Professional Scammers on Seeking

avatar for Warrior15
I"m getting a little more than frustrated lately on because of some professionals. I've been on Seeking for about a year and a half now. I know the drill. You make contact with a cute girl. Her profile is short but she gets your attention. You message back and forth, create a little chemistry, then exchange cell phone numbers to move the conversation offline. They then flood you with several provocative photos to get you really juiced. So you suggest a meeting. Then it's something like, oh I'm not meeting during Covid, or my Mom is sick , or I'm out of town for a while. But let's keep talking because I'm really interested in meeting you. By the way, can you give me $30-40 to buy my groceries, pay my doctor bills, buy my gas so I can get to work, etc.
At that point, you know there is no actual girl on the other side of the conversation. Some geek in his Mom's basement has stolen the photos from some Instagram pages and created Seeking profiles. And they are just scamming people for small amounts of money. I've actually caught some of these guys where they didn't realize they were talking to me on two different profiles. Somehow they have multiple phone lines to do these text messages from.
I've had a Ball with several girls on Seeking. But this has really become a problem the past few months.


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avatar for booji boy
booji boy
5 years ago
Semi-seriously, your main recourse would be to move to a place where prostitution is legal. SA can't verify the posters without breaking the laws around prostitution so you're basically stuck there.

Plus the fact that if a couple of these weenies can work the scam successfully then they'll tell two friends who will tell two friends etc. and maybe the Nigerians will get in on it (if they haven't already). Welcome to the internet. :-)

Also, too, if you give them a legit cell number or email you can count on them selling it to spammers (best case) and/or identity thieves (worst case).
avatar for Michigan
5 years ago
I agree. But it's fun to waste their time and tell them "Bye Felicia"
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Just get a burn phone
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 years ago

Gather information useful to SA and authorities, and publicly expose scammers.

Make sure SA does the job you are paying them for.

The same way they are supposed to verify the high rollers are real to protect the Sugar Babies from scammers.

SA is supposed to verify the Sugar Babies are who they say they are to protect the Sugar Daddies from cat-fishers/scammers.

Where is your sense of civic duty? By engaging the scammers for a long period of time you are saving others from them.

Engage and expose those professionals for your own amusement, have fun with the experience.

This is a funny example of dealing with scammers:…
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Yeah I see that alot too. There's one I come that I've seen a few times, they are all ready to meet and even say "Are you clean? If you are you can fuck me raw" I guess that's to get you all excited and then last minute they need $35 for a cab. I recently got she had to drop off her grandma first (@1 am) but she needed gas to do it. Anybody that falls for this shit though deserves it. That being said it's worth it to wade through this nonsense to find something good.
avatar for Frankie Jay
Frankie Jay
5 years ago
There are sugar daddy scammers all over instagram. They all say the same thing so its either the same person or they've all been trained to poat the same BS. But they want to send me between $1000 and $5000 in cashapp without me ever sending them a nude. BUT to make sure I'M NOT A SCAMMER first I need to send them $75. And then immediately afterwards they will send me $5000. I hope instagram girls don't fall for it. I told one guy I was broke and asked if he'd pay the $75 and then he only needs to send me $4925 instead of the $5000. I report them to IG but now if I realize its a "sugar daddy" I just block them before they even message me
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I can only imagine there are a good # of guys (and gals) that fall for the scams (both love and greed can be blind); that is unless they've done their homework but there are probably always gonna be plenty of newbs ready for the $laughter.

I recall 2 stories from years back:

1) an older fairly well-off guy that got catfished and he thought he had found love w/ a beautiful young model and he ended getting fleeced out of his life-savings by a dude; the old-guy committed suicide after that if I remember correctly

2) a PL in his 40s that thought he was talking to a hot young late teens girl but it was actually the girl's 40-something y/o mother using her hot daughter's pics - I don't remember the details too well but somehow the PL found-out about the girl's young (early-20s) BF and killed him out of jealousy to get him out of the way - anyway the PL had been deceived all along and ended up going to prison for the murder

avatar for pistola
5 years ago
I think the key to SA is get their number right away on a burner account and get to the point. As soon as those antics start up, burn em.

I’d also put in my profile ‘Real SBs only. No Venmo hunters, cash app hos, only fans thots, etc. Don’t waste your time.’
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I think theyre in India
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
^ I've thought about that Icey. I think they may be in a central place. But the cell numbers they are using do match what area they are saying the girl is from. I'm not losing any money from them. But they sure are wasting my time. And I am noticing that the Profile is taken down fairly quickly. So someone is reporting them. But is so easy to create another one. I see photos of this GORGEOUS Russian girl on a new profile about once a week.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Seeking has gotten absolutely terrible. I've started including the words, "I am interested in in-person only, not interested in online", or something similar, in my initial messages now. Then I confirm that at least one time during our conversation -- usually when she asks me what I'm looking for. To give the scammers credit, they usually weed themselves out when they see that ,rather than working me further
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Anyone can get text app numbers from foreign countries. Its just a paid feature on most. Those small amounts add up and are worth more in India.
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