I heard bad things about visiting during Christmas/new years
If she's not latina, I don't want her
Hey guys so I've heard that the quality/amount of girls in TJ decrease during the holidays I listed above. I'm planning a trip from Jan 5th - 9th and am nervous about not having as great as a time as I did during my past ventures. Does anyone have any inputs they'd like to share about going during those holidays? Are the dates I picked far enough from the holidays that I shouldn't notice a difference?
Also - in Latin America they strongly celebrate a holiday on January 6th where families get together:
Not from me, I had the best time of my Monger life last year on three visits during the Christmas and New Years holiday.
There were plenty of BGs, though less than usual but also less PLs.
The quality level was good too though I like to mix it up, so I like all types.
There is never a bad time to visit TJ.
As far as the dates of your planned visit, I would not worry too much, I visited TJ in January 2019 and it was more great experiences, I found my first ABG and a few weeks later I met my CFBG.
My advice: just go and have a great time.
@eastcoaster I was also thinking of taking advantage of the situation through better prices as well. I wonder if the difference will be substantial?
I sorta doubt the difference will be substantial, but one can never tell. My bet is (and I have found this at Chicago Club around the corner from Hong Kong) that rather than coming down in price much, if at all, girls will be much more likely to be amenable to going upstairs for an hour, as opposed to a half hour, for the same price. Sort of makes sense if the number of customers is low and that's what it takes to get your business.