
Is it just me or..

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I literally cannot start the new school year without knowing not just when all my assignments for all my classes are, but knowing what date i will start and Finish studying for every test, exam, paper, etc

This is why a week before each semester, I spend planning for all of this ,as well as when to start looking for each internship and other career other opportunities ..

Do u guys feel the same way for each new fiscal year/tax year /New year/new season??



  • Ignore above post,..read this one below instead. thx

    I literally cannot start the new school year without a realistic vision, I just feel lost as fuck which to me is honestly the worst feeling in the world..yes feeling lost is ok but to me its not ok when you know you have the ability to not be lost lol.

    anyway, so because of this, the week before classes begin , I always make a calendar for not just the due dates, but exactly what day I will both start and finish studying for every exam, paper, and assignment, as well as when to start looking for internships, etc

    Do u guys feel the same way and/or have the same process for each new fiscal year/tax year /New year/new season??
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    my process seems to be random.
  • Musterd21
    6 years ago
    I do like to plan and I do use a paper calendar! I would have room in my calendar to meet you!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "Fail to plan then plan to fail"

    It's good to be organized and be proactive - procrastinating usually doesn't work well.

    Good to see you're taking life/school seriously.

    I usually don't explicitly plan-out my regular activities - I kinda more or less know when I need to get stuff done - but if I'm undertaking some type of a new task, e.g. planning a trip for instance, then I tend to plan ahead w.r.t. all the details involved during my trip.

    Also - when I have a lot of things that need to get done, I tend to write out a list of everything I gotta do but I don't necessarily explicitly plan-out how/when I will do everything.

    Chulo - king poster - out
  • Right. Its all about consistency , and what works for a person

    I dont do this cuz I'm a "control " freak. I'm more of a "direction " freak, knwiing where I'm going and being able to plan it effectively so I don't waste time is important to me. I know I'll have to adjust things that come unexpectedly as they come my way, but it is a great foundation to know when u plan to start and finish things , especially of most of the talks are require consistent as opposed to last minute preparation
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ you'll make a good housewife some day - a household requires planning and execution to do well
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ meant you'll make a good wife; not housewife
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ meant you'll make a good wife; not housewife
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I can't wait for the response...
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Papi Chulo is right about planning and direction is just as important. I plan my year, then my quarter, then my month then week with goals and milestones as soon as possible so that I can prepare and succeed. I do allow for variances and changes but having a set goal and direction allow me to succeed. Hope it works for you. Both of my sons excelled in both HS and college due to their planning and preparation, full academic rides and graduating without debt is important if you can do it.
  • Umm I went told ivy league school tuition free and now another university tuition free with no one planing my future for me bc of it so yes I like it lol

    But tbh my reasons are changed. Idgaf about money or status..I just wanna be the best qualified and feel like I have expneded every minute that I can (not every minite of the day-every minute of the day, I said ever minute that I can ) to knowing that I didnt let bull shit which is( defined as devoting time to things which dont matter ) get in the way of getting all that I can get out of life

  • Like I think happiness only comes with direction..the only time I dont plan isnt when I don't want to but rather , only when I am depressed. Lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I used to be so organized, I would purchase my text books at the end of the previous term, even if that meant getting Sept books in June.

    I would introduce myself to all expected future professors.

    At the end of a term, I would then go through all the collected papers from the end of the prior term, saving only what I felt most important. I would then save up the folders of papers for the term just ended, to be sorted through at the end of the next term.

    I had this big desk pad. I would during the term summarize all class materials by taking pages from the pad and making them fold up like gas station maps. There I would carry around with me and use for doing homework, and also to add to.

    I wrote programs for a programmable calculator. I would attach print outs to homework sets. Often I did homework in drafting pen ink, and with drawing instruments. Often I would derive stuff which was in the text book myself, just so I was sure I understood it and was not just plugging in numbers.

    I could use the calculator and my programs to get the right answer for an exam problem in about 10 seconds. But then I would also work it out by hand and lay out the intermediate results in tabular form, and sometimes do it graphically as well, just to check my answer and show how I got it, to ten significant digits.

    Everything revolved around the school's schedule.

    But then I had my last final exam, my "terminal final".

    I found that I could not study. I knew the material, but still could not study. I was manic. Could not study, could not sleep. All I could do was think about outside things I wanted to do. And much of it was using the same types of ideas and material. But I could not study. I had reached the limit of how much time i could stand in that kind of an environment, running on the school's schedule.

    So with zero sleep I went in for the 3 hour exam. Finished and double checked everything and turned it in after about 30 min. I aced it and got an A in the class. But something really had changed.


    I'll have this book about the opera Carmen in hand soon.
    Georges Bizet : his life and work / Winton Dean. (1965)

    Carmen, full opera

    Okay, this Indiana University version is playing now. It is from their 2015-2016 season.

    Better way to get to it:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    And here, program with some commentary:

    So lets see how some of this sounds when played fixed pitch, i.e. organ:





    Hal Ashby


    Obama Delivers Stinging Rebuke, Standing Up To Bullies, not following them.

    Roe v. Wade in Danger: Released Docs Reveal Kavanaugh Thinks Abortion Decision Is Not “Settled Law”

    As 400+ Children Remain Separated From Parents, Trump Admin Wants to Detain Kids Indefinitely

    Mason, 1971
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    ^^Holy shit, that’s dedication!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I had perfected the art of getting through very difficult classes, and also of developing sufficient understanding that I would be able to retain and apply the material in future unstructured situations. But still, beyond a point, I needed to be elsewhere and directing my own affairs.

    Being in school still mean being treated like a non-person.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    When I first joined this forum, it was right when one Elliot Roger had just gone on a killing spree at UC Santa Barbara.

    Though I don't agree with what he did, or with his views, I can still relate to his level of frustration.

    School shootings in this country are very common, both high schools and colleges. What made Roger different was how articulate he was in expressing his views and doing it in such a way that many could relate to it, even if we do not agree with him.

  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Nicole - your level of preparation is admirable. I used to build the master schedule for a 1,000 pupil h.s. and was always proud when I could get 90% of students into all of their classes chosen. I began doing this in the late 1970’s and it was an exercise in reams of paper and eventually became a digital exercise. However no matter the process the more preparation the better the product. I spent many Labor Day weekends putting the finishing touches to the schedule.
    Now, looking at your avatar, you were in a position where a selfie was not possible. So you must have had assistance. What a lucky man!
  • Lol @gawker...thx!!

    As for the pic, I took that myself lol.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    As long as I keep shitting everything is good
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    I plan everything around shitting
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    crazyjoe...Holy SHIT, that cracked me up!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    In terms of work, the major difference is that there’s no actual down time in the banking world. It’s continuous, so there’s no time when you aren’t working, so I don’t experience a similar concern regarding preparation.

    Since I have kids in high school, I deal with their stresses at the start (and end) of each academic term. The pre-term anxiety is generally worse than the anxiety that comes from approaching finals.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    nicole... thank goodness for the timer on the camera function. :)
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    School really does make a great deal of pressure.

    Even in recent years I have had nightmares about it. In the dream I am in college, but for some reason I am totally disorganized and preoccupied with outside things. So I did not attend many classes, and I did not know when exams were are anything. Then always I awaken in terror. They I further awaken and have to look and see and the remind myself that I am not in school and there nothing like the dream ever happened.

    College is a major commitment. I know that it must harm many people in many ways.


    West Side Story - America - Bernstein

    Prog Rock at the BBC
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