What advice would you give a beginner?

avatar for Rimsonlight
I will preface this by saying that I know this topic has been brought up before, (numerous times) in one way or another. I’ll also admit that my motive behind this is to write an article or two to serve as a guide. I know this has been done before as well, but I think it would be beneficial to have a more recent, generic and comprehensive guide available.

Most of what I’m adding is from reading the advice of the more experienced vets from various discussions and articles and some is from personal experience.

Part 1: Do Your Research
This website is an invaluable resource and well worth being a vip member. First you should familiarize yourself with terms used on here by checking out the glossary at the bottom of the website. Next use the “strip club list” section to familiarize yourself with the clubs in your area. I find it most useful to sort by “most recent review” so you can have a better idea of what the current state of that club is.

Step 2: Club Preparation
I think the most important thing to do before going to a club is deciding on a budget and to sticking to it. The best way to do this is to set aside the cash you’re willing to spend and only take that money with you into the club. Stick to the principle that once you’ve spent that money then you are done. You can bring an emergency reserve fund with you but have it somewhere out of the way like in your vehicle or a pocket that you don’t normally use.
Don’t be a slob: Yes the main thing a stripper is going to care about is your money. That said you’re more likely to have a better experience at the club if you go there with the idea that you’re going on a first date. It’s pretty simple make sure you don’t smell and dress nicely. No you don’t need to wear a suit, but you shouldn’t be wearing jeans mostly because it’s a coarse material and if you’re going to get a dance from a girl that’s going to be uncomfortable for her.

Step 3: Club Etiquette
The best way I’ve seen this summarized is 1. Don’t be an asshole and 2. Don’t be a little bitch
Always remember that this is a business and you are the customer. While you might not always be able to get the service you want, you should absolutely refuse a service you don’t want. Don’t be a jackass if a dancer you’re not interested in asks you for a dance a simple “no thank you” should be enough most of the time. You should either sit at the bar or at one of the tables or chairs away from the stage. If you’re going to sit at the stage when a dancer is doing a routine you should tip a couple of bucks throughout the routine. Respect a dancers boundaries either ask her outright if she’s ok with what you want to do or make your intentions known and read her body language. For example if you want to grab her breasts put your hands on her side and slowly start to slide them towards her tits if she stops you by moving away or blocking you with her arm she’s not comfortable with it and you shouldn’t push it. Finally don’t get drunk and don’t be obnoxious. The last thing you want is for some bouncer to rough you up for being an idiot.

Step 4: Avoiding Getting Ripped Off
If the first thing a dancer says when she approaches you is “do you wanna dance?” chances are that dance isn’t going to be very enjoyable. If she sits down on your lap and at least makes the effort to pretend to be interested in you there’s a better chance that she’ll make more of an effort for you to enjoy any dances you do get from her. At first you should avoid the high end rooms like a champagne room until you learn how to feel out a dancer. You can usually get a better feel for them by going to the VIP area which is usually between $20-$100. Very often they’ll make vague promises to up-sell you but they won’t always follow through. Don’t let your dick think for you.

Step 5: Tipping
If you’re going to order a drink at the bar or from a waitress give them a $1-$2 tip. If you’re getting multiple good dances from a girl either on the floor or the vip area I usually do a small tip around 1/4 or 1/2 of a regular dance if the dances are really good the most I’ll ever tip is the amount of an extra dance.

So what do you guys think? For the next intermediate part I was thinking that the focus should be on getting the “most out of your visits” the parts I was thinking of including is utilizing technology for example using Shazam to keep track of song count, ITC extras which can include becoming known as a semi-regular and setting up OTC. Also probably include a part of posting informative yet not explicit (kill the golden goose) reviews.

If there were to be a third part it would be about OTC, ATF’s and actually having a relationship with a dancer but I don’t have any experience with that.


last comment
Chris Rock was wrong: There might be * in the Champagne Room.
Lol damn...u guys are making a science out of getting action with girls..

