
if you had to report...

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
the proportion/ratio of clubs you know in which certain managers there have received sexual favors/dated the dancers..what would you tell me based on YOUR experiences?


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I’d tell you you’re a moron, and just looking to stir the pot.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    For me personally, zero :)

    The closest I encountered that was a manager who slapped my butt in the dressing room. But I think he saw from my face I wasn’t very happy about it. And I reduced his tip out to $5 that day. So he was professional after that.

  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I couldn't care less whether it was all or none.
  • Spillthebeans
    6 years ago
    In my area, 100% of the extras clubs have multiple managers/owners that are receiving various favors from some dancers !!! Some may call it dating, but it is favor for looking the other way.
    In so-called non-extras clubs I am familiar with, it is 40% are engaging I favors for looking away.
    I can't speak for the entire country, but I suspect is about the same as here.
    The biggest difference is my experience here is that the favors do not reduce your $$$ tip out expected. Also, most are tok cheap to spring fir a place, so it ends up being in the club or parking lot. So your just getting added freedom to conduct business.
  • @nicespice idc if it is a strip club..that is weird he did thatnot because of the nature of services the club offers but rather because of the employer/employee relationship that is inherent in every business.
  • ^ and just to clarify myself..it isn't slapping butts that is wrong, but doing so unexpectedly precisely due to the nature of the employee/employer relationship that is inherent in any business, a relationship of which should technically only be disrupted based on mutual understanding.
  • Spillthebeans
    6 years ago
    In our area, dancers are independent contractors implying that they are not true employees, so that relationship would not apply. Dancers are considered a replaceable commodity with supply outweighing the demand. Some Tit (or more) for Tat is part of doing business.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    100%. I am not saying 100% of dancers do it, but that 100% of managers receive it.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Spillthebeans That’s factually incorrect sexual harassment is when a person has power over another, and uses that power to coerce certain behaviors. Doesn’t matter whether it’s employer/employee or contractor/sub or anything else teacher/student, Doctor/patient the sexual harassment statutes apply.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Even if the dancer is a 1099 worker lol, or works under the table, the club is not only liable for the conduct of the managers towards her, but the conduct of sub-contractors. If the dude delivering kegs sexually harasses her then the club, after notice can be held liable.
  • Spillthebeans
    6 years ago
    Let's see how long the line is of dancers in this area ready to publicly announce they work in an extras club and to out both managers and dancers that engage in these activities !!!
    Remember we are taking about Pay to Play environments here !!! Not a lot of well off dancers ready to climb on the ship here, I think.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @spillthebeans Okay, I’ll bite. There *might* be some of that dynamic going on. I have heard talk that the favored girls at my Austin club are “friends” with the owners. And that’s what makes it easy for them to close so many cabanas.

    But I don’t work enough shifts there to observe it better, nor do I care too. (And my work style over there is more like fast paced floor dance spamming instead of waiting around for mr high roller so I don’t even compete with anyone on that front)

    So in that club it’s either a rampant problem of fucking the owners for matching with better customers, or it’s just simply a cutthroat environment with lying jealous haters.

    I don’t care to find out about the truth either.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @nicole No worries, it resolved itself. And I haven’t worked there in a long time.

    My guess is that a predatory, sexual favor demanding manager would be most likely to pull shit like that with a dancer who is black or fat or both. But I’m neither. Nor do I have tats.
  • Spillthebeans
    6 years ago
    @nicespice....It happens here in all extras clubs as some of the managers want a greater "piece" of the action !!! There those that don't expect favors but they are the exception At least in my area and my experience dealing with the industry.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Happens almost everywhere. None of this 'might' shit - that's some stripperweb bs. Yall ladies need to tell it like it is and keep it real or run back to that pink website and stick to posting on that delusional board. Bottom line is the dating is questionable but this is a competitive workspace so no doubt you'll have a few gals occasionally blowing or more the managers for preferential treatment. Whether it's shift scheduling, getting introduced to VIPs, not having to dance on stage etc. Doesn't mean they all do it but it happens everywhere.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Where did I fudge anything? Nicole asked based on my experience. I gave a thorough and detailed answer based on *my* experience. (And notice she emphasized the question on a personal basis.)

    Just because it’s likely it goes on in my club, I work in way that’s comfortable for me so I’m genuinely not privy. I’m not just going to slam my colleagues if didn’t actually witness anything.

    Also, I know I have a bedazzling personality and all, but I was the only lady to respond, so I don’t understand why you said “ladies” like it’s plural.

    And while I do like stripperweb, I’ll stick to Facebook for my main way of speaking with dancers. In secret groups where people like you who magically know the inner workings of strip clubs more than strippers do (without ever having had worked there) won’t badger us with whatever lecture you want to give.

  • pistola
    6 years ago
    So basically if you don't see it directly, then it doesnt happen then even if you sorta know it does. Sound logic there... I used the term ladies as a general reference to bullshit responses. That it happens is implied in your response so why not just say so. Managers play favorites for two reasons and it has nothing to do with personality, it's either the regular large tip out or the favors, past or present. And some of us do know how it goes down behind the curtains so to speak and yes without having never worked there.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Yep :) The logic is sound. As a dancer, I allow a lot stuff to go in one ear and out the other. I hear a lot of nonsense.

    For example, if I believed everything other dancers tell me, I would have to believe that 40% of dancers are 5% amazing hustlers.

    So no, I won’t “just say so” because it’s based on the word of a couple of salty dancers who didn’t successfully close any cabanas that night for themselves, lol.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there was truth. But they themselves weren’t credible.

    In a general sense, does fucking a club manager happen? Why yes, I’m sure. It happens in many non sex-work jobs a female can have as well. I never claimed to deny that.

    But it’s easy enough for most dancers to never potentially have to actively worry about if they don’t want to.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    *40% of dancers are in the top 5% percent I mean
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^more like 75%, I agree with your assessment of what is really going on.
  • Prim0
    6 years ago
    I worked at a club as a bouncer for a while....nothing like that happened there as the owner/manager was too worried about legal troubles.

    Some of the dancers did tell me about a club that's no longer around and a blowjob for the manager was part of the interview process.

    I imagine that everyone involved has to be more careful now as everyone basically has a spy cam in their pockets these days. Push someone farther than they want to go and it might be the latest hidden cam viral video.
  • Lol I wonder what Managers would do if they weren't as paranoid ? Lol
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