
Spin. What's the most you paid for 'phatom' pussy

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
Monday, July 15, 2019 10:34 AM
Where you got duped. Thought you were paying for sex, she/they made off with your cash. You're left standing there. What's the worst amount you got Got?


  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I was in London. Walking around Piccadilly and came across a very attractive street walker. I forgot the exact amount in pounds, but it was around $250. She said we would go around the corner to a room but I needed to pay first. Stupid ? Yes. She handed the money to a handler that quickly walked away. Then the girl just totally ignored me and started to solicit someone else with me standing right there. I started to argue with her and she would just walk away from me. There were police in the area, but what am I going to say to them. I'm in a different country and not sure of what I could actually do. The girl didn't have the money so I couldn't take it back. I was so frustrated. I learned a lesson.
  • gothamyte
    5 years ago
    Happened to me 2x, I can recall. First time, early 90s. Walking alone in the big city, overnight, because, earlier my self esteem took a big hit after nobody in my inner circle took notice I finally got my braces off. Like not one word from anybody who interacted with me face to face. Hustler on the street caught me feeling vulnerable. Told me he's got bored hookers in the hotel right there, top floor doing a party. They need johns to keep the party lit. Give him I think it was $80 and he'll give me the wristbands to get in. For a hustler, he was kind. Asked me a few times if I had enough $$ to get home before he took my $$. Even waited with me at the ATM. It was such a cold nite--no one on the street. He took my cash, handed me the envelope and split. I open the envelope, it's full of confetti. At first I'm confused. Like he must've made a mistake. Then I bust out laughing. Realized all the holes in his story. Good reminder: don't get caught up on my braces and trivial shit, the world doesn't care. Second time, a pair of strippers and i were at the SC on a sloooow night. one was like 'for $120 we could leave here so she can fuck me.' Her stripper buddy will drive. I'm down. I didnt have a car. We pile into 2nd strippers car. Stripper who'll fuck me riding shotgun. I'm in the backseat. We all seen each other in the club but never hung out. It was fun. Music blasting, we all young, strippers still in thongs in the car because this was supposed to be a quik stop at a nearby ATM and then off to a motel or we may do it in the car. BUT every ATM we hit had some sort of issue like the one inside the club always did. Or we couldn't find one. It was crazy. The dancers even came out of the car and joined me at the ATM because they couldnt believe we kept having to drive to ANOTHER ATM. Folks in their cars honking at us seeing two women in thongs and a nerd at the ATM in public. Finally an ATM worked. And BIG FACE PALM HERE, I gave stripper in the passenger side all $120 right there in the car while we all 3 driving to the motel. I guess to prove I did have the money. To show it wasnt me, it was the ATMs. I mean this adventure took around 2 hrs hitting up every known ATM. Stripper in the passenger seat was so happy, keep in mind, the windows are down, music up, she starts waving the cash I just handed to her and suddenly a breeze outta nowhere took all the money in her hand. I'm in the backseat, I saw it, flying out the window. Chick almost fell outta the window trying to retrieve it. We can't really stop. Traffic behind us is stopping to get my money. It was surreal. Apparently the driver was focused on driving she didnt immediatelty notice from her side that I'd given the money to the stripper and it flew out the window. All that happened soooooo fast. I couldn't believe my money was flying out like that as I watched it. We doubled back and of course all the money was gone. That car ride back to the SC was so quiet. Everbody was mad at someone else. Driver was like why did you give her all the money? I'm like why didn't you stop driving immediately? We both asking ol gal, why would you wave money so carelessly next to a wide open window as we speeding? We get back to the SC and sit at the same table before all this began. Somber mood. You'd think the 2 dancers woukd get to work, but nobody was in the mood anymore. The driver sided with me: as I started to argue that I technically paid so I need to get some free lapdances or something. The driver wanted to be compensated from ol' girl for missing at least 2 hrs of work driving us around. Ol' girl was in no mood, she had plans for that money and couldn't believe she messed up like that. She was really upset with herself after that. She didnt wanna lift up her head for anything. Months later I ran into the driver again and we finally laughed about it. She's like my friend can be a real airhead. But, of course, to this day I wonder if that was all planned. Did really all the money fly outta her hand? Did they conspire somehow while I went to one of the ATMs. I dont think so, but I wonder...I always got the sense that they worked together and maybe helped each other, but weren't that close...
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    Can’t recall anything like that happening to me. Maybe the worst thing was not getting a HE at a couple massage places after spending $30 for hh, some 30 years ago. Those described here are relatively low sums to lose for learning experiences. We’ve probably all heard stories of people, men and women, old and young, getting taken for a bundle, sometimes their life savings, by swindlers and con artists. That’s why I live by this simple rule: I trust nobody except my children.
  • King_Gambrinus
    5 years ago
    Was in a popular beach town walking back to my room alone after the bar closed at 2 am. An attractive female approaches me and says she’s lost and needs help finding her way to a party at her friends condo. We walk around for 10 minutes and no such luck. Then she claims she’s feeling “frisky” and thinks I’m hot. She wants to 69 on the beach. I’m down. About a minute into the 69 she gets up real quick and runs off shouting she has to pee. I sit there with my pants down for a minute until I realize she’s not coming back. Pull my pants up and notice my wallet with $200 cash is gone. I was young and that was all the money I had for the whole weekend. Lesson learned.
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I got hit for $1,000 once (but I got to eat her out), then $2,000, and the third time it happened would have been another $1,000 but I called the cops and got my money back (banned from Sheraton hotels though).
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    $400. I paid $200 to the bartender for an hour in VIP and stupidly gave the dancer the $200 we had negotiated upfront. After 10 min of dancing and fondling to get warmed up she said she had to go to the bathroom real quick before the fun started and she paused the timer. She came back 10 minutes later and you could tell she was completely drugged out of her mind. I think she had snorted/smoked/shot up the entire $200 tip worth. While I don't mind if the girl is a little tipsy or a little high, incoherent and completely out of it is a no go. I got up and left and gave the bartender a heads up as to what happened. She was furious and told me I could pick another girl to take to vip and that the new girl would get credit instead of the first girl but there was nothing she could do about the tip.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    In the SC world ... never has happened. In the non fantasy world .... fucking millions from my ex wife .... BITCH!
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