Not bad... some of the advice is really "here's what works for me, personally, but might not work for you", as opposed to "here's the universally right thing to do to increase your chances of having fun"... It's good to know which is which

Here's my "beginner speech" from which your #3 first sentence is drawn https://www.tuscl.net/article.…

Other comments:
-->"The best way to do this is to set aside the cash you’re willing to spend and only take that money with you into the club. "

That's a good technique if you know in advance you lack self-control. My buddies and I have been going to the club, getting buzzed if not drunk, and there have not been many over-spending incidents. Meanwhile, I like having my wallet with me in case we all decide to pile out and hit dinner, etc. In short, this is a find tip for those who lack self control (which, admittedly, is a high % of guys once they're around naked girls and booze), but more of an optional tip -- following it would reduce my good time, not increase it. I'd just re-word it to reflect "optional tip for those who lack self control", not universal advice

-->"If you’re going to sit at the stage when a dancer is doing a routine you should tip a couple of bucks throughout the routine"

This, on the other hand, should be stated more strongly. Don't sit at the stage unless you're tipping, dummy.

-->"If you’re going to order a drink at the bar or from a waitress give them a $1-$2 tip. "

Or rather, tip at least as well as if you were in a bar. I'm not going to tip just $2 on a $50 round. Just tip appropriately.

-->" If you’re getting multiple good dances from a girl either on the floor or the vip area I usually do a small tip around 1/4 or 1/2 of a regular dance if the dances are really good the most I’ll ever tip is the amount of an extra dance. "

So, here's where I'm way at odds. My personal philosophy is: no, don't fucking tip for her just doing her job. I tip for extraordinary service only.

-->"So what do you guys think? For the next intermediate part I was thinking that the focus should be on getting the “most out of your visits”

The Shazam thing seems a bit overboard. I can't imagine dealing with this much overhead just to get a lapdance. Maybe just describe common dancer shenanigans like overcounting, and ways to deal

avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Personally I never found strip clubs that complicated. You pay them money and, in return, they pretend to find you interesting.
My advice is your total goal in mongering should be to go to tijuana! You haven't been yo a strip club till you been to hk
Number 1 rule is know your budget (and be able to stick to it.) It'll prevent you from getting into trouble esp from your little head.

Number 2 is know why you're there. What are you looking for and do you know how to achieve it?? Dances, extras, OTC etc, these things don't just happen, at least not consistently. It happens for those who know what they're doing.
if money is no issue get your experience in the USA. then do hk Tijuana. that was my experience. it is epic.
Where is Step 1 of Part 1? And if you’re going to organize your document this way, you should really use different numbering schemes for the different comments, like maybe Roman numerals for the parts and Arabic for the steps.
I'm glad you commented since that article of yours along with along with some of of the other advice I've seen you give really influenced me and what I wrote.

I agree about the part of still bringing in your normal wallet precisely so that you can still use your cards outside of the club. I'll make sure to put a bigger emphasis on the only cash you should have in the club is the amount you plan to spend and to never use the in club ATM and if you are considering using it that's when you should use the emergency fund.

As for the tipping the bartender/waitress I also agree that you should tip around what you normally would in bar. The way I worded it was for a single drink where a $1-$2 tip would be appropriate but making it more generic would be better.

I do have a different view point than you when it comes to the dances, the way I see it you are getting a personal service the same way a bartender or waiter/waitress would give you so I apply a modified version of that tipping scale i.e terrible service=not tip, service that leave you satisfied=small tip, service that goes above and beyond= bigger tip.

I would like to make this more universal so if you see any other places where I placed bias feel free to point them out I appreciate the criticism. One thing I did notice is that I wrote this from more of a "lone wolf" club experience which is what I normally do and I'll see if i can make it more inclusive from a group perspective as well.

Countryman and MisterWonderful:
I originally started going through the discussions and articles with the intent of gathering as much information for my own HK trip that I'm planning at the end of September. I would like to thank the both of you in that regard since I've been able to get a lot of useful from your posts on that subject.

I wanted to make sure to start off with emphasizing that research should be the first thing you do so that you can know what to expect from your local club scene. If you're somewhere like KY where it's apparently I would probably quickly come to the conclusion that it's better to go elsewhere. Although with this first part the focus is more on the first couple of experiences traveling to a different country would probably be more appropriate for the second part.

Thanks for pointing that out! I wrote this as a rough draft and I proofread it before posting to make sure it makes sense but overlooked that difference. I think it flows better if I split it up as Parts 1-5 instead of steps 1-5

Overall I'm very grateful for all of you posters since your insight has been very helpful. Part of the reason why I want to put this together is because there is a lot of good information spread throughout this from dancers perspectives, to common mistakes, to successful tactics and I figured it would be really useful to put as much of together as possible.

