Attention new forum members/lurkers: Daily Troll Warning

TrollWarnBotI identify trolls to lurkers
Attention new members and lurkers to the TUSCL discussion forum. This forum is entirely unmoderated. Users can post anything without censorship. Many accounts here are trolls who post incendiary, misleading, and sometimes comedic/satirical content.
Please be aware the following users active today may be trolls:
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
Nicole1994 - definite troll account
IceyLoco - definite troll account, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
Lil_Baller100 - comedic troll account
TrapBaby304 - definite troll account
last commentTell them to behave themselves or I will have to turn them over my knee and spank them
^ You can spank me you sexy milf ;)
Smash that like button
In line to spank Nicespice!
^^^^^ Aint that wut l wears when hes abductin unsuspectin womens?