FiveThirtyEight's website shows increases in general and congressional races toward the GOP. Trump is gaining on Biden and where the Dems had leads, they've either lost them or had huge leads tighten.
One race in Minnesota shows the GOP candidate up a whopping 16 points since the latest round of BLM bullshit. The democrats had better tone down their rhetoric or they will find themselves in shock again, just like 2016.
It feels like a lot of people are both bewildered and pissed at the anarchy going on - remains to be seen if there'll be a blue-wave or a red-wave/backlash.
To me it's not Trump vs Dems; it's Trump vs Marxist-like left - if Dems take over, the old Dem guard will be in the way of the ultra-left and the mob will go after the Dem establishment unless the establishment doesn't stand in their way.
Biden has to lose. We as country can just not reward this behavior aka domestic terrorism. If you care about your children you would vote right and never look back.
"The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know".
If Dems win, it's not the end-all-be-all, but what comes after that - the ultra-left wants to defund the police - soon after that good chance they will go after guns and somehow make illegal to have one - when Fidel took power, his first order of business was to confiscate all guns in the country and you'd go to prison if they found out you had one - Fidel knew what he wanted and knew he couldn't afford to have an armed citizenry opposing his complete-rule - BLM/Marxists want the same thing, to take out anything that could challenge their stranglehold on power shall they get it be it armed police or armed citizenry.
And the attack on free-speech continues - company after company piling on FB to sensor "hate speech" - and of course these days "hate speech" is anything the mob/liberals don't agree with
I was one of the biggest liberals you'd ever meet. I still am on most subjects. But things have simply deteriorated. I left Austin, TX for Arizona because traffic was crap and the recent politics too left wing crazy. Now even Arizona is turning left wing crazy. Who's next in line? Mississippi?
^ yeah - it seems there's been an exodus over the last few-years from supa-blue CA and NY into other states which have subsequently been turned purple and could very-well become CA/NY style blue-areas with time.
^^^^ Like a plague of locust. They strip everything of value ruining a place and then move on to do the same over and over again. A democracy with freedom is particularly vulnerable to such scum. If they didn’t already know how the progressives learned how to destroy those who are honest and hard working.
They watched theory put into practice when the Bagwan Shree Rajneesh and his cult invaded Wasco County (Antelope) Oregon. They weren’t satisfied with being able to take over by out voting the real residents but tried to kill off the people they sought to displace. This is the future if the left gets their way.
I don't understand why things are getting worse in Democratic run cities where Mayors are kowtowing to the demands of the mob. In Seattle, they are attacking the Mayor's neighborhood. In NYC, where $1 billion was sent to social service programs from the police budget, they are attacking the city offices.
I wonder if these politicians are regretting giving these wacky people and inch since it seems like they want a mile?
^ most Democrat politicians rather be liked than do the right thing - just look at Jacob "Fake Crocodile Tears" Frey (Minneapolis mayor) - many also sympathize b/c they themselves would like to bring down the current American system and turn it into a liberal utopia
NYC isn't really cutting the money at all Part of it is issuing 42 million More in parking tickets, 57 million saved by moving crossing guards to another department lol. All bullshit.
I hate to say it, but NYC was in far better shape with Republican mayors than with Democratic ones. Much like the country was in better shape with Democratic Presidents than with Republican ones.
Republicans are talking about running away from Trump if his numbers don't improve by Labor Day. Joni Ernst in Iowa is facing a competitive race and is pissed about it. It's not over yet, but it doesn't look good
I'm not sure the defund police political platform is going to sell well to most average people who are right or left leaning in their political beliefs. If crime rates keep spiking its not going to sit well with people.
/Republicans are talking about running away from Trump if his numbers don't improve by Labor Day.
^ and run to who? Biden and the squad?/
"Another anti-Trump group that will be attacking Trump and incumbent Republican senators this summer is The Bravery Project, which is being launched by former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh [...] According to McClatchy, Walsh is targeting Trump in battleground states like Arizona, Florida, Michigan and North Carolina.
***Walsh told McClatchy, “Trump has to lose, and every Republican senator up for reelection has to lose because they’ve enabled (him). Do I want the Democrats to take control of the Senate? No, but I have no choice. To me, these Republicans like Martha McSally and Thom Tillis and Susan Collins have breached their office.”
Walsh continued, “It means the Democrats will be in control of D.C., and they will try to push policies I disagree with. That will leave someone like me fighting against their policies. I don’t look forward to that, but that will be the necessary result.”***
And from The Lincoln Project: "The incumbent GOP senators The Lincoln Project has been attacking with its ad buys include Arizona’s Martha McSally, North Carolina’s Thom Tillis, Iowa’s Joni Ernst and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
***Jennifer Horn, who is now an adviser to The Lincoln Project and formerly served as chair of the New Hampshire GOP, told McClatchy that such senators are “the only…. human beings who had the authority and the ability to keep this president in check constitutionally and politically — and every one of them made a conscious decision to not do so. The only way to make sure that Trumpism doesn’t continue to rule the Republican Party for years to come is to make sure that we defeat not only the president, but those people who have enabled him.”***
So yeah, Papi, real, conservative Republicans are seeking to re-establish the party by getting rid of current GOP officeholders and their slavish, fearful devotion to an antisocial-narcissistic autocrat.
