
Dear men: instead of opening doors for me..

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
1) yes I will accept your offer to carry my groceries , and open the door. Why? Bc i would do the same for you(;
2) yes, u can carry my groceries and open the door for me..but instead of focusing on SOLELY this, how about you help me end jokes which satirize women being "housewives," etc and how about you help me in helping everyone see why there the term "manwhore" shoukd be eliminated from society, because someone who sleeps with many people without at least having a conversation with them is a slut in general regardless of gender .



  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    You forgot to say Nicole out
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    I like sluts. You know any?
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I know a field of nettles you could crawl through naked. That would be entertaining.
  • ^ @ george..oh. im sorry ..did me telling u how i.frequently open doors for men make u mad ,bro?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    What’s your point Nicole do you enjoy being thought stupid ?
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    ^^^ ask George if he gives a nut buster special
  • mtnboy49
    6 years ago
    Maybe I am getting into the middle of this but, how is it you really would like to be (don't want to say treated...) regarded? If a man demonstrates good manners by opening doors for you, looks you in the eyes when talking to you, at least acts as if you have something interesting to say, asks you intelligent questions, would that piss you off?
  • mountain.boy.

    idk.why you are asking that question.i.said it is TOTALLY OKAY for men to do those things. U misunderstood post.plz read again thx.
  • mtnboy49
    6 years ago
    Just wanted to be sure you were OK being treated like a lady. That is re assuring. I'm an old fart and not sure how a bit of what I was taught as manners would be taken. That is why I am asking. Just checking because I wouldn't want to insult someone by being "nice" to her.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    OK, lets end jokes about "housewives" and end them about stupid men who can't cook/clean/care for their children or themselves. Never going to happen. I believe if you want respect, earn it and give it. My former wife could bring home the bacon. fry it up in a pan and look *#*^ing awesome doing it. She nearly kicked cancers ass and made jokes up until the day she died, strongest person I have ever known. She was and is my hero. My Mom went from secretary to president of 17 banks without a college degree. When you are a badass and don't just think you are, then no one jokes about you. One man spread rumors about my Mom sleeping her way to the top, she responded in a national meeting by directly confronting him onstage in front on 3000 people. That shut up the rumors pretty damn fast. Internet B.S. doesn't really change anything unfortunately but picking fights on the 'net does even less. I think you want change so be the change you want and expect it of those you know. Then you will change the world one person at a time. Best to you Nicole 1994.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    No, Nicole, you didn’t make me mad, you’re like a hangnail.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    I am ready to watch the fight. I am disappointed
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Women's whining is what makes them need laws saying they're equal.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    The man I marry will be the kind to open doors for me. He will be a sophisticated gentleman at least 10-15 years older than me. And if I decide to work only part-time after having children, on my days off / shorter days, he will come home to a clean house and there will be food in the oven and a glass of scotch or whatever his drink of choice is waiting for him, as well as a blunt rolled, so he can smoke and sip while dinner is finishing up. On days we both work, we'll take turns on dinner.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Good post Nina.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    After reading this, it sounds very entitled.

    It’s like a privilege to open a door for Nicole, and after allowing a guy to open a door for her, it must be a huge treat to be given the opportunity to do other tasks for her.

    In my view, if somebody does something kind and considerate for someone else, it’s best to thank that person, and not expect more.

    A day can be made better by appreciating any act of kindness. By expecting something, or feeling entitled to it, it’s an easy way to become disappointed.
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