The future of sex work

avatar for theDirkDiggler
All this talk of FKKs and TJ and even AMPs to a degree along with the demise of paid porn have made me wonder if there will ever be truly big money in sex work ever again. I know there will always be exceptions, but in general it seems that the money is trending downward and possibly quickly. You've also got cams with are probably over saturated to the point that the vast majority of camgirls can't make a living (at least a decent one) off of it. The generation that historically spends the most at SCs (boomers) are largely retiring or even dying off and the newer generations (millennials and younger) are more resistant or unable to spend large amounts of money and time (particularly with the lack of privacy in social media) on this hobby.

I don't think we'll ever get to the point of $100 (current dollars) an hour FS (of which they don't even keep all of it) with 9s and 10s (or even 8s) in the US simply because it's just not worth it to most hot girls. They can do other things with their time and "talents" to make similar amounts of money (breastaurant server, bartending, trying to monetize social media, etc.) or work at a "regular" job for not that much less, let alone a professional or skilled occupation for potentially considerably more.

My point if is there is no major incentive to get into sex work, that entire industry is going to suffer a lack of high end talent, at least at the local level. Sure $100 is still (key word being still, it might not always be that way) a lot for the average Mexican or Eastern European or Thai girl, maybe even an old AMP lady, but in the US for the most part, that's still a hard sell for all the personal costs involved with getting into sex work. So for all this talk of how things are so good in Germany or Tijuana, there might actually be a silver lining for the US from being a bit insulated from the race to the bottom.


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avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
Yeah, too many damn typos... oh well. Where's that edit button again...
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
interesting observation sir.
avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
6 years ago
It sounds like science fiction, but supposedly virtual reality porn and convincing sex robots are on the horizon in the next couple of decades. If that happens all bets are off, I guess.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
I'm more concerned about the immediate and near future. People have talked about technological changes for decades that were supposed to be here years ago. The only real changes i've seen have been in cell phone and internet capabilities, basically stuff corporations can make money from. As for stuff that could actually benefit people right now, things never get done. I'll believe it when i see it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Who knows what the future will hold - but for every-point there can often be a counter-point;

* they often refer to prostitution as the oldest profession in the world - it seems unlikely the demand for sex will ever significantly decline - it does appears that many millennials may be being somewhat indoctrinated in colleges by liberals and feminists that say paying someone for sex is exploiting them - but IDK if these millennials will think the same way when they are 40 or 50 - in a "free" economic market w/ a strong economy "the market" will always find a way to meet a demand - it just may change in the way that's achieved - for now it seems that the government is having the biggest effect on the sex-bz and it seems we are going in the wrong direction of less freedom instead of more openness w.r.t. the sex-biz

* I feel that perhaps part of the reason sex is much cheaper overseas is b/c it's legal or at worst not targeted by LE - I think part of the reason sex is more expensive in the US is b/c it's illegal and illegal things tend to be more expensive

* I also wonder if P4P in the US is not actually over-priced due to its somewhat limited availability due possibly in large-part b/c it's illegal - although $100 *is* not a lot of $$$ - if a girl does 5 VIPs and can walk-out w/ $500 every shift (assuming she makes a bit over $100/VIP); she is still doing way-better than many non high-paying jobs - hell at $500/day that's about $60/hr for an 8-hour shift - i.e. I think the current P4P market of PLs paying $300 and $400 for 30-minutes is whack and over-priced probably in large-part again due to the illegality of it which probably affects supply
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
^ In your hypothetical example, the girl wouldn't make $500 that shift if she has to pay to work there and tip out to say a DJ or housemom. Also the club would take a large chunk of the VIP probably and even if they didn't, i don't think it's realistic to assume the girl would take home $500 an average shift even with the low price point. I think closer to $300 which is still decent to quite good but if it came from having to fully service 5 guys on average, five days a week, 50 weeks a year, i doubt she would last long.

Also if all the other girls offered $100 FS, hypothetical girl might not even be able to sell 5 hourly VIPs a shift on average. Potential earnings is very different from actual earnings, but the lower price point would definitely lower earnings.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
I will agree that a large part of the higher price is from overhead required to allow "illegal" activity. The FKK clubs and HK seem to have much less overhead the PLs and girls have to pay. If you didn't have to pay a middle man hundreds of dollars just to use a room for such activities, the cost could go down considerably, and it often does if you are to believe all you read about OTC exploits.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Being a cam girl can be lucrative, thanks to the scaling that the internet provides. It just requires more finesse to stand out.

