Democratic Debates, NOW!

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^^^ Hiw can you be busy 24-7 engaged in local politics if you are writing on this website for hours every afternoon?its because you’re a coconut head full of shit lying left wing radical liberal!
It took us 82 minutes to realize we were not watching dumb and dumber, but watching the debates. Got to love the "diversity" of the Democratic party in full view on stage. Can you say limosine liberal lol.
Someone said that the Democrats do not have anyone who can beat Trump.

True, we don't have any ONE. We have seven great candidates and I want them all to get a position in the new Democratic administration.

^^^We have several candidates on tuscl running to get you to STFU!!
PBS News Hour…

Andrew Yang is talking about the media, Yang is really doing good.

Alan Minsky with the Progressive Democrats of America. “It’s a complete erasure of the reality of the lives of tens of millions of Americans.”

He is critiquing the Democratic Debates, still not dealing with poverty.…

^^ Andrew Yang is saying to STFU AND go
Out and get something done locally f2f, instead of being a keyboard cowboy!
^^^^ I do huge amounts, some while also being on a keyboard, and some in other ways. I just don't seek approval from the herd for this.

^^ This is overwhelmingly apparent that you contradict yourself. First you tell us you’re engaged 24/7 in local politics dealing with hand to hand combat, and then you’re on here for hours a day posting left wing radical rhetoric from the mouthpiece of liberal leeches. Smh... you’re fired!
One would think it would be harder to find seven candiates to lose to Trump. Maybe Evo Morales is available.
These candidates are bunk, my takeaways:

Yang - best line of the night when he said if you leave men in a room for too many months alone we turn into morons. Lol. Def smarter than anyone else on that stage, heart in the right place, didnt Trump run 20 years ago? If so, maybe this dude will not ready yet.

Warren - man this b* is a corrupt, phony typical POS. No chance. Wannabe Pelosi but half as clever. If she didnt have the grandma factor, shed have been out of the running a long time ago.

Buttigieg- everytime this smug dick smuggler talks I wonder if takes the cock in the right or left side of his mouth. All I hear is Dr Evils statement about him posing as Rambo in his younger years.

Biden - pooh Nellie he wore his dipends and took his wheaties. If you look up beady eyes in the dictionary you get him. His best showing.

Klobuchar - I was thinking you know this chick has a bag of doritos under that podium and then after the debate she admitted she had a bunch of snacks. She is a mean heifer, I see right through her. Read that article about how she treats her staff, no thanks she is an egomaniacal wench

Tom S - who is this dude? Is this the dude that plays larry David's tall friend on Curb? Damn he is angry. *googles him. OOoh he is a Frisco elitist, made his money buying a bunch of real estate in the 80s, everyone that did that became super wealthy so he's not as smart as he thinks he is. He spoke on rhetoric and gave no substance.

Bernie - same schtick but it seems he dialed down the yelling? Maybe people told him to stop screaming like some crazy old man? God this career politician is really an idiot, these principals all sound great but anybody thinking its financially feasible is a moron. Who cares, he shot his wad and his message is stale.

Get ready for another 4 years of Trump people!
Bdeyond pathetic. The Lincoln project. Interesting because with their fixation on getting children, felons and illegals to vote, the left has no interest in democracy.
This is a declaratory statement by the Lincoln project, if y'all care to read it there is some enlightenment here, they aren't looking for blind loyalty they are genuine patriots and willing to work with all not like this current group of Trumpublicans

The president and his enablers have replaced conservatism with an empty faith led by a bogus prophet.

By George T. Conway III, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver and Rick Wilson.

The authors have worked for or supported numerous Republican campaigns and administrations.

Patriotism and the survival of our nation in the face of the crimes, corruption and corrosive nature of Donald Trump are a higher calling than mere politics. As Americans, we must stem the damage he and his followers are doing to the rule of law, the Constitution and the American character.

That’s why we are announcing the Lincoln Project, an effort to highlight our country’s story and values, and its people’s sacrifices and obligations. This effort transcends partisanship and is dedicated to nothing less than preservation of the principles that so many have fought for, on battlefields far from home and within their own communities.

This effort asks all Americans of all places, creeds and ways of life to join in the seminal task of our generation: restoring to this nation leadership and governance that respects the rule of law, recognizes the dignity of all people and defends the Constitution and American values at home and abroad.

Over these next 11 months, our efforts will be dedicated to defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box and to elect those patriots who will hold the line. We do not undertake this task lightly, nor from ideological preference. We have been, and remain, broadly conservative (or classically liberal) in our politics and outlooks. Our many policy differences with national Democrats remain, but our shared fidelity to the Constitution dictates a common effort.