Another way of looking at the way I think the information should be broken down is basically three sections:

Section 1: A PL Introduction: Focus is on what do for your first couple of visits
Section 2: Maximizing the PL Experience: Focus on sharing information, successful tactics, hustles to look out for ect.
Section 3: The PL Lifestyle: Some of the benefits and pitfalls of doing this long term. "Dating" a stripper, managing the lifestyle, leading a double life (making sure SO doesn't find out) stuff along that nature.

Thanks for the current criticism, feedback and suggestions I look forward to seeing more.
* never pay upfront (unless required by the club like a room-fee or in some cases where dances are paid to the club upfront)

* avoid using a credit card
Don't get into this hobby.
Best advice I can offer is be careful in the men’s room don’t piss on your shoes !
As a very experienced strip clubber, my advice is do not write any type of comprehensive summary of all of the things that you need to do to be successful in strip clubs. Two points in support of that statement.

First, with more experience things will change. I read things that I wrote 10-15 years ago about strip clubs, and I was an idiot then compared to what I know now. I would now be horribly embarrassed if I had written a comprehensive description of how to strip club successfully when I was new at this. Fortunately I did not.

Second, Rick dugan did write just such a summary when he was much newer at strip clubbing. It is affectionately known here as The System (I think that’s what Rick labeled his post), and it is a source of frequent ridicule even tho Dougster may be gone. Trust me, you don’t want to follow that route.
Get a job that pays you well. This is an expensive hobby.
The money part is probably one the most important! One of my pals always ends up spending more than he should at the club because he has no self control. You do that and this hobby will be the end of you. It's gonna be hard to say no to all the girls, but you you're gonna have to if this is going to be a long term hobby.

And also the golden rule....don't fall in love with a stripper! I learned this the hard way!! It only ends in heartbreak and bankruptcy
avatar for _Constantine_
7 years ago
What do I say and do if a stripper tries to get money up front for FS ITC and Flight Club? I know I should never do it but I want to know the best way to say no and counter without just calling her a con artist lol
^ I just tell dancers I don't pay upfront - not every dancer that asks for $$$ upfront is a ROB but IME too-many have been - I def understand her concern and if I think she's genuinely worried about getting ripped-off the best I'll do is show her I have the $$$ - I may yield a time or two but 99% of the time paying upfront is a non-starter for me.
^ Flight Club for the most-part seems to have a pretty-good reputation w.r.t. girls following-thru - so if the norm at FC is that most custies pay upfront then that may be another matter b/c then you may be the odd-man out - but I avoid paying upfront especially when we are talking a good amount of $$$
IME most dancers that have asked me for $$$ upfront have relented when I have said no - part of that is that I often get a lot of dances from different dancers and perhaps they've seen me already spending $$$ - but I think most experienced dancers understand why a custy would not want to pay upfront and know there are dancers out there that rip off custies and it's not a rare thing
Be cognizant of where you stash your $$$ - getting your wad lifted is not the norm but def does happen.

Also - take the min stuff you need into the club (I never take my full-wallet into the club; in fact I don't take a wallet in period but for those that prefer having a wallet then have a strip-club wallet w/ the min) - too easy to lose stuff or have it stolen in the process of getting contact dances (I prefer to leave my wallet hidden in the car although that can also be an issue but I've had more issues w/ losing stuff in the club than having stuff stolen out of my car).

Also - careful w/ your cell phone - too-many PLs just place it on the table and then are distracted and it can be snatched in a busy club - again not common but does happen w/ today's phones being so expensive.
I would agree with other criticism that some of the info in the guide is too specific. For example in my area there is no tip rail and sitting at a table closer vs further away has no bearing on the expectation to tip. Not to mention regional areas where stage tipping isn't allowed at all and they do a tip walk.

