
Masturbation inside of clubs

I think therefore I am.
Friday, February 22, 2019 5:52 AM
Is it legal to masturbate inside a club?


  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Probably depends on location/zoning/city? But generally no.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    maybe u should do the camsites instead unless u live somewhere that masturbating in the clubs is an official thing. i think those are called jack shacks? idk. I can't imagine a lot of pretty girls would work at those considering webcam is a thing.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Try it and then report back to us.
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    A guy was jerking it in the corner of the Hiliter a couple years ago and grossed out a couple dancers. They got a bouncer to kick his ass out!! Lmfao...
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    How about for the dancers? It's not uncommon to see them diddle a little on stage in some of the dives I've been to over the years.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    At Desires last night thedancer on stage pulled aside her g-string and another dancer sitting with a guy at stage licked her pussy. As I recall no one asked about the legality, nor complained. What do you call 15 customers in a strip club with 35 dancers? Fucking lucky mutha fuckas
  • JohnTitor
    5 years ago
    don't hate just masturbate
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    I think SJG is a big proponent of front room circle jerk sessions.
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    I hope you are asking if the dancers are allowed to masturbate and not about the customers. Hot strippers masturbating = brilliant - while creepy old pervert masturbating = ass kicking by the bouncer.
  • Rick714
    5 years ago
    That is exactly my point. Women on stage and In private, semi private and public spaces can masturbate with impunity in fact it is encouraged and appreciated by all. Just the opposite for a male, he is considered a pervert and a criminal.
  • Rick714
    5 years ago
    That is exactly my point. Women on stage and In private, semi private and public spaces can masturbate with impunity in fact it is encouraged and appreciated by all. Just the opposite for a male, he is considered a pervert and a criminal.
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I've gone into VIP rooms and the girl asked me if I wanted to do that. But I want to play with myself, then I'm gonna stay home and watch porn for free. I'm paying the girl to play with me.
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