Oil crisis meant no gas at times; 8 gallon limit; odd even days and this was typical in the 1973-75 era and came back at the end of the decade and early 80's; violent crime quadrupled between 1960 and 1991 (violent crime rate is now the lowest since 1970, imagine 21 years of worse). Still a great time to grow up, be a guy and party.
last commentA If he was going to be impotent he wanted to look impotent.
Things probably won't get better until the eventual revolution overthrows the kleptocracy followed by a dark period. But I'm not sure any of that will happen in my life time.