The 2020 general election, by every indication, will be about persuasion, with turnout expected to be at record highs. Our efforts are aimed at persuading enough disaffected conservatives, Republicans and Republican-leaning independents in swing states and districts to help ensure a victory in the Electoral College and majorities that don’t enable and abet trumps violations of the constitution; even if that means Democrat control of the Senate and expansion of the Democratic majority in the House.

The American presidency transcends the individuals who occupy the Oval Office. Their personality becomes part of our national character. Their actions become our actions, for which we all share responsibility. Their willingness to act in accordance with the law and our tradition dictate how current and future leaders will act. Their commitment to order, civility and decency are reflected in American society.

Mr. Trump fails to meet the bar for this commitment. He has neither the moral compass nor the temperament to serve. His vision is limited to what immediately faces him — the problems and risks he chronically brings upon himself and for which others, from countless contractors and companies to the American people, ultimately bear the heaviest burden.

But this president’s actions are possible only with the craven acquiescence of congressional Republicans. They have done no less than abdicate their Article I responsibilities.

Indeed, national Republicans have done far worse than simply march along to Mr. Trump’s beat. Their defense of him is imbued with an ugliness, a meanness and a willingness to attack and slander those who have shed blood for our country, who have dedicated their lives and careers to its defense and its security, and whose job is to preserve the nation’s status as a beacon of hope.

Congressional Republicans have embraced and copied Mr. Trump’s cruelty and defended and even adopted his corruption. Mr. Trump and his enablers have abandoned conservatism and longstanding Republican principles and replaced it with Trumpism, an empty faith led by a bogus prophet. In a recent survey, a majority of Republican voters reported that they consider Mr. Trump a better president than Lincoln.

Mr. Trump and his fellow travelers daily undermine the proposition we as a people have a responsibility and an obligation to continually bend the arc of history toward justice. They mock our belief in America as something more meaningful than lines on a map.

Our peril far outstrips any past differences: It has arrived at our collective doorstep, and we believe there is no other choice. We sincerely hope, but are not optimistic, that some of those Republicans charged with sitting as jurors in a likely Senate impeachment trial will do likewise.

American men and women stand ready around the globe to defend us and our way of life. We must do right by them and ensure that the country for which they daily don their uniform deserves their protection and their sacrifice.

We are reminded of Dan Sickles, an incompetent 19th-century New York politician. On July 2, 1863, his blundering nearly ended the United States.

(Sickles’s greatest previous achievement had been fatally shooting his wife’s lover across the street from the White House and getting himself elected to Congress. Even his most fervent admirers could not have imagined that one day, far in the future, another incompetent New York politician, a president, would lay claim to that legacy by saying he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it.)

On that day in Pennsylvania, Sickles was a major general commanding the Union Army’s III Corps at the Battle of Gettysburg, and his incompetence wrought chaos and danger. The Confederate Army took advantage, and turned the Union line. Had the rebel soldiers broken through, the continent would have been divided: Free and slave, democratic and authoritarian.

Another Union general, Winfield Scott Hancock, had only minutes to reinforce the line. America, the nation, the ideal, hung in the balance. Amid the fury of battle, he found the First Minnesota Volunteers. They were immigrants. Many didn’t speak English. They were the very people the Know Nothings tried to keep out of the country.

They charged, and many of them fell, suffering a staggeringly high casualty rate. They held the line. They saved the Union. Four months later, Lincoln stood on that field of slaughter and said, “It is left to us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.”

We look to Lincoln as our guide and inspiration. He understood the necessity of not just saving the Union, but also of knitting the nation back together spiritually as well as politically. But those wounds can be bound up only once the threat has been defeated. So, too, will our country have to knit itself back together after the scourge of Trumpism has been overcome.

George T. Conway III is an attorney in New York. Steve Schmidt is a Republican political strategist who worked for President George W. Bush, Senator John McCain and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. John Weaver is a Republican strategist who worked for President George H.W. Bush, Senator John McCain and Gov. John Kasich. Rick Wilson is a Republican media consultant and author of “Everything Trump Touches Dies” and the forthcoming “Running Against the Devil: A Plot to Save America From Trump and Democrats From Themselves.”

This article was originally published in The New York Times.

Follow The Lincoln Project on Twitter @ProjectLincoln
Pistola, what we need is a progressive vision, not a reactionary mentality.

And thank you TwentyFive for the Lincoln Project Link

JJMB, you can use Google Advanced Search on the whole site. But you can probably also make it work for sections of the URL Tree too.


The president and his enablers have replaced conservatism with an empty faith led by a bogus prophet.…

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