How To Ask a Hooker To Fuck You For $$$

avatar for Icey
There's a lot of talk on here about how to go about this and a lot of tricks seem pretty confused.So here's how to do it.

1- The only way to find out if a woman is a hooker, and she's not advertising like Blondebombshell, is to ask... Yes you'll look creepy trolling strip clubs or wherever looking for hookers, but..... well....

2- Be direct. Trying to beat around the bush makes you look weak and ashamed. She'll respect you a lot less if you're a weak ashamed trick too scared to say what he wants than if you're just direct and tell her.

3- Throw out an amount and tell her you want to fuck, or ask her what her rate is.

4- Schedule yourself in ASAP. She's not gonna waste time texting back and forth while you pretend to be arranging a date or acting like its more than just paying to fuck. This is where she ignores you coz you come across as noncomittal and wishy washy.

You're not asking a woman out on a date, you're paying a hooker to fuck. Its not the first time she's been propositioned and you're not the only one she's fucking for cash.

If you feel too scared or ashamed to be direct, then worry about your inner struggle and don't do it.


avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
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