If I could take shit back
IceyI put your ATF on a winning team
Maybe I wouldn't date stripper hoes. I'm kinda fucked up now but.....
1- 3 years in and her insecurities and hangups make our relationship so volatile but no matter what she'll always be the love of my life. I need her like the air I breathe.
2- she fell in love with me I fell in love with fucking her. She has a kid with her pimp. She keeps trying but knows I love 1
3- living a fairytale life with her sugar daddy but we have magic whenever we meet up. We make each other feel shit we never felt before but she has him and I have 1
4- she's just pussy to me but loves me
last commentPassive aggressive love
LOL Cuckold in Love or CIL if you will. 😂😂😂
if i could take back all my money i gave these greedy whores
LMFAO nothing tells you that your bitch loves you like her going out and turning tricks cause she's a bonafide whore. 😂😂😂
“Take shit back”?
No dumping loads for you then?
I would have married the redhead who sat by me on the bus in high school. Sometimes I think about it when I drive home from the club listening to the track below.
JJ Grey & Mofro - The Sun Is Shining Down
Icey, things go the way they go. I know that you'll decide what is best.
Pics of the “Fairy Tale life” and “the magic meet ups” or didn’t happen.
I'm talking about 4 different stripper hoes in my life. It all eventually takes a toll and you start thinking wheth I happy endings are real.
Pics of the “4 different strippers” or didn’t happen
Sounds like you are too stuck on 1 to give anyone else a real chance and things with 1 are too toxic to ever be “a happy ending”
If you are seeing them, I don't think calling them "stripper hoes" can help. It must distort your own view of them.
LOL nothing says "love" like referring to her as a stripper ho.
LMAO happy endings with a stripper whore are real but only when you're a paying trick.
Stripper hoe is just a term like bitch. Its not pejorative. I think too many on this forum forget the human factor. That these women are women like any other. When you enter each other's worlds life changes and when hearts are damaged the ending isn't always happy.
Phoenix133 1 is very toxic but it's just her life her past. It was love at first sight and 3 years later we end up together no matter what. She is the woman of my dreams and will always be the love of my life. Anyone else can only ever hope to be second best
Pics of the “woman of your dreams” and “the second best hopeful” or isn’t so.
Why do I hear Cartman's voice everytime I read your postings? Hmmm....
IceyLoco, stupid is as stupid hoes. Lmfao!!
If I could take back all the money I’ve spent on women, I’d spend it all on women
location. location. location . absolutely no more Vegas (or Miami)
If I could take back the years I invested in marriage.
oh yeah. that too.
(having kids was not the problem. )
Yeah I've never understood your constant use of "stripper hoes" either. Is that the way you view all strippers as hoes?
I know the girls on this site have tough skin but I'm surprised none have called you out.
25+ years of clubbing only after ROB do I pull out the derogatory terms.
Stripper hoe isn't a derogatory term. Cardi b uses it.
But dating them takes a toll on you eventually. I'm at the point where we have to decide what we really want
^ LOL "dating" them? You admittedly pay them drugs and money. Per your own thread...
^ LMAO you are an RIL trick bitch that has to pay for GFE! 😂😂😂
"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this elsewhere...it was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."
^ LMFAO hundreds of dollars a day paid to a stripper whore. It's called extreme GFE. 😂😂😂
I love my main bitch too much
^ if you learned when to keep your big yap shut you wouldn’t need to take shit back.
How much did you pay her in money and drugs to get main bitch status GFE from her?
Was "love" extra?
twentyfive, CHILL OUT!
^ Why I’m much more chill than 97.3% of the posters here 😎
LMFAO san_jose_creep is playing moderator on an unmoderated forum. 😂😂😂
^ I thought he might ask who were the 2.7 % that were more chill than I am 😎
I do need to watch what I say at times