
The Bargirl Dilemma

I give in to sin because you have to make this life livable
I really enjoy my mongering haven TJ Mexico but I have a possible semi-dilemma approaching and I would like some mongering insight on different methods of handling the situation.

At HK I have a CF who I plan to visit on Tuesday evening but there is another bargirl who I've kept in contact who will be working there too on Tuesday evening.

The 2nd bargirl was supposed to be leaving Sunday but she told me she decided to stay one more week.

On a Tuesday evening the chances are pretty good of the second bargirl seeing us because their shifts overlap and since it's less crowded they only open the main rooms and 2nd floor, making it a smaller venue and easier to see people.

The earliest I will be in TJ is 730pm, the 2nd bargirl's starts at 9pm, my CF likes to order a few fichas before we go arriba so the chances are good I will see the 2nd bargirl.

While I don't expect any real drama, I do not want to damage my chances with the 2nd bargirl for future visits.


  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Too many girls. What a great problem to have. I love the drama of it so I’ll often go there, when two favs are there and see what happens. I like when girls fight over/get jealous over me. I eat all the drama up. It’s part of the experience but if I had to pick which one is hotter? I’m assuming the bargirl, but she’s a bargirl so you might have less of a shot.

    I gotta get my ass to TJ.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Have you thought about a 3-some ?
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ warrior 15 hell yeah good advice
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Tj is truly heaven counting days till april 23
  • CJKent (Banned)
    6 years ago
    That is one of the reason my ATF stripper became my ATF. She was aware I was going there to visit a CF, and only her, and she would let me know if she was there or not, and would ask the bartender to tell my CF I was there.

    The times my CF wasn’t there she would keep me company and rest her head on my shoulder, they both where smoking hot, but I had history with my CF.

    Anyhow one time that the current favorite didn’t show I took her to the VIP and the rest is history, she was a better GFE. The next time I visited they both were there and she still let me know my CF was there and encourage me to see her.

    I did go with the CF and she was upset that I had seen somebody else, and her performance was up to the new one. Next thing I did I aske the new ford for OTC, she said she couldn’t do it, but think about it. She texted me a week later to let me know she would like to try it with me.

    We did OTC every weekend for a couple of years. The best GFE of my life, that is why to this day she is my ATF.

    To answer your question; The girls know we have other partners; wives, girlfriends, other girls etc. and some know how to “share” but some don’t.

    You might suggest the threesome, but if that is not your thing, since you know them and I hope you have ther numbers, you can stay at your hotel and call the first one up, and after you are done take a shower and call the next one up.

    I now prefer OTC GFE with a DS NSA, my Holy Grail.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Por que no Los dos?
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    @warrior15 no threesomes, though the 2nd girl gurl has mentioned it.

    I just don't like the idea of twice the price for half the fun.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    The 2nd bargirl is hotter but my CF bargirl provided a better overall experience.

    I like the idea of the attention too but I've put plenty of time and money (amongst other things) into both bargirls, so I want to keep both around.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    Porque no quiero pagar el doble del precio por la mitad de la diversión.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    They're hookers. Their feelings won't get hurt, unless one feels like you ripped her off .
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    I'm sure her feelings won't be hurt but I want to keep the 2nd bargirl around for future visits.

    I like setting up visits as the familarity enhances the experience.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    I didn't mention it in the original post but I plan on staying TNL with my CF bargirl, so calling the 2nd bargirl up is not an option.

    Plus, the issue is really about the 2nd bargirl seeing me with my CF.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Like I said she's a hooker she'll be around if you pay her
  • CJKent (Banned)
    6 years ago

    If I understand you are only worried the 2nd girl wil see you on Tuesday and would want to be with you, but you will be busy with your CF and get offended/mad/upset and not want to see you later.

    Can you text the 2nd girl in advance “I am sorry you told me you were leaving and made plans for Tuesday with someone else, and I don’t want to brake my word. Please let me know in advance when you come back and we will meet for TLN if you like/want/can.”

    That way is not a disagreeable surprise.

    “All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don’t break them for no one. Do you understand?” ~ Tony Montana

    I hope you have a good night with your CF and set up a fun future TLN with the 2nd girl, because a good part of the fun ina the anticipation, like a kid waiting for Christmas.

    Please let us know what happens.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    Interesting solution.

    I like the idea of being proactive rather than reactive.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    I would go with the second bar girl since you mentioned that she’s leaving so who knows if she is coming back. Don’t forget that hoes only care about your $$$. Don’t worry about what they might think.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    don’t get so stuck on a girl (or two)...
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ mister wonderful your my hero your such a lucky dude
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    @misterwonderful excellent advice

    I like having appointments when I visit, I have more fun that way.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    I agree with the premise "that hoes only care about your money" and if they see someone they perceived as their customer with another bargirl (affecting their money) there could be drama.

