As I always say, every night is a chance for a new adventure. Well last night I had one of those when an opportunity with a long time acquaintance quite unexpectedly dropped into my lap. I've known this girl for over two years and long since abandoned any hope of taking her OTC. She is beautiful, smart and sexy as hell, with natural curves that make you think all sorts of racy thoughts. She is also so bubbly and entertaining on stage that it is hard not to watch her. All of this makes her quite popular ITC.
But her popularity and other life circumstances (no kids, long time live-in BF who makes money) were not conducive to OTC as she could make enough ITC during busy nights and ride out the slow ones without serious consequences. So what changed? She found out that her live-in BF had GFs in other cities. They had a big fight, in which he got physical (or so she said) and then she started communicating with the other girls. It was all a big mess and she was wrestling with the aftermath when I came across her ITC, drinking even more than normal.
It was weird fucking night from there. I bought her yet more drinks of course and, in between our normal back and forth, listened to her story. Every so often she had to stop to text with one of the other GFs, who were apparently as pissed as she that they had been snookered. After two hours of this at the bar, the OTC opportunity finally opened up. She even brazenly left the club with me and this is not a club where that happens often.
From there it got even weirder. She wanted it to be like a date. So we spent another three hours at the hotel with a bottle of vodka and some chasers, talking (her crying a couple of times), drinking, listening to music and even dancing. OTC with club customers is not normally her thing, but she's had a couple of SDs over the years. I'm not going to get graphic about the main event, but it was epic too and she definitely got hers too, as of course did I - twice. She wanted a good fucking and that is what she got, which I'm glad I'm still young enough to manage.
Now the downsides were that she wanted more than I am accustomed to paying around these parts and I'm still a little hungover from all of that vodka, which is not my normal poison. I don't know if I would do something that elaborate again anytime soon, but it was definitely a night for the memory bank. I thought this was going to be one of my normal two stop nights, with food and drinks during Happy Hour at my starter club and a fun time OTC with a girl from my next stop. In fact, given the drama component that this girl was going through and how much she had to drink, I almost passed on the chance to take her out, but I'm very glad that I didn't.
Moments like that are why some of us do this shit.
WTG, rick. It’s stories like this that keep my hopes up for my own luck to turn. We’ll see.
Out of curiosity, do you think this will open up more chances with this dancer, or do you think you caught her at just the right time and it was a one-off?
===> "Out of curiosity, do you think this will open up more chances with this dancer, or do you think you caught her at just the right time and it was a one-off?"
Honestly it's really hard to tell in situations like this. Normally, once the OTC barrier is breached and a formerly reluctant girl realizes how easy the money is, a repeat is likely, especially if she gets her nut as an added bonus (which this girl sure did). But the last time I came across a situation like this, with a girl who was always adamant that she didn't do p4p but then unexpectedly agreed when a relationship went sour, it was a one and done. Also, it's possible that this girl is going to try to angle for a SD situation, which is normally more her speed.
That was clearly a great night and one you will want to keep fresh in your memories.
As great as I’m sure the experience was, the worry I would have if I were in your shoes is that she will become your albatross. Women have a knack for turning into albatrosses.
Very nice. I had an ITC favorite for many years that declined tactful OTC offers so many times that I quit asking. One visit, out of the blue, she starts hinting at OTC. I thought she was bluffing but she wasn't. Good times.
I have a long term ITC favorite that I would be willing to drop some serious cash on if she was willing. At least once.
===> "As great as I’m sure the experience was, the worry I would have if I were in your shoes is that she will become your albatross. Women have a knack for turning into albatrosses."
Could you elaborate reverend? I'm not completely sure that I understand the point that you are making with that.
@Baller, yeah, the crying did detract somewhat from the event. But I had to accept the bad with the good on this one. If the situation that caused her to cry didn't exist, I doubt that the opportunity would have opened up.
I think the event was almost as much about validation and comfort for her as it was about the money. Honestly I normally steer a mile around dramatic situations, but this girl is downright beautiful in a very natural looking way. She's like the sweet, fun and hot young wife that other guys covertly stare at during the ball game or backyard barbecue. I have wanted this shot for over two years, so I struck when the iron was hot and simply hoped that the drama wouldn't consume all of the fun - which it didn't. ☺
@reverend: Fair enough. She struck me as the type who knows the score in the end, but we shall see. She's been stripping for a long time, has had SDs before and she knows that I'm married. Also, while in my much younger years I might have had a legit shot at landing that on a civilian basis, I'm many years past that point now. I'm guessing she'll find a replacement for the d-bag soon enough - possibly another d-bag who hasn't shown his color yet. ;)
I don't think its a good experience. In my view, even as fucked up as she was, as fucked up as the situation was, and even though she knew you that long....she was still making it a business engagement.
