Ohio strip club rules?

avatar for venroc

I heard that the COVID 19 changed considerate amount.

The clubs selling alcohol are limited to only until 10 PM. Currently that is all I know right now.

Is there any additional rule change for topless, pastie, full nude club? (By the way is there really just topless clubs without nipple patch in Ohio?)


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avatar for BoredJack
4 yrs ago

Don't think the pasties rule has changed for any club that sells alcohol. Nude is still allowed for BYOB clubs.

No contact is being more than less enforced now. Masks on at all times unless drinking or eating.

Alcohol sales must end at 10, remaining drinks pulled at 11. Clubs can still stay open normal hours if they choose to.

The clubs I've been to that had the shower curtains installed in the lap dance areas had to remove them, and institute a 6' social distance rule. The club I went to was skirting that some, sneaking lap grinds in during dances.

avatar for venroc
4 yrs ago

Oh thanks for answer.

What I am curious about is that the place where I went yesterday was described as topless however it was actually pasties club. I never been to strip club in Cleveland before so it made me suspect why the description in tuscl is wrong. (There is a lot of clubs classified as topless, however, the one which I visited is pasties actually.)

So, here is my thing.

  1. Should I think it as "pasties club" which is classified as "topless club" in ohio?

  2. If there is nothing special classification, I mean, just "Strip club", could I think it as a "Full nude" club?

If you can answer these, it would be great!

avatar for venroc
4 yrs ago

I think I find it out.

The index for the Ohio strip clubs are quite a mass. Thanks anyway.

avatar for whodey
4 yrs ago

Ohio doesn't have any topless clubs. They are either nude without alcohol (byob) or pasties if they have alcohol.

The only places I know of that are not enforcing the no contact and mask requirements are some of the seedier clubs in the Akron area.

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