
How many Clubs will survive the other side of Covid-19

Sunday, July 12, 2020 11:05 AM
I suspect many stripclubs will be out of business whenever we get to the "other side" of the tragedy of Covid-19. Although some may have gotten PPE loans it was a struggle to do so. Supply and demand will eventually come back to pre-covid days but I am thinking this will be years as many strippers and customers will have reluctantly moved on. Thoughts? [view link]


  • goldmongerATL
    4 years ago
    As for supply, don't most high schools have a Future Strippers of America chapter?
  • beaverbandit
    4 years ago
    Yes indeed always an ample "supply" of Future Strippers of America in the high schools. Hopefully many clubs can whether this Corona storm.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    There will be a lot of clubs that don't survive. Most of those will be the ones that were already struggling to compete against other local clubs. While these clubs will be missed by a few, they would have likely closed slowly over the next decade anyways from poor performance. Covid19 basically just sped up their death. A few will also close because local rules will be changed to eliminate contact in the name of Covid19 prevention and that will drive away customers. These are the closures that will have the biggest impact on our hobby.
  • beaverbandit
    4 years ago
    Whenever and if the vaccine comes out that should eliminate the need for "rules changes" hopefully. Time will tell
  • bubba267
    4 years ago
    Why does anyone believe a vaccine for this virus will be anymore effective than previous viruses or vaccines? Research how many mutations Norway is presently tracking. We aren't hearing anything about this known behavior of ALL viruses from our US "medical experts" or mainstream media.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    To answer the question posed by the OP 143
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Clubs were doing badly as is. But I think there can be a resurgence. Parties with strippers are gaining popularity. Theyre a much bigger ripoff than clubs so when clubs open it will just depend on their business model. If they give perceived value they'll make it
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    Many wb forced close but when Covid off field huge demand / resurgence.
  • WillMunny
    4 years ago
    The survival of clubs post-Coronavirus will depend mainly on what the post-Corona economy looks like. We're in truly unprecedented territory with respect to how long it will take to reach some sort of "new normal" - whether a vaccine, herd immunity, or other resolution to the pandemic. Unemployment will remain staggeringly high until then, and the longer it lasts the harder it will be for any given business to come back when this is over.
  • PredragDr
    4 years ago
    They are sort of like shopping malls. The industry was already struggling and the pandemic will only speed up the collapse. I would say ~25% would have closed in the next few years before the pandemic given changing employment laws and online alternatives. Now I would say we would be lucky to see 75% of them survive 2020.
  • TxVegas
    4 years ago
    The club owners will need resources to survive. So, larger clubs will be more likely to survive absent significant debt burdens. This is much like the retail space as big box stores will have a much better chance to survive. While I think there is pent up demand, my guess is that overall demand will be down for strip clubs in the next two years. So, overall, I would say there will be significant acceleration in what was already a trend of fewer clubs due to economic challenges and social pressure to close clubs.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I’m sure many clubs will not have the resources to survive until we reach the other side of the virus. I only say that because of my state and it’s continued lockdowns on indoor bars, restaurants and nightclubs. I think many restaurants are running on fumes as they are trying to remain open with take out as their primary source of revenue. Strip clubs don’t have the alternatives to supplement revenues. I’m sure some clubs have good food - but I doubt anyone cares to get take out from a club with no dancers. In other areas I’m sure it’s different, but it’s still rough. Strip clubs and strippers are focused on cash and a constant flow of it. They don’t think about future cash flows - outside of expecting guys to be horny and they will keep coming back.
  • Dolfan
    4 years ago
    My guess is a bunch of clubs will close and a bunch of strippers will move on. I'd also guess that some new clubs will likely spring up to try and replace the closed ones. New strippers definitely will. Will there be less for a while? Probably.
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