Corona welfare is on steroids???

avatar for blahblahblah23
>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Wtf. I know someone that makes $14.50 an hour so basically whole week isn't even $600. They got cut down to 24 hours a week and getting 600??? So that is like a $300ish raise even accounting for lost wages. And how the fuck is someone who still has a job getting unemployment even?? Idk years ago when did the unemployment shenanigans I had to be fully laid off longer than a week to receive any benefit and then once i got unemployment benefits they were like less than half what I made working..

How the fuck is this person double dipping the unemployment welfare but still working?? And receiving way more than their week wage while they at it.

This is what the fuck is wrong with American society. Let's go be a welfare piece of shit while always talking shit about shit ya don't even comprehend what's up??

Why don't we let this corona shit kill the weakest 0.1%? We got too many dipshits on this planet.


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avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
Great post blah. Pandemic in election year is even worse. Why work if I can make same/more by not working? Too bad economics is not required class in high schools.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
It is sad to live in the failing years of a former great nation. This is similar to the Patriots last year. Used to be great; now mediocre; soon to have a fork ....
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
Yeah my relatives and friends from the former USSR say America is becoming very similar to communist Russia lately.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
Yeah my nephew is currently laid off and making more money as a result. He normally earns $19.75 so a little under $800 weekly. When he first got laid off in mid-March he started getting $400/week from the State of Ohio but quickly had an additional $600 added via the federal government bringing him up to $1000/week. His wife got laid off at the beginning of April and had a similar increase as a result.

After talking to him this weekend he said that between the two of them getting laid off and the stimulus checks they are actually up almost $5k from where they would have been over the past 6 weeks. Strange times indeed.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Totally the fault of the of the Democrats. Before the coronavirus relief package was passed, the Republicans tried to cap the unemployment benefits to no more than what someone was making before being laid off or reduced in hours so they would have an incentive to go back to work when conditions allowed. The Democrats refused and the Republicans caved in order to get the bill passed. The Democrats are insistent on trying to turn the US into a utopia where the government provides everything for everyone, like Venezuela or North Korea.
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
Can we talk about how this person is still working but is receiving $600 a week unemployment? They only lost 16 hrs a week at work. And I thought unemployment was more a thing for someone who was laid off?? This is beyond ridiculous. And yeah unemployment should be less than someone's wages I agree.
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
Should I feel bad for texting them some shit about bottom feeders on welfare voting etc etc etc

I mean they are a friend but damn I can be a real bitch.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
“ Should I feel bad for texting them some shit about bottom feeders on welfare voting etc etc etc”
Well, that may have been a little harsh. I mean, who wouldn’t take an extra $600 per month of free money after being laid off or having hours reduced? But I understand exactly where you’re coming from. Again, you can than the economic geniuses in the Democratic Party for this craziness.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Democrats look in their own backyards and saw that their voters were dying so they wanted to buy some more votes with taxpayer money.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Preach it blahblah.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
I have a new favorite dancer ❤️
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
^^^^ Get in line...
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Coming out of CoVid, there is an opportunity to reinvent this country. China. Government bureaucrats. Urban mega cities. Congress. There is so much that obviously is broken.

Will we fix it ? I’m not optimistic but it’s the best shot we’ve had for decades.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
—>America is becoming very similar to communist Russia lately.

Except for dictatorship, secret police, show trials, and gulag labor camps. But corruption shortages of goods in stores (though pandemic related), yes.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
^corruption *and shortages
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
"Except for dictatorship, secret police, show trials, and gulag labor camps." The Dems are working on it. Just give them a little time.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
@blahblah, if you’re an independent contractor, consider getting yourself some of that PPP money but apply quick cuz it’s gonna dry out (again) soon. That may go against the grain of your feelings as expressed in this post, but the $ is there and as IC you’re eligible, might as well get some - others sure are
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Some people are so bereft of intelligence their brain is a barren wasteland; like a desert. Their mind numblingly stupid comments are like the scrub that populates such a barren westeland. Full employment, with everyone working at Mickey d's impresses these stupid people, but not thinking people; A stock market artificially propelled to all time highs by the Federal reserve gaming the system impresses stupid people, but not thinking people; being energy self-sufficient, like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iarn and Venezuela is impressive to short term thinkers, who are stupid people, but not to thinking people; living with a spouse of 30 years in a beautiful suburb of Boston and having sex while angry people moiuth off in mastubatory frustration is what thinking people do. The stupid person? They make comments like we will remain the strongest, richest, country in the world, without wondering if that just means that we simply drown last on the sinking boat called planet earth. Playing 18 tomorrow; mowing the lawn today; not working this week ... unemployment ...thank you taxpayers.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Pay no attention to DScrub. He is too fixated on sticking children's toys in guy's butts to have any coherent thoughts.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I am just perturbed because the best tee time I could get today was 5:42 so its nine holes when all I really want is .... one.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
If you were not such a whiny blowhard you'd know that we're avid skiers and skiers like snow retard. Living in the south sucks and yup I used to live in Florida, which sucks less than the rest of the area, yet still sucks. I am sorry you're a failure and afraid of getting old. You have my pity. Just to cheer you up desert, on the way back from the Post Office I was able to pick up my dry cleaning which I left on Saint Patrick's day. What a wonderful day. Now I am going to water my grass seed ( we decided to not line the new walkway with flowers) have lunch and go play nine. You will be doing ........ cool; have fun.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I posted before I spent my stimulus check on my brother's cobra. Your anger clouds your memory and causes impotence, which causes anger, which causes impotence, which causes anger,,,,,,,,
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
This is the nanny state gone berserk. How the hell are we ever going to close out our national debt to China is we do not stop deficit spending. This is a blatant gambit by the democrat party to buy the support of those who vote for a living, as oppose to those who work for a living.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ And all of this spending is presided over by your favorite president
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Yes Desert you're "rich" ; Trump is handsome; Obama was born in America; Ted Kennedy didn't murder Mary Jo Kopechne; the Astros didn't steal signs; Elizabeth Warren is native american; being called a scrub is complimentary; you're "rich"; lol
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I like the way you think Blah. I see no harm in calling a person out when they are taking in more from unemployment - than they would normally get paid.