I also agree with subraman that tipping for a dance or VIP shouldn't be expected.
If one is gonna write a newbie guide then IMO best to have more info than less - for those that have been at it a while most of it is "common sense" but all the stuff mentioned on here I believe is relevant for many of the truly green SCers - but the stuff written should be "guidelines" not "you should never do X" (e.g. dancer-tips; etc) - when giving advice IMO it's best to state the "why" vs just the "what"; i.e. why something should be done, and maybe give pros and cons.
Sunce you are in AZ, I would recommend you hit Xpilicit during the weekdays. Find a beautiful brunette or blonde MILF and either one will be happy to give you the experience of a lifetime. After that, you will have a benchmark to compare others to. They will probably never reach it, but getting close will be a win for you !!!!
The more often you patronize a particular club (and a particular dancer), in a respectful way that earns a reasonable profit for them, over the longer term, then the more likely that the club (and dancer) will consider you to be a customer who is good for his money and who can be relied upon to return. Consequently, you'll probably get better treatment, nicer service, more stuff for the same price, more opportunities to break through the "fourth wall" of the stage and find out who the good-guys and bad-guys in the club's hierarchy are, and greater likelihood of offerings of extras-service and sexual pay-for-play.

It pays to be a regular. You can't build up a reputation of having been there a lot, on your first visit. Recognize that the time present there is an investment in longer-term reputation there, and continue to treat people (dancers, wait staff, house mom, DJ, doorman, bathroom monkey, EVERYONE) as though you are investing longer-term in your relationship with them.

I don't necessarily "believe in" doing the above, as though it's some kind of holy or moral mantra that we "should" all live by in business. But in strip clubs, it does seem to work more often than not. Therefore, I do "believe in" doing the above, simply out of a sense of enlightened self-interest, if not out of a more moral imperative. I leave the moralizing up to you, to decide whether we all "should" be trustworthy to one another. Regardless of your conclusions there-upon, it's ALSO the case that you'll get more blowjobs from strippers who know you. At generally better prices.
Mostly good advice so far. My advice is to not get too focused or attached to any one dancer. It’s fine to develop an ATF, but if she’s busy with another customer, accept it. Don’t sulk and don’t pout. If no other dancers are interesting, leave the club and save your bucks for another day. Nothing looks more PL-ish than sitting for song after song waiting for the girl of your dreams to finish with the guy who keeps her in his lap forever, and come to you. Finally, if you have a “type”, don’t be afraid to broaden your horizons. Women of all types can be incredible; enjoy them all!
Mostly good advice so far. My advice is to not get too focused or attached to any one dancer. It’s fine to develop an ATF, but if she’s busy with another customer, accept it. Don’t sulk and don’t pout. If no other dancers are interesting, leave the club and save your bucks for another day. Nothing looks more PL-ish than sitting for song after song waiting for the girl of your dreams to finish with the guy who keeps her in his lap forever, and come to you. Finally, if you have a “type”, don’t be afraid to broaden your horizons. Women of all types can be incredible; enjoy them all!
Sorry for the dupe. Feel free to delete one Founder!
Thanks for the suggestions! For now I’ll just go with what Papi and John recommended and instead of doing a comprehensive guide just focus on writing out general guidelines for newcomers.

Going through my original post I can kind of split the recommendations into two categories.

First is common sense guidelines which I feel people including myself are prone to break as well as things that are good to keep reminding yourself. Going down the list these would be: Set a budget and stick to it (if you can’t trust yourself with cards leave them in your car or at home), be clean and try to smell pleasant when you go to a club, don’t be a jackass or a pushover, remind yourself that this is a business the strippers are there to get your money ideally by giving you a good time, if you’re at a club that has stage side seating where a dancer does her routine make sure to tip her a couple of dollars if you’re going to sit at those seats, make sure you either explicitly or implicitly get a dancers before trying something, don’t get drunk, don’t think with your dick and tip the bartender and waiter/waitress the same way you would at any other place. Keep track of your stuff it’s a good idea to check you phone, wallet, cash any time you’re moving around the club it’s better to be safe than to find out later on you forgot something or someone stole it from you. If you’re going to a club that has had recent reports of theft either leave your important items in the car or at home.

