Front room makeout sessions

avatar for Countryman5434
I have learned the secret to a good strip club experience! It has to involve the front room makeout session! I am about ready to bring what i have learned to my local clubs! The dancers need to learn no front room makeout sessions no vip and i must teach all local pl that lamp dances are for chumps! I need you all to wish me luck! It will take a miracle to teach this to Louisville and lexington but i will give it everything i got!


last comment
avatar for londonguy
6 years ago
SJG will be proud of you.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Rarely do I ever see dancers making out with customers on the main floor/bar I’ve done it with a past fav a lot. But outside of that no.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
Why stop at make out sessions? Front room handshakes and HJs are even better sales techniques.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Did you learn that from SJG ?
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I have never seen a "front room make-out session" in all my years clubbing, but to be fair I have probably been only 2,200 times.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Honestly only place i have ever seen a frontroom makeout session is in tj! It doesn't happen in u. s lol
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Front room action isn't that out of the norm.

I think if a girl is actually attracted to you in some way or you're at least more appealing than others in the club, you can get a lot. I honestly don't get where most of you are coming from. If you're over 60 I get where the problem might be but if you're like 45 and under. I don't get it.
avatar for Dominic77
6 years ago
It's a male bravado thing from the haters. Summed Up: Man up, son. Get a real bank roll and buy real sex. ;p
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
Front out makeout sessions are so old school. These days I like to bring chicken nuggets to the club and double dip in the sauce and then force a fav to join in. Nothing says friendship like double dipping together
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@njballa roflmao
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Countryman speaks truth!

The makeout session is what makes the sex real and mind blowing. You don't want a girl performing a service upon you, you want her to just let go and let it happen.

And so the front room is the correct place. It is not just a sales job or a test drive, it is her simply showing that she is open to you. And then that people see it helps to loosen everyone up. It works exactly that same way in Swinger's Clubs. The more people do in the front room the better.

Grow up, makeout sessions are not porno performances. Not a big deal. Not prohibited anywhere, except in some clip joint strip clubs.

Countryman +25

And yes, there are ways we can bring this to the US, like Louisville and Lexington. And about the latter there have already been reports of front room makeout sessions there.

avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
I would NEVER kiss a trick.
avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee
6 years ago
I've done it in Follies.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^^^ Awesome Anislee. Please post it here:…


avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@sjg yes money talks bullshit walks i will be releasing this knowledge on louisville and lexington clubs
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Mexico is not a thirld world country you fumb bitch
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
By all means, learn how to make it go that way in KY.

And then, no matter what happens, enjoy your new GF's in your own bed.

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