===> "I don't think its a good experience. In my view, even as fucked up as she was, as fucked up as the situation was, and even though she knew you that long....she was still making it a business engagement."
Of course she was and that is exactly what I wanted. It was a fun time, but when the party is done then so am I. I'm married with kids and have a business to run. There is no true NSA sex with civilian girls, regardless of what they say, so I haven't messed with another one in over a decade. More than anything else, I'm paying them to gtfo when it is done.
Honestly, I think I'd view it differently if I was older and married etc....its hard to relate on that level when you don't know what its like.
And yeah true NSA sex without paying for it doesn't really exist. The whole side bitch/side nigga thing people do ends up fucking with people's heads eventually.
3131, I don't talk price for specific p4p events on an open forum, whether in a discussion thread or a club review.
As far as the negotiating before leaving the club, no I did not, which is quite unusual for me. Normally it's one of my hard and fast rules as a girl who refuses to name a price beforehand often isn't serious or has some upselling in mind. But when I broached it ITC she avoided the subject. I've been doing this for a long time and the vibe I was picking up was that she was ready and willing, so in this instance I trusted my gut and made an exception. It also doesn't hurt that I've known her for a while and spent two hours drinking with that night.
and after 2 normally one of my deal breakers. But in this particular instance she didn't want to talk about it ITC. I would never suggest, with as long as I've been dealing with her yet another aspect which was very unusual for me. Normally I won't head out for OTC without striking a deal, but she didn't want to talk about it ITC. Again I've known her for quite some time and my gut read, after talking with her for two hours at the bar, was that I should roll with it.
last commentOut of curiosity, do you think this will open up more chances with this dancer, or do you think you caught her at just the right time and it was a one-off?
Honestly it's really hard to tell in situations like this. Normally, once the OTC barrier is breached and a formerly reluctant girl realizes how easy the money is, a repeat is likely, especially if she gets her nut as an added bonus (which this girl sure did). But the last time I came across a situation like this, with a girl who was always adamant that she didn't do p4p but then unexpectedly agreed when a relationship went sour, it was a one and done. Also, it's possible that this girl is going to try to angle for a SD situation, which is normally more her speed.
We shall see.
As great as I’m sure the experience was, the worry I would have if I were in your shoes is that she will become your albatross. Women have a knack for turning into albatrosses.
I have a long term ITC favorite that I would be willing to drop some serious cash on if she was willing. At least once.
Could you elaborate reverend? I'm not completely sure that I understand the point that you are making with that.
I think the event was almost as much about validation and comfort for her as it was about the money. Honestly I normally steer a mile around dramatic situations, but this girl is downright beautiful in a very natural looking way. She's like the sweet, fun and hot young wife that other guys covertly stare at during the ball game or backyard barbecue. I have wanted this shot for over two years, so I struck when the iron was hot and simply hoped that the drama wouldn't consume all of the fun - which it didn't. ☺
You know the old saying, “No good deed goes unpunished.”
Maybe nothing like that will happen.
Of course she was and that is exactly what I wanted. It was a fun time, but when the party is done then so am I. I'm married with kids and have a business to run. There is no true NSA sex with civilian girls, regardless of what they say, so I haven't messed with another one in over a decade. More than anything else, I'm paying them to gtfo when it is done.
And yeah true NSA sex without paying for it doesn't really exist. The whole side bitch/side nigga thing people do ends up fucking with people's heads eventually.
As far as the negotiating before leaving the club, no I did not, which is quite unusual for me. Normally it's one of my hard and fast rules as a girl who refuses to name a price beforehand often isn't serious or has some upselling in mind. But when I broached it ITC she avoided the subject. I've been doing this for a long time and the vibe I was picking up was that she was ready and willing, so in this instance I trusted my gut and made an exception. It also doesn't hurt that I've known her for a while and spent two hours drinking with that night.
and after 2 normally one of my deal breakers. But in this particular instance she didn't want to talk about it ITC. I would never suggest, with as long as I've been dealing with her yet another aspect which was very unusual for me. Normally I won't head out for OTC without striking a deal, but she didn't want to talk about it ITC. Again I've known her for quite some time and my gut read, after talking with her for two hours at the bar, was that I should roll with it.