This is the sad truth about certain pay ranges where it pays more to work less (or to not work at all).

Let me add my name to the list of guys who have a new favorite dancer!
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
Can’t make her favorite dancer unless I see a picture. Still scarred from some of those lady-boy pics that Juice posted
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
I'm a leftist but I feel like that extra 600 a week is too generous. Kinda feels like politically it wasn't a good look to try to trim it to 400 or 500.

It's slightly perverse that some grocery store workers are making less than their friends who are on unemployment.

I know part of the goal was just to get cash into the economy and help those in need. Help landlords keep getting paid so they can keep paying handymen and property managers and gardeners. But they overshot a little for how much
avatar for Hunter2019
5 years ago
The lower wage workers who lost their jobs are benefiting from the extra $600 per week. However, the $600 was needed to help keep the middle class who lost their jobs afloat for a few months. The housing market is vital for the economy to recover.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
I assumed the point was to bribe people to take the money, enjoy themselves, and follow stay-at-home. Heck, maybe even create a whole group of people who now have self-interest to passionately pressure others to stay at home and save a life. And reduce the number of would-be protestors.

Oh, and elections are coming up soon. Just like gobstop said.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
It will be interesting to see what happens in the housing market post-CoVid. AirBnB homes will be sold or converted to conventional rentals. Cities that rely on tourism, like Las Vegas, Honolulu, and Orlando will be decimated. Families will flee urban centers for the suburbs. Cities that rely on mass transit will fare worse than those where the car is king. States like Illinois, New York, and California will try and squeeze more tax dollars out of the struggling middle class, leading to an exodus. Massive realignment.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
A lot of housing markets were overheated pre covid. It's going to be crazy whenever the government starts letting banks foreclose again.
avatar for MalakingDog
5 years ago
Doesn't bother me how much extra they are currently receiving. They are going to need it as once the unemployment runs out, there are going to be a lot less jobs available and those that are will also be low paying ones. Always will be people complaining about how much money someone else makes. Better to focus on taking care of one's own business.
avatar for etsutwigg222
5 years ago
In many cases, the lay offs resulted in lost medical insurance. Now that must be paid fully by the unemployed or risk not getting insured. The extra $600 will be taxable wages next tax year, but individual insurance payments won't be enough to deduct. MIDDLE CLASS STILL GETTING SCREWED !!!!
Luckily, old farts like me have other income and insurance sources.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I'm a conservative on most things - def prefer smaller vs bigger government - having said this, I am not against helping those in need, as I assume most people aren't against helping those in need either; problem is more often than not many people milk the system.

w.r.t. the specific case of a part-timer receiving unemployment benefits, perhaps under normal circumstances where the person could find another part-time job to pick up the slack I could see them not qualifying for unemployment, but under the current circumstance I feel they should get it - many people, particularly lower-wage workers, often live paycheck-to-paycheck w/ not much slack in their finances - many a person losing half their hours/income b/c of Covid-19, under these current circumstances is gonna have almost as hard a time making-it as someone that is fully unemployed - so under these circumstances those having lost half their income I do support them getting assistance.

w.r.t. the overall assistance being given - I had somewhat heard there was disagreement b/w the Reps and Dems but not sure what the exact differences were - it seemed to me that the federal-government was trying to put money into people's hands in part to avoid the economy from coming to a complete/bigger halt (similar to the great recession where the feds seemed to pump a lot of $$$ into the economy) - thus my thoughts for the generous benefits were along the line of the government trying to keep the economy moving.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
w.r.t. whether the government is providing too-many benefits, I guess there can be genuine financial-reasons, and perhaps not-so-genuine political-reasons - as I previously mentioned, one reason for the more-than-usual generous benefits could be trying to keep the economy going by putting $$$ into people's hands - another things is that state-benefits are not that big and some states have pretty-poor benefits so the extra federal benefit was needed to help keep people, and the economy, afloat.

I assume one political angle could be the Dems having been kicking around the idea for a while now of UBI, and them seeing this as a partial-version of it?

avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
mmm I am not gonna spill all my friend's biz on here, but let's just say, no, I have zero sympathy. Having known this person for a while, they are just a complete fuck up and I am still only somewhat friends because of having a history or w/e. So basically we need welfare to lift up people who are all of these things: phenomenally stupid in the raw intelligence and/or IQ department, too lazy to actually have job where they do any physical or mental work, and so unambitious to not aggressively try and move up the chain or start their own biz or w/e. Idk man does America really need these kinds of people that are always gonna have to be subsidized in some way either by government or relatives that feel sorry for them and are too kindhearted to quit doling out support $$$ ?
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
^ Idk I may have my flaws, but I would like to say I am not a complete drain on society nor on my family.
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
Oh and I am not against welfare. I think we should have a safety net and something for the disabled or people that are like too old and frail to work or temporarily down on their luck... but at some point this just gets stupid. My friend has like 20 years of work exp (yes they are older than me) with zero resume gaps yet only makes $1 above our min wage. I just don't even get it. So we should subsidize morons because they are able to vote for their subsidizer?
avatar for Tiburon
5 years ago
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
I retract my earlier comment. Blah is now my favorite dancer
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