Simple. You come across as an entitled bitch who thinks she is the greatest thing to the human race since sliced bread. You either put off or insult every guy here with your comments and attitude. You fire back at the other females who post here and insult them. You refuse to take criticism from anyone, even if it isn't from a troll. You portray this attitude that you are as smart or smarter than everyone else on the board, yet you have some of the worst grammar and spelling skills here.
So why would a man, let alone a tuscl board member want anything to do with you. If your interpersonal skills are anything like your online persona, spending time with you would be tantamount to having your fingernails pulled off. Torture. Sorry, but that is just how you come across and why I couldn't see anyone wanting to go out with you.
Just telling it like it is. Also, my initial post was to point out your continuing inability to edit yourself prior to posting. I know you have stated you post from a phone, but that still doesn't mean you can't edit yourself prior to hitting post. Yeah, I know I am a knit-pick about crap like that, but it just adds to the impression people get and the initial one you express is not impressive.
I think you guys are way over sensitive. I've yet to see Nicole post anything even mildly offensive. Real life is about dealing with people who have different views, and men don't throw fits and act like bitches when someone disagrees.
I like her personality, humor and attitude.
But this is a trick question. TUSCL men don't date unless its OTC P4P lmfao
I have nothing against Nicole and nothing bad to say about her. I wouldn't date her because a) I don't date; b) I don't do OTC and C) if I did either of the above it wouldn't be with a liberal kid. We wouldn't get along because you're too thin skinned. By the way, if you're really going to be a lawyer, don't do trial work, do real estate, or estates. You get offended far too easily and as a lawyer you need to not react when the Mother of the kid who your drunk client killed (off on a technicality) screams in your face that she hopes "you get cancer and die child killer and I hope your kids do too". You have to refrain from asking her to "say it, don't spray it" and mentioning you have no children.
last commentSo why would a man, let alone a tuscl board member want anything to do with you. If your interpersonal skills are anything like your online persona, spending time with you would be tantamount to having your fingernails pulled off. Torture. Sorry, but that is just how you come across and why I couldn't see anyone wanting to go out with you.
Just telling it like it is. Also, my initial post was to point out your continuing inability to edit yourself prior to posting. I know you have stated you post from a phone, but that still doesn't mean you can't edit yourself prior to hitting post. Yeah, I know I am a knit-pick about crap like that, but it just adds to the impression people get and the initial one you express is not impressive.
I like her personality, humor and attitude.
But this is a trick question. TUSCL men don't date unless its OTC P4P lmfao