
Tips for buying a VIP membership?

Off again on again PL
So I have been going to a different club recently where the club takes a $50 cut if you want to go into the VIP. Obviously the other option is purchasing a 1 year (or lifetime) VIP membership. Reading TUSCL reviews there are sparse mentions of pricing anywhere from $400 to $2000 for a year membership with the pricing being very negotiable.

Any tips or info on buying a VIP membership?

This would be for the bucks chain of clubs so I would obviously want to make exactly clear whether benefits are reciprocal across the chain or only apply to the club where I make the purchase.

Other than talking to managers at 2 different clubs or on different shifts any other good strategy for negotiating the best deal?

I have a country club membership and there was definitely some strategy and brown nosing required to get it at the best price. I want to make sure there is or isn't the same thing here.


  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I had a lifetime membership to the Platinum Plus chain. I got it free so nothing to lose. Regular price was $250/yr or $500 life time. It got me and one guest into any of their clubs. Which saved me $3 on days, $8 at night. Other than that the only other benefit was special seating during special occasions like anniversary parties.

    So make sure of actually what you are getting for your and weigh it against what it would cost you without the membership. How often are you going to go is important.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    ^^^ Scat how much do you pay for that special seat at Follies?
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    A couple of clubs I go to occasionally offer $150 or $175 yearly membership cards that get you and a guest in free for a year. It sounds like what you're talking about is the VIP seating / lap dance area, though. When they tried to sell me something like that at a club, the pitch was that you could get your dances right at your table.... which happened to be in an elevated location and visible to everyone else in the front room.

    For Bucks in particular, though, maybe you could talk up how you voted for them in the ED magazine poll as the best club as a segue into asking. You could also try opening saying that you heard you could get the membership for $xxx (whatever the reviewer who got the best deal said) and ask if that deal is still good. I go to a club that offers free admission one night of the week, but you have to ask for that deal going in or the door girl charges the regular price.

    Pre-paying for club fees has never been something that would be worthwhile for me, though. Every time I have started thinking about it, I have ended up finding a CF in another club and stopped going to the one selling the membership as much.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i buy the hongkong vip card for $50. good for four months. butt for me it easily pays for itself in one overnight visit with the cascadas hotel room discount and free drinks. (and other perks.)
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Ok so I talked to one of the managers today. The yearly membership is $1000 but one of the dancers hinted to me that negotiating to $800 was possible. That includes free entry and access to any part of the club including VIP ($50 hr), cabanas ($25 hr), skyboxes ($150 hr), and it is reciprocal at all Bucks clubs for a year.

    That $800 averages out to $15 a week.

    I keep good track of my spending and in the last 4 months I have spent over $500 to the club for cabana rental and entry fees. I have been going weekly now for 8 months.

    At this point I am leaning towards getting the membership:
    - There are 4 Bucks Clubs close to me so I am not locked in to a single club.
    - It seems that breaking even on the deal would be pretty easy
    - Not even considering I would be getting more privacy (going from cabana to VIP) for free, not a big deal at my main club but at the others that is a necessary upgrade
    - When my CF isn't working I might hit up 2-3 clubs looking for a new fav. I can easily spend $20-30 on entry fees for that alone more than the $15 weekly cost for the membership.

    What do you guys think?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If u don't like club hopping and plan to stick mostly to Bucks then it may be worth it, it's not necessarily a life-changing amount in case ii doesn't work out.

    I'd make sure I'd have some kinda recourse in case they give you some flimsy card and you end up misplacing it.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    I would negotiate down by talking about how you have been a weekly customer for the last 8 months and hope to continue this trend but $1000 is outrageous.

    In negotiations, I would not just settle for 800, I'd try to go lower and see what they can do for you.

    I would also try to buddy up with management, wait staff and bouncers. The more they recognize you, like you and trust you, the better service you are going to get If you are there regularly. By next year you might pay even less for VIP membership.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah - for $1k it should be a lifetime membership
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @rh48hr - Good idea on trying to negotiate harder, no reason not to. I am not sure that playing up my regular status is the best idea. You are thinking of regular business logic not strip club logic. At this point they make more off me by not selling me a membership, and the wait staff knows I don't spend almost anything on food/drinks. There may be actually less incentive for them to discount the membership to junkies like us. It is the occasional guys who come at night and buy bottle service that they really want.

    In particular at the main location I go to there are not comparable clubs next door. So it's not like the threat of "I'll stop coming" carries tons of weight.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    It doesn't sound like there is really an economic argument for it if you plan to keep doing like how you have been doing since it would take 8 months of unchanged habits (and not losing your wallet?) to recoup the $1000.

    If you want to spend more time in the parts of the club that are charged per hour and haven't been for economic reasons, that would be the only way I could see it making sense. I wonder if the dancers' spending expectations would be higher out of the gate if they're joining you in a skybox rather than a cabana, though.

    I avoid spending $150 on a 3 month payback yearly admission card, though. I would rather go to a club because I impulsively want to go there that night rather than because I feel like I would be wasting my membership and increasing my monthly spend on entry fees by going somewhere else.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    man. i guess hong kong vip card is really cheap at $150 total a year. i feel even better now.
    (if i spent $1000 for a vip membership it would be my luck to die the next week.)
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    You might burn out of going to the strip club every week or your CF could move on with her life. Now you’re stuck with a $1,000 prepaid membership
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    After more deliberation I am leaning more and more toward doing it:

    1) Right now I never actually have any real privacy for the money I spend. With the membership even if I just break even I'll have a better experience every single time I go to the club.

    2) I really want to hit up the sister topless club more but I can't do it without buying the $50 room every time there. Without the membership that would massively increase my spending.

    3) Anytime except early in the day at my home club the main floor lap dance area gets clogged up and really crowded to the point you can be bumping elbows with another dude getting a dance. If I am looking for a new fav dancer this really blows as I either have to use that area or take the risk on an unknown dancer and buy privacy. This makes it a real PITA to try out variety.

    4) I can see the logic both ways that having the membership could make dancers expect more money from me. However as I just stick do dances and LDKs there is never really any negotiation. Additionally as I am on the younger side I am very frequently profiled as not being a big spender so I could actually see this helping rather than hurting. At my home club dancers do try and sell privacy despite there being no direct financial incentive for them to do so. Some of that is because they know guys who buy VIP time are more valuable customers.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I found a girl on night shift I really like at the sister club. If I saw her once a week (how often I normally go) it would only take 3 months to pay back the membership from VIP/entry fees.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    I have not been to Bucks Cabaret in about a year. There used to be some beautiful women there that had danced at Baby Dolls. I can’t even drag myself there for their Tuesday drink specials. I might stop by eventually to check out the talent.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Ok so I ended up buying the membership today. Got 7 months for $500 out the door. Did not have to submit to an ID scan!

    The shorter time and price is an easier sell. At this point as I am going to start using the VIP space every time I will only take 2 months for the membership to break even.

    Additionally I had never actually used the VIP space until today. Holy crap it is way better! It will be nice to start having a better experience every time I go.
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