I’m looking forward to reviews once some clubs “open”. My guess is that it’s going to be a few desperate stage dancers in masks who never get within 6 feet of a customer.
In Tucson, it sounds like the first day had big crowds, then emptied out the second day after customers realized how lame the experience was.
I don't think it can happen in Atlanta w statewide executive order coupled with percentage of alcohol sales classifying it as a bar. Could be wrong but I don't think so.
Bubba: They operate the restaurant under a separate name (Alluvia). I wonder if it's actually incorporated and licensed as a separate business? If so, it might be able to open.
According to some dancers there will be an underground stripper party due to the extension. Apparently some club owners don’t feel that the clubs will reopen legally even in June.
I'm sure the word spread much wider amongst the strippers than potential customers. Remember that most customers that spend VIp type money on a Follies girl do NOT exchange numbers, etc. They keep it in the club. So, most of the potential demand and money was oblivious to the party. Not surprising.
last commentIn Tucson, it sounds like the first day had big crowds, then emptied out the second day after customers realized how lame the experience was.