Gawd Hates Fags

Gawd's Holy Church of Tuscl
What is with all the faggotry on here today. Everyone is concerned about big dicks and night sticks. Y'all need to cum to confessions and be haled by the spirit of the lawerd
What is with all the faggotry on here today. Everyone is concerned about big dicks and night sticks. Y'all need to cum to confessions and be haled by the spirit of the lawerd
last commentThat’s not very nice :(
Go suck a dick faggyhorn
Amen preacher man send these amigos postin cock pics as their avatar straight back to the garbage can they crawled out of
Brother foghorn tells it like it is!
Yes, these gay guys should be into me
This is creepy
I would argue with someone posting this type of inflammatory homophobic language - but since this is coming from a man with a close relationship with the lord - it must be true?