How ofyen have u came across..

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
A stripper who:

A) had no sexual or romantic relationships with customers outside the club
B) doesnt give customers blow jobs or hand jobs
C) doesnt let.her or finger u

Or maybe she lets u finger her but just not A nor B?


last comment
Ofyen in title was meant to be typed as "often" lol
Listen, you can feel free to troll all you want, but you seem to have now included your victim's name in your new profile picture. That is seriously not cool. Whoever she is, and whatever you believe she did to you, she doesn't deserve to be treated this way. My guess is that she turned you down. Get used to that. You really should remove her name at a minimum.
....that was my full name . I didnt know it showed that so i just now changed my pic
I know 3 that will let me finger them but won't do A or B
Also ive been done addressing my identity on here so this is the last thing ill ever say abt it. Dont believe im real? Skype me tmrw and ill show my face! :))
I’ve met those types of girls very ofyen. They usually don’t *maintain* that status after meeting me, because of my cute little penis. They all adore it so much that they can’t help playing with it.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Someone should let the real girl know that her pic is being used.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
@ George, I’m sure it’s irresistibly adorable!❤️
@stfu bitch:) it is my pic which is obvious given that i will show my face on skype to anyone who wants to see altho a time for tha will need to be arranged in advance since we all have stuff to do. Go fuck urself
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
Alot, actually.
I depends not only on the girl of course, but the club and the area that the club is in.
There are plenty of clean clubs where the rules about "no touching" are strictly enforced. And even in dirty clubs there will always be clean girls who don't do extras. I know that if I hit a COI club I'm gonna get my pearl polished (thanks mamisan!). But if I head into the SFV there is a pretty good chance that I will get a decent lapdance but no extras will be offered. There are always exceptions, of course. But generally clubs become known fairly quickly by mongers whether they offer extras or not and we learn which clubs to steer clear of.
whoever the girl is in that avatar, has the face that only a mother could love.
Its def not my best pic are usually nothing but phenomenal but i dont care lol thx shailynn
I think im gorgeous as hell lol so ur opinion doesnt beauty isnt impt to me anyway. A girl should be judged based on how persistent she is to achieve her goals in life, anothet thing which i have my own opinion abt regardless of yours:))
Based on how intelligent she is, and whether she has achieved her goals in life**********
Lmao im.sorry but i cant get over what u said...attacking me based on appearance. u think attacking someone based on something that is not substantative at all is worthy of even commenting? Like is ugly(which i dont think i all lmao ) Like l what kind of insubstantive and lifeless hobbies/pepople do u surround urself with such that judging someone based on attractiveness even crosses ur mind ? Cuz even if thr thougnt crossed my mind i would be embarassed to.share it cuz it shows what is important to save those comments for a girl youre thinking abt dating, but not to one u coukd never even meet in person. Like youre going to tell me.a girl who may be good at debate, writing, getting to know ppl for who they are, had won many awards and scholarships in school etc..should be hated on because she is perceived to be unattractive? And youre older than 5 yrs pld and saying this? Lmao Some of yalls dumbasses (esp Bj's dumbaass) are going to.think "oh btt hurt she is " i mean, im not lol .ive addressed many comments on here before which have nothing to do with me individually(i.e defending 300 lb woman in bikini) but because such statements reflect a problem in our larger culture. Now the i have truly spoken my word, that is all i had to say about this particular subject:) peace, You nothing less than stupid hoes.(not all of.u)
Many of u also might make stupid comments about me based on my typos in my previous comment. I will also continue to disregard those for reasons i already stated. You want to call me out on trolling, yet focus on trivial and irrevant things(typos, made up.beliefs in ur head) to my actual posts, hence contradicting yourselves(to those that do.this) . Gnight.
I'm sorry you can't be as attractive as me, just look at my avatar.
OP was thinking that the new Miss America rules give her a better chance, but reading her responses on here she still has no chance.

Ugly inside and out.
Oh, to answer her question, Lopaw summed it up well.
This is a very odd question to answer. How do any of us know what a dancer does otc? It’s rare for a dancer to say - I do this with every customer!

We are customers - dancers lie to us. We might lie to them. We give them money. They tell us - they don’t do this with other guys. We use their bodies - to get off. We feel