Second category is a bit more subjective these include:
Proper attire: Generally you should go with what your comfortable with. Keep in mind though that some clubs enforce a dress code so they might not let you in if you’re wearing ratty clothes or sweats or basketball shorts they might not let you in. Make sure to check with the club beforehand or play it safe and wear nicer stuff don’t overdue it with a suit unless it’s your normal attire. Also as for jeans or any pants or shorts that are a coarser material a dancer might end up giving a lesser contact lap dance if you’re wearing this because it’s uncomfortable for her.
When you’re first starting off some of the best ways to avoid getting ripped off is to avoid going to high end rooms like the champagne rooms until you learn to get a good feel for the dancers this way you don’t blow through your budget immediately and end up leaving early with a bad taste in your mouth. Experiment first with either floor dances or dances in the vip area which are usually around $20-$30 per dance or something like $100 for a set amount of songs or time. Usually it’s a good idea to avoid dancers who come up to you and just ask “wanna dance” immediately more likely than not they’ll give you mediocre performance. If a dancer actually takes the time to pretend to be interested in you there’s a better chance that she’ll make more of an effort if you do buy a dance from her, she still might be bad dancer so you could still end up disappointed but I think you’ll have better odds with a dancer like that.
Tipping is never required for dances even if she asks or demands one. Do it at your own volition, there are veterans that won’t tip on principle unless they go beyond expectations.
Finally I would like to add a section on getting the attention of a dancer you like. In my experience the easiest way is to simply just go up to her and letting her know that you’re interested in getting a dance from her she might be busy at the moment but more often than not she’ll try to find you sooner or later. If she’s dancing on the stage I’ll usually tip her a five and let her know I’m interested. Sometimes when they’re walking around all you need to do is make eye contact and smile and more often than not they’ll come over to you. Don’t get upset if she never comes though sometimes they’ll get scooped by a regular or a whale and that’s just the way it goes.
One last part is don’t be reluctant to cut your losses or leave early if you’re just not feeling it.

Let me know if this looks better and if anything should be modified, added or removed. Also I do think that a follow up article would be useful that would be comprised of advice for those of us who have moved onto doing this as hobby. Things to include would be tips on common hustles to be aware of and how to stop them such as over-counting, not falling for SS, etc. Also tips on how to generally increase success rates in the club such as what signs to pick up on, becoming a regular (it’s pros and cons) and other stuff along those lines. Another part could include pitfalls to avoid such as not letting your hobby get out of hand and ruin your savings and relationships, giving out too much information (to the dancers or posting in public on this site), trying to figure out if you have more than just a client/dancer relationship and whatever else would fall into this category. I’m still fairly new to this stage so I probably wouldn’t be very good for this part.
Gave this advice on Reddit to someone going their first time:

"Understand that the girls are there to make money. If you don't intend to have fun with a girl, make it known early; don't let her sit with you flirting and making small talk if you intend to turn her down as soon as she asks you to give her money for some lap dances. This also means that when she approaches you, if you're not interested, be honest and tell her you're not interested. Don't lie saying you're waiting for someone, or say not tonight or maybe later, just tell her you're not interested. It is best for everyone and allows her to go make money from guys who are interested in her."

"If you sit at the rail, you're expected to tip each girl on every song, even if you don't like the girl. If you don't want to tip a girl, then get out of that seat and go sit somewhere further from the stage. A buck or two per song or all the way up to $5 per song is usually enough. You don't have to sit at the tip rail though."

"The club will likely require you to buy a drink or two minimum. I like to hold off on getting lap dances until those minimum drinks are finished, just to give myself time to get acclimated to the experience of the club and see some girls on stage. If/when you do get lap dances, negotiate with the girl about what you want and the amount you'll pay. Do not pay up front. Do not negotiate during the lap dance or agree to pay anything more during the lap dance. If your or her genitalia gets involved in the dance, you can tip her the cost of one song but otherwise the best way to give money to a girl is to buy dances. Do not pay the girl for sitting with you unless you specifically ask for it (it's like going to a car lot, deciding not to buy a car, and the salesman asking for you to at least give him some money because he couldn't make a commission off you)."

"You shouldn't ever need to pay more than $100 to any individual girl. It usually takes 3 visits or more before a stripper really loosens up with you in a way that you can't buy. Paying her $100 over 3 visits will get you a lot more than paying $500 the first time you meet her. Do not use a credit card; do not use the ATM; do not order bottle service. If you're a local, do not pay a cover and go to another club if they insist on it. You should probably not take a taxi, uber, or lyft to the club. Remember, any money you don't spend can be spent the next time you come to the club."
sounds like pretty good advice.
(butt I admit I didn't read every word...)
Bring money don’t piss on your shoes, are you taking notes, that’s pretty much the gist of of it. ;)
Highly unlikely she's working her way thru college
I’ve gained so much great knowledge since I joined this site over a year ago. I’ve screwed up royally but I think I have finally gotten control of my self.

Stick to a budget. Don’t spend beyond your means. Go when you can. That’s a must.
Don’t get hooked on a girl. It will ruin you.
There’s plenty of dancers out there.
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