Sorry I was unclear. Basically I meant Republicans who are in competitive races may either pretend they don't know Trump or even carve out policy distance from him to win votes. Obviously this flies more in purple states and districts than deep red.
Trump is toast. Outside of Rudy Guilliani (who is clearly suffering from Alzheimer's), and the Hannity/Limbaugh syndicate, he has lost a lot of his most vocal supporters.
I'm hoping for a '72 Nixon type of backlash to all the "protesting" BS, where Nixon positioned himself as the law-and-order candidate and got close to 97% of the vote - not saying this would happen w/ Trump, but the backlash to everything going-on may be enough to put him over-the-top (It's not over till the orange-man sings)
I bet you'll see Trump begin to move to the left as his political power wanes. He's wanting to get into the good graces of New York liberals again. You think Trump wants to spend the rest of his life with the Hee-Haw crowd?
I don’t care as long as the next leader maintains our park system so I have a place to Go to get away from big media hype. Conglomerates in today’s media is much like farming has gone the past 100 years. All subsidizing and only the big players can make money. Big media is spinning a bunch of lies to us to keep us fighting so we won’t have the energy to lift ourselves up above their misguided way of living. So t be their tool, shut off the media and focus your energy on local family and friends. This has always been true, but the media is the biggest mind fuck in history. That is why an unmoderated forum on tuscl is the best thing on the internment.
last commentTo me it's not Trump vs Dems; it's Trump vs Marxist-like left - if Dems take over, the old Dem guard will be in the way of the ultra-left and the mob will go after the Dem establishment unless the establishment doesn't stand in their way.
If Dems win, it's not the end-all-be-all, but what comes after that - the ultra-left wants to defund the police - soon after that good chance they will go after guns and somehow make illegal to have one - when Fidel took power, his first order of business was to confiscate all guns in the country and you'd go to prison if they found out you had one - Fidel knew what he wanted and knew he couldn't afford to have an armed citizenry opposing his complete-rule - BLM/Marxists want the same thing, to take out anything that could challenge their stranglehold on power shall they get it be it armed police or armed citizenry.
They watched theory put into practice when the Bagwan Shree Rajneesh and his cult invaded Wasco County (Antelope) Oregon. They weren’t satisfied with being able to take over by out voting the real residents but tried to kill off the people they sought to displace. This is the future if the left gets their way.
I wonder if these politicians are regretting giving these wacky people and inch since it seems like they want a mile?
Part of taking away the $1-billion was doing away with the 2020 police academy class.…
Part of it is issuing 42 million More in parking tickets, 57 million saved by moving crossing guards to another department lol. All bullshit.
^ and run to who? Biden and the squad?/
"Another anti-Trump group that will be attacking Trump and incumbent Republican senators this summer is The Bravery Project, which is being launched by former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh [...] According to McClatchy, Walsh is targeting Trump in battleground states like Arizona, Florida, Michigan and North Carolina.
***Walsh told McClatchy, “Trump has to lose, and every Republican senator up for reelection has to lose because they’ve enabled (him). Do I want the Democrats to take control of the Senate? No, but I have no choice. To me, these Republicans like Martha McSally and Thom Tillis and Susan Collins have breached their office.”
Walsh continued, “It means the Democrats will be in control of D.C., and they will try to push policies I disagree with. That will leave someone like me fighting against their policies. I don’t look forward to that, but that will be the necessary result.”***
And from The Lincoln Project: "The incumbent GOP senators The Lincoln Project has been attacking with its ad buys include Arizona’s Martha McSally, North Carolina’s Thom Tillis, Iowa’s Joni Ernst and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
***Jennifer Horn, who is now an adviser to The Lincoln Project and formerly served as chair of the New Hampshire GOP, told McClatchy that such senators are “the only…. human beings who had the authority and the ability to keep this president in check constitutionally and politically — and every one of them made a conscious decision to not do so. The only way to make sure that Trumpism doesn’t continue to rule the Republican Party for years to come is to make sure that we defeat not only the president, but those people who have enabled him.”***
So yeah, Papi, real, conservative Republicans are seeking to re-establish the party by getting rid of current GOP officeholders and their slavish, fearful devotion to an antisocial-narcissistic autocrat.…
Go to get away from big media hype. Conglomerates in today’s media is much like farming has gone the past 100 years. All subsidizing and only the big players can make money. Big media is spinning a bunch of lies to us to keep us fighting so we won’t have the energy to lift ourselves up above their misguided way of living. So t be their tool, shut off the media and focus your energy on local family and friends. This has always been true, but the media is the biggest mind fuck in history. That is why an unmoderated forum on tuscl is the best thing on the internment.