Being ignored by the waitstaff

clubdudeThe Greater Detroit Area
This happened to me just yesterday. I was in one of the clubs I frequent. Wanted to get another drink (beer) and let the waitress know. After 20 minutes of watching her serve and get new orders from everyone around me, I gave up and went to the bar to order. I waved the bartender over, she looked at me then turned around and went about her business. After a few minutes of that I decided to exit for the night. Now I'm use to dancers ignoring me (at times), but the waitstaff now? It was not overly busy at this time. Usually a club really pushes you on drinks. Needless to say, I will be reluctant to tip either on my next visit (too bad because they're both good looking).
last commentPart and parcel of the strip club biz - often times service is even worse at the dives.
Many on TUSCL like/prefer female bar-tenders - I can't stand many of them - many of them are lazy and/or incompetent and seem to mainly have the job b/c they show some ass and cleavage - some female bar tenders are great, but many will be having convos w/ other dancers or flirting for tips w/ some dork custy at the bar and they will ignore the other customers - when I go to a large-club w/ multiple bars, I will try to get service from the male bartenders, IME they are often more professional and efficient.
Whether dealing w/ staff or dancers, one often gets better results in the SCs by being proactive vs just sitting there like a lump - i.e. small/dive clubs often are understaffed w.r.t. waitresses and sometimes they forget or just have a backlog of custies they have to get to (or sometimes they are just bad waitresses).
Papi goes for the male bartenders that wear chaps.
I agree with Papi in this regard. If there’s understaffing then I understand. But other times, a good chunk just don’t give a shit. The biggest thing that slows down how much time it takes from sitting with the customer to walking to the dance area is waiting on the drink.
^ sometimes there's a bottle-neck at the bar w/ multiple waitresses trying to place orders (sometimes multiple drinks per order) and also tending to the custies at the bar - for the most part I notice waitresses hustling but some are bad - I have a bigger gripe w/ the airhead bartender chick that takes her sweet time in b/w socializing w/ custies (and I also blame some of the custies that wanna flirt w/ the bartender and monopolize her time and at times keeping her from doing her job)
^ to be fair - most of the time when the bartender chick sees a custy waiting she'll stop her flirting w/ the needy-PL and tend to the custy waiting - but there are times they just look at you and continue talking w/ the other customer at the bar - annoying AF
I find walking up to the bar with some money out helps improve service but if I was ignored by dancers and the staff I would never return to that club and write a scorching TUSCL review.
I have seen on a couple of occasions where the club tells the waitstaff not to serve customers that they don’t want around, or that they don’t want to drink, but the club doesn’t have a good reason to bar them or kick them out.
As a drunk I get good service from bartenders who call me by my name.
Use the dancers to your advantage. You can tell a dancer that you ran out of 1s and you cant tip her till the barmaid gives you change and/or if you have a girl sitting with you barside they will help get her attention.
@clubdude - if it was intensional as you describe then the only explanation is that they didn’t want to serve you because of some real or perceived condition. Maybe you were loud or being a dick earlier or they thought you had already had enough and they didn’t want to directly tell you in case you made a scene?
clubdude: I, too, feel like something else must have been going on. In decades of SCing, I've seen plenty of incompetent waitstaff, but never anything like you've described, which sounds an awful lot like a campaign to get you to leave the club. Is there any other background? Maybe your SC style there has been to drink but not tip the girls? You've had a conflict with a bouncer or the manager before? Anything else, no matter how subtle, that could have led to the staff doing this?
I sit at the bar when I first come into a club and I tip the bartender.
If the club is crowded and I am a first time visitor to that particular place I'll pass $ 20 to the manager at the door.
Call it what you like but it both actions tend to eliminate someone providing you poor service.
If I get good service, I’ll tip a little extra. Just a buck or two beyond average. As a result, I get great service in future visits. I have a couple waitresses who remember my drink of choice and who will approach me as soon as I enter the club.
I've read about this phenomenon over and over on this site over the past 10 years, but rarely have I ever experienced it and never in places that I've visited before. I agree with that cash in hand and good tipping of the service staff seems to speed things up a great deal.
Maybe next time when you buy a $5.50 beer, leave her a little more than the leftover change from the $6 you handed her. ;)
You’ve got 142 reviews of 18 places, all in Michigan and per your post this is a club you “frequent.” Something else is going on here. Either you’re targeted to not be served for some reason you haven’t discerned or you’re tipping poorly.
We all have those night when we're wearing the "don't serve me" signs on our backs. Shit happens.
We all have those night when we're wearing the "don't serve me" signs on our backs. Shit happens.