Please listen to the VORW Radio Show on shortwave radio today at 9 PM EST/6 PM P

avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
Hello there,

Please tune your dials to the following frequencies to listen to the VORW Radio International broadcast today at 9 PM EST.

7490 kHz - N. America
5850 kHz - N. America
7780 kHz - Europe

Shortwave radio is a fascinating hobby. With a turn of the dial you can go from listening to Voice of America to North Korean propaganda broadcasts. It’s all a matter of having your shortwave radio tuned to the right frequency at the right time.

If you do not have a shortwave radio you may find one for purchase at your local electronics store. If not, than you may find one for purchase online. Amazon has a wide selection of shortwave radios for very affordable prices:…

Keep in mind, you don’t need all the bells and whistles, so don’t feel like you need to spend extra money for a better experience.

If you don’t have or do not wish to purchase a shortwave radio, you may be able to listen to shortwave broadcasts through the following website on your computer:

I hope you tune in, and remember to smash that like button.

Happy listening!


last comment
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
What will be on this particular one?
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i have my grandfathers 1939 zenith am/shortwave radio/ record player. it cost him about 55% of a NEW ford back then.

(butt it’s 300 miles away at the moment.)
avatar for likes2look
6 years ago
I only listen to the Numbers Stations.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
You gonna interview two_shits or Stevie boy it’s gonna be like that Jerry Lewis movie “the family jewels”
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Thanks for telling us about this, and for listing the frequencies too.

Any links where we can get more info about shortwave programming?

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Ever have anything like a computer controlled short wave receiver, and a timer set to record broadcasts?

Do these stations have web sites and archive recordings available?

avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
6 years ago
This evening’s broadcast will be focusing on a couple of topics: how a car accident on I-4 highlights the uncertainty of the future, and how recent budget cuts to the National Institute of Standards of Technology as well as the shuttering of Radio Australia show the limitations of government and business petitions. This will be followed by a selection of music, including listener requests, followed by listener feedback and emails. Enjoy!

Sadly, due to recent financial shortcomings, 7490 kHz will no longer broadcast VORW beginning next Thursday. If you can, please feel free to donate to VORW at…

@ MisterWonderful - I’m sure that radio WEIGHS 55% of a new ford too.

@ san_jose_guy - Yes, many shows usually have their own sites where they archive their broadcasts. If you miss VORW, you can always catch it later at

Here is a video that can serve as a quick overview of shortwave radio:
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago

You know there is also Long Wave, frequencies lower than the AM Band, like less than about 540khz.

Over years I have always tried to listen to both, and never found much.

In high school I rebuilt a military surplus general coverage receiver, going up to 30Mhz. It worked good. Listened to some ham radio conversations.

But the tuning resolution was nowhere's near as good as on a real Ham Radio receiver.

Today you have the super small solid state receivers, all digital, triple conversion, etc. But you still do best with the real long antenna.

Maybe short wave offerings are better now?

avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
6 years ago
^ VORW is a show for all ages and backgrounds. It is a meandering 1-hour broadcast that combines music and listener feedback with pithy observations on life and sometimes food.

Show will begin in less than 10 minutes. Tune your shortwave radios to the proper frequencies or listen to it by adjusting to the correct frequency here:

Thank you.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
What kind of an antenna do you use, long wire? How long?

80 meters horizonal, center feed?

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Hey, that is a totally cool modern design in the picture. Notice the little neon lamp, NE2, 70volts, I suppose an electrostatic discharge arrester.…
10khz to 3Ghz. I believe though they have to block out the cell phone bands.

Best to have something totally integrated with a desktop computer, and so you can program it to make digital recordings.
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