Sex robots may provide some displacement, but I wonder how much GFE it can provide. I can imagine some savvy cam girls selling robot replicas of themselves in the future and remote scheduling to remote control its words or actions for a fee.

Though I do view the US as a declining empire, so costs will probably keep going down at least somewhat. But at least we still have the world reserve currency keeping us afloat, yay.
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
I agree with the observation that making an activity (e.g. sex work) illegal typically drives up the costs and it also decreases the safety of the provider and the customer. If prostitution were legalized and regulated in the US, it would be much safer for the provider (I think it would greatly lower human trafficking) and the customer and provide a very reasonable level of income for providers who might not have skills or the work ethic to earn a similar level of income at a "legitimate" job. I see nothing coercive about this arrangement (certainly no more coercive than it is for everyone who works to make a living). People should be able to earn a living in a manner that they choose, as long as doing so does not violate another person's rights.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago

For quite a while the going rate @ Follies for VIP seemed to be $100 to the girl - and it seems many girls did quite well from what I've heard and Follies is def not hurting for dancers; if anything dancers seem to at times have a hard time getting in there - Follies is def an outlier and not the norm and why it's hard to see a model like that work since most people don't know any better or have been exposed to anything other than paying $100s for VIP for a 30-measly-minutes (and also geography plays a part when it comes to price) - IMO the P4P market is artificially high in most areas due to certain forces (illegality; etc) and the consumer not having easy-access (via it being legal) - i.e. somewhat analogous to the pre-internet days when it was much harder to know what one should pay for a new car b/c one for the most-part didn't have as much info at their finger-tips and subsequently 30-years ago it seemed many people negotiated from the sticker-price down instead of the dealer-cost up since most people probably didn't know that info - i.e. mongers are kinda limited under current laws.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
Isn't Follies $100 for half an hour? Before tips? It's still a lot "cheaper" than anything else in the US outside of AMPs and lingerie modeling places (disguised brothels). But that's still a considerable difference than $100 for the entire hour. Also i don't recall Follies being an objectively 7up factory either which was a major sticking point (looks can and do drive up cost, all else being equal). I know looks are subjective, but the general consensus is that the super hotties are generally not found at Follies or if they are they don't do VIPs and/or stay long.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ 7-up clubs are more the exception than the norm IMO - if Follies' talent was too questionable I doubt it would be as popular as it is and have the most TUSCL reviews by far - most people that like Follies like-it b/c of the good-times one has in the club - the cheap-price is a nice secondary-effect but I don't think it's the primary reason people hit Follies but yeah the low-prices do make-it easier to have a good/satisfying time - but yeah; Follies is a mid-tier club both in terms of dancer-looks and facilities - but then again mid-tier clubs are the sweet-spot for many PLs.

Diamond Dolls in Pompano Beach, FL is another popular club where VIP is below market-avg - in South FL the avg VIP price is often $300 to the dancer in a decent to good club and not rare for dancers to ask more than $300 in the more-popular clubs - Diamond Dolls is kinda the outlier where one can do VIP w/ good-looking girls for $225 and the club normally has plenty of good-looking girls both on dayshift and nghtshift - i.e. VIP being cheaper than most of its competititors hasn't hurt DDs from getting good-talent and girls wanting to work-there - the lower yet reasonable VIP prices makes it more attractive to custies and easier for dancers to convince/sell custies on VIP so good-chance dancers end-up making more $$$ - @ DDs VIP kinda sell itself a lot of the time.

I'm not saying there aren't instances where a higher VIP price is not warranted/worth-it in terms of the overall dancers' looks in the club and also the city it's in; but I do think VIP prices are over-inflated and I would not doubt if many a dancer could actually earn-more w/ a less inflated price-point - but in the end we are where we are and perhaps the only big game changer would be if P4P was made legal.
avatar for 623
6 years ago
If paid sex was legal there would be five times as much business so even if the price was a bit lower the net would still be more dollars in the g-string.

Also, good, smart strippers make far more than $500 per night at the right club, and the smart ones gravitate to the right club. While Follies might be a volume business at a lower price point DD girls with hustle and game could easily bank double that and in both cases their house fee is already built in. Girls at the top clubs in Detriot can probably get their $500 starting bid from at least a few non-tuscl savey guys so they are doing well over your suggested income and I personally know a few Vegas dancers who are over $1k on a good night.

And don’t forget that because of the shady nature you mention much if not all that income goes untaxed. So even on the lower end of your scale IF they work 5 days a week that could be 8k to 10k a month. Of course most dancers don’t work 5 days a week, don’t work full shifts (sit around a lot) in short they don’t treat it like a job.
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