    It should fun.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    You will happy to know my (semi) dilemma was averted by me doing absolutely nothing.

    Surprisingly, my CF bargirl decided to skip work and came directly to my room, thus we didn't go to HK and the potentially akward (at best) meet up with the 2nd bargirl was averted.

    I have a meet up set up with the 2nd bargirl on Sunday night.

    More good news: while my CF bargirl was sleeping at her room, I visited HK bar, talked to a very beautiful spinner, exchanged numbers to set up a future appointment.

    It was a win, win, win visit.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    You lucky dog all this why i am stuck in this shit truck day after day lol. Cant wait till april the words oh papi will be music to my ears lol
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    It was a very good visit.

    Just keep April in mind, one week in paradise.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    You’re living the dream, Cristobal.

    Do you find that most bargirls exchange phone numbers without hesitation? Most strippers here in the States are hesitant about it unless it’s a burner phone. It took many visits to get my ATFs phone number.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    @Countryman Dayum! Those chicks on your profile pic are mighty fine!
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    The chicks on Country's profile are the chicas he didn't bang, lol, read his HK reviews he was partying with the HK 10s.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    Haha, I read a lot of the HK reviews but I don’t remember that part. Are those chicks not available for arriba? What was the reason?
  • CJKent (Banned)
    6 years ago

    I am glad it worked out well for you.

    I prefer and recommend OTC, I don’t care for the “party” atmosphere and noise of the clubs, once I find a FAV I try to move thing to OTC as soon as possible, but if I am going to do ITC with or without extras, I try to set an appointment and go see her and leave.

    I am glad you are setting appointments with other girls. Just keep your eyes open and trust your spidy sense and gut feeling.

    I hope you are going to write an article to tell us all the details of your experiences, so we can live vicariously through you.

    As always be careful out there.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ bavarian those chicas are on hk website
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Changed my avatar this one hk chica from last year. We still text everyday
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    For the most-part, I think it's us PLs that make it out to be more than it is and get more "emotional" about it than girls - I think most of the girls w/ few exceptions can clearly see what they do as purely business - seems it's mostly the PLs that get it confused as it being something more - thus the IMO pretty-much unfounded fears of many PLs that he will somehow offend her or "betray her" by being w/ other dancers.

    The vast-majority of dancers know most guys like to sample at least sometimes and that is part of the business - at best they may be upset they are losing a sale (if only temporarily) - sometimes they fake "jealousy" but that IMO is most-often just a show to manipulate inexperienced-PLs and RILs. - i.e. IMO/IME it's rare a dancer will blackball a custy and not take his $$$ in the future b/c the custy went w/ anther girl - sometimes the PL playing the field actually causes a fave to up her game to get him back - so this "guilt" of being concerned/afraid of what a dancer will think b/c one goes with another dancer is not really that sensical IMO
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    From my experience, bargirls provide their numbers if you ask nicely.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Bargirls and sg and they all use the whats app
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    Bavarian, found your perfect girl last night. Light skinned beauty, 20 years old, no kids. Has only been working there two months. Sweet girl. Had a nice 5 minute lap dance with her, but she wouldn't budge off 100 for arriba and I wasn't desperate to have her, so I passed. Easily a 9 or 9.5. Think you would have gone with her for 100.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    That's great you are looking out for @Bavarian
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    Thanks. I'm mainly looking out for myself, but stumbled upon one that fit his profile!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    And 100 is just so much to spend on a 9! Wow unbelievable
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    This weekend I will be looking out for myself too but I will see if any fit @Bavarian's profile too... Lol
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    Please don't live vicariously through me, enjoy TJ for yourself.

    My style of mongering only fits me and it evolves after each experience.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    I really didn't want to find out if my 2nd bargirl was the fake or real jealous type, thankfully I was able to avoid a problem rather than try to fix it.

    I agree with you too, it probably was all in my head but I'm sure glad I didn't have to find out.
  • TJ Lee
    6 years ago
    I've about 50 hot bargirls' names, phones, and photos on my phone. And new hot ones are arriving every week. HK claims to have 600 chicas per week.
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    Countryman, I agree that 100 is a fair price for a 9. However, it's the upper end of the price range by TJ standards and I'm here all the time, so I have the luxury of waiting for another 9 that will accept 80. I try not to give in to their $100 requests because it's leading to price inflation in the clubs. Not a big deal to the person that flies in on vacation, but the local regulars are doing their best to keep prices in check, which benefits all of us in the long run.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I understand i wish i could be a regular down there but i am not that lucky lol
  • CJKent (Banned)
    6 years ago

    I don't want to sound facetious, but humour is the key to the soul. You know what I mean?

