I am wondering why, in a post, links in the post will often work when clicked, but not always. There is a post here with 3 instagram links. Two work without opening the post, the third didn't. Curious to me.
Whatever is being used to parse the message you typed in for links is looking for certain things. Perhaps the links in question don’t meet the criteria for some reason. It could also be a simple bug in the parser.
Same thing happened to me Clubber. I just took it that the Instagram post was taken down either by the person posting or by Instagram censors. I think the link still worked but it went nowhere because where it went no longer existed.
If one tries to click on a link in the preview view per se (where all the different threads are listed), then it may not work (at least it was an issue in the past) - one has to click on the thread and get into the thread then click on the link - although you may be doing just that
I know that and that was the reason I asked. URLs are strange "things" to be sure. :)