I'm not saying that white people are better. I'm saying that being white is clea

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CJKent (Banned)
Title says it all.


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avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
By 2045, whites are expected to be in the minority. Although the projection depends on the amount of immigration.
Being white in the US, or being white everywhere? I'm thinking being a white dude in a country that murders or kidnaps white people isn't necessarily better. But being White in the US has few negatives associated with it.
It's harder to get into good schools if you are white, but yeah, for the most part I can't complain. Oh, and I blame my penis size on it.
Generally white people are less politically conscious than people of color.

I say this as someone who is involved in street level politics on a daily basis.

You cannot destroy an ideology (^^^) by exposing its internal contradictions, hilarious irrationality. Supporters of such ideologies (mediocre men - YOU) use them as mental crutches to justify what they want to do (murder, torture, enslave, rape, genocide, abuse) while still being able to claim to themselves that they are “good”, “moral” and “law-abiding” persons.
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san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is widely mocked and considered potentially mentally unstable, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
white has been a problem when looking for a job as an older man. butt I can't really complain. i did ok. aside from a few bad life making decisions. (and going totally overboard in las vegas.)
Im not white, so i dont know its "better" being white. Its certainly "easier".
White people are more subject to normative societal standards, like upwards social mobility. Racial and ethnic minorities will also have an identity independent of that, if they cultivate it.

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7 years ago
+1 Chessmaster
avatar for NJBalla
New York
7 years ago
to the OP nice try at race baiting. After reading this thread it clearly did not go the way you had hoped. The only color that matters in a strip club is green.
^ street level politics means he argues with strangers - as they walk about San Jose attempting to mind their own business.
I can’t say it’s better or worse - as I’ve never experienced life as another race.
SJG never ceases to amaze me with his banal ignorance. People of color are more politically conscious than white people. Do you prove that by their far lower levels of voting? If one desires to be as fucking wrong as possible, as often as possible, assume you understand and know people based on what you see.
So I guess that CJKent has decided to go back to posting and abandoning bait threads, rather than focusing on his creepy fixation on gawker.

I guess it's possible that he's equally good at both.
A political science professor attempts to explain how the fears of white people got Trump elected.
A political science professor attempts to explain how the fears of white people got Trump elected.
When OP specifically calls out that he's not saying "white people are better" doesn't that imply that he does think that we are, hiding the fact rhythm he is just like all the other white supremist assholes?
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago

Skimmed parts of your article and it looks like a careful statistical study of what might seem obvious: white, Christian, men fear losing their place as "high-status" Americans as the country becomes more diverse and globalization continues it's steady march. You can almost "feel" this attitude with white birthers like @SkiBirther who resent having an AA president. Coincides with my initial post above about whites becoming a minority as soon as 2045.

A political science professor attempts to explain how the fears of white people got Trump elected.....

I can explain why I voted for Trump in one word......Hillary.
^ me too...

Many people of color are more politically conscious than whites. The reason though that their voting rates might be lower is because they see that none of the candidates actually represent them.

Politics in this country, for the most part, is still coded by race.,


Bob Seger - Mainstreet , the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger was so much like this. So too was Sporty's Bar ( formerly Candid Club, formerly Richard's Lounge, didn't even have a stage back then ) I always listened to this song before I had ever been into any such places.

Do you think the piano is an important part of this recording? I do.

Bad Company - Shooting Star
I’ve heard this somewhere from a comedian. Bill burr?? Sounds like something he would say
The OP is an asshole just looking to stir up some shit.
^yeah but he could at least be original. I googled and it was Louis ck.
People try to say the same sorts of things about "The advantages of being a Christian".

Lots of people with weak minds.

I think certain white people living in certain Eastern European nations would disagree with the OP's quote.

If you're talking about specifically the United States, I think the advantages of being white are situational. Being a certain something brings with it it's own share of pros and cons. I also think it's a little simplistic to say it's better being white. It's kind of like saying it's better to be Japanese. I'm sure it is better to be Japanese... in Japan... where the country is 99% Japanese. If this nation does become majority of a non-White race then it may become advantageous to be that race at that time. People are people first before they are a member of a race.

Also, I think once the Boomers pass on and whites become a plurality in America, any real advantage to being white may be gone. It might even become a liability to be white. I live in CA, so my experiences are probably different than the rest of the country, but growing up it's cool to put down white people. Everything white equals boring and lame to a lot of people in my generation. White girls are "basic." White people "have no culture." White food has "no flavor." I never participated in that stuff. I don't think any of it is even true, but for some reason a lot of people still struggle to see each person as an individual before an ethnicity. I don't know if humanity will ever get there.

@ san_jose_guy

"White people are more subject to normative societal standards, like upwards social mobility."

What about East Asians? Plenty of stories of East Asian immigrant families going from cleaning houses to being doctors and lawyers in 3 generations or less.
EchoPizza, upwards mobility of the type you are describing does occur, but it is always at a price. And it cannot be the goal of our society to promote this. Education has to be for giving one options, not for measuring up to family expectations.

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