    Thank you, I believe HK/TJ doesn’t have a lot of my preferred Marilyn Monroe types.

    Also while it is wise to learn from experience, it is sometimes wiser to learn from the experiences of others.

    I hope you are having fun, be safe and careful out there.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Yeah gotta price gouge the third world hookers for the benefit of all American sex tourists!
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    I agree, sometimes it is wiser to learn from the experiences of others; however, sometimes you just have to experience life.

    No matter what you read or see online, there is nothing like being in the Zona Norta, and to this PL there is no way to describe walking through the HK curtains and seeing the plethora of attractive women willing to go arriba with you.

    I've been there too many times to count and my heart still races when I walk past the curtains.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    icey. that has been going on in tijuana for over one hundred years just in tijuana. and far longer elsewhere.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    dang. time to go to sleep (and sleep it off...)
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    cristobal. epic description.
    “I've been there too many times to count and my heart still races when I walk past the curtains.”
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @fat boi how does a consumer price gouge that’s beyond stupid?
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    Yeah 25, Icey aka Dougster must have a 3rd world education and doesn't know the meaning of the word price gouging. It's probably this same education that led him to put all his money into cryptocurrency about a year and a half ago, as he announced on here and told others to do the same.

    Let's assume he meant to say haggling instead of price gouging. For the Tijuana market, $100 for a 30 minute arriba is the highest price. Prices range from about $10 for a street girl, to $40 to $60 for most bar girls at bars other than Hong Kong, to about $80 to $100 for the hottest Hong Kong girls.

    I know Hong Kong girls that are under the age of 30 and retired. Ones who own multiple houses paid for in cash, luxury vehicles, etc. Them charging $100 and not budging on price is almost the equivalent of them price gouging gringos. $100 in Mexico is close to one week's salary for most Mexicans. 95% of all chicas working in Tijuana would jump at an $80 offer. It's only a select few that are demanding $100 and refuse to budge on price. Most girls throw out $100, but gladly accept less. I wasn't suggesting haggling with a $10 street girl or $60 bargirl. I was only suggesting not overpaying a girl who is demanding a high premium, when she can afford to buy houses in cash, luxury vehicles, and plastic surgery because she's already rich in her own country.

    Good luck with your crypto Dougster.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @BL I’ve never been to Tijuana but I lived in Mexico on and off for 2 years in the playa de Carmen area, I have traveled throughout Mexico both east and west and it’s a great place, I doubt very seriously that fat boi has ever been to a strip club let alone a foreign country, every thing he says comes straight from the dairy of a pimp by Iceberg Slim, so I’d never pay him no mind but it’s fun to point out how stupid the remarks he/she posts are, and I’m amazed how gullible many folks are engaging it like there was something legit.
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    Well said 25. I love Playa del Carmen. One of my favorite places in Mexico that I've visited.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    Any suggestions for a day or two visit in Baja?

    Some have suggested Ensanada.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Cabo is a great town never strip clubbed there but I met plenty of single senoritas in the clubs and at the beach.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    On my visits during the 2018 Christmas/New Year's holidays, I had a few B team bargirls starting offers at $120 and one at $150 for 30 minutes arriba.

    Since then no one has asked for more than $100, quite a few very attractive bargirls start their offers at $80, it's all good.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    I should have clarified, just looking for a nice spot to relax, no mongering (though if the situation presents itself, who I am to deny it).
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    That’s fine Cabo San Lucas is a great place for what you’re looking for, if you were in Quintana Roo I’d suggest Playa Del Carmen
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Cabo is in southern Baja
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    When I make it to HK, I plan to make a day trip to Ensenada. ABC buses in TJ take you there for $10 dollars. I want to try the world famous tostada cart that Anthony Bourdain visited.

    Have any of the TJ hounds ever taken a chica on a day trip? How much did you pay?
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    @Cristobal: Yes, Cabo is really nice as 25 mentioned. Cabo and Playa del Carmen are my two favorite places in Mexico that I've visited. I like both more than Cancun.

    Cabo is really expensive for clubbing compared to TJ. Girls asking for 500 and up a lot of places. Okay if you just go to drink and for the atmosphere though. A great vacation destination.

    Closer to home, I hear Ensenada is a nice little getaway to relax. I've only been once briefly on a cruise layover, but I'm planning to visit for a few days this spring to check it out further.
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    Bavarian, it really depends on how well you know the girl and your relationship with her. I've done day trips to Rosarito with some HK chicas and only paid for food, drinks, and transportation. You may be able to get one to go with you for $100 if you know her well and she isn't a shark. Otherwise she may quote you anywhere from $200 to $500 to even $1,000 for a full day and overnight. YMMV
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    The Pacific coast used to be great especially near the Mexican Riviera( Acupulco south) used to be great but the cartels made it dangerous to travel the lonely roads in that area most of the folks that are beach and fishing enthusiasts head for the Yucatán center of the country has some terrific destinations as well, but my time down there was spent close to the coasts.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    Thanks, OG. I guess I will just stay in TJ and camp out at HK. I go for the beautiful chicas and most tend to be sharks. I am not a regular there so it will be hard to establish any type of relationship that could warrant a cheap rate for a day trip.

    I have gone to Playa del Carmen and Tulum by myself and it sucks ass. Not doing that again.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    I think I'm going to check out Ensenada first, since it's closer.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Bavarian I disagree Playa is pretty good TBH and Tulum is a great trip with a gorgeous beach on the Caribbean
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    Yeah, the trips with a bargirl is another topic all on its own.

    From my experience, if you float the idea during the conversation they will tell you what you want to hear (bgs) so I will take them arriba.

    They will initially make it sound so easy but when it comes time to do it, excuses galore and the price changes, like OTC with strippers.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    The last five years my Mexico experience is been 99.9% totally Zona Norte and hong kong. but I’m an old fart that loves the huge variety and numbers of the beautiful girls that come and go (especially in Hong Kong.)
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    maybe if I was a younger guy I’d be more into getting a trip with a beautiful girl to a nice resort area and maybe even entertain the true girlfriend experience and maybe even into having a novia.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I have had a few girls that have been very tempting but then again I’m 60 fucking nine years old and don’t need to be entertaining ideas of having a Novia. right now I’m experiencing feelings for one particular girl at hong kong. she’s absolutely dropdead gorgeous and 21.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    @25 Yeah Riviera Maya is beautiful. I liked the beaches in Tulum better than Playa. I meant to say that it sucks ass to go alone to those places. Almost everybody is with a partner or group of friends. I just wanted to see some hot women in bikinis. This is before I got my ass to a strip club.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ that’s true but there is a pretty active singles scene.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    The women I saw in Playa were gorgeous.
    Hot Brazilian women in thongs. A huge group of young women from Monterrey that all looked like models. I even saw American women topless in Tulum beach clubs.
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    Bavarian, you'll have plenty of fun hanging out at HK and going to Ensenada for a day, whether it's with or without a chica.

    It never hurts to ask about the daytrip. Some girls have just arrived and don't know anyone. They might welcome a trip to Ensenada on their day off, especially if they can make a little money. Most like to either relax or do something fun on their days off. Getting out of Zona Norte for a bit is appealing to them as well. You could also tell her she's welcome to bring a friend as well. That might make her more comfortable., because then she can enjoy her day off with a friend as well. Never hurts to ask.
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    And yes, I saw a lot of gorgeous women in Playa del Carmen. Women from the U.S., Europe, and all over vacationing there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Bavarian - if you feel awkward about hitting those spots alone, then invite MisterWonderful to go with you - rumor has it the women flock to him at the beach when he's wearing his mankini
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    When I was younger I went to Rio De Janeiro and that was a sight to behold.

    This was before the age of enhancements.

    More beautiful, bikini clad women than I could comprehend, I wish I knew then what I know now.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Rarely seen pic of TUSCLer MisterWonderful at the beach:

  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    @PC haha that’s funny. I picture Mister Wonderful wearing surfer shorts and an FBI (female body inspector) wifebeater.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago

    It sounds like @misterwonderful is content with just banging bargirls at HK.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    mankini... my goodness. i’d rather go naked.
  • OldGringo
    6 years ago
    Mr. Wonderful is the OG with more TJ and HK experience than anyone. He's laid back and casual in his flip flops, shorts, and t-shirt.

    Cristobal and Bavarian, you motivated me to finally book my Ensenada trip. Going next week for a few days. Taking the ABC bus down and will try that seafood tostada cart that Anthony Bourdain made famous. Will also try to check out one of the clubs down there that is supposed to be pretty good. Will report back next week to tell you how it was.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    Seriously, we should have a HKTJ meet for TUSCLers west coast (like they do in Florida).

    We could see who can find the hottest bargirl for the best value, true monger style.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Ill be there april 23 thr 27 and july 2 thru 6 i am game.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    That’s great, OG
    Looking forward to your review of the chicas and the food in Ensenada.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    Great food and fine chicas, what else can you ask from life to be happy? Cold brew?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I love the tacos down there in TJ.

    especially the pink tacos.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    cristobal.”We could see who can find the hottest bargirl for the best value, true monger style.”

    i have mine picked allready. and NO. i ain’t telling.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I wish i could do all my mongering in the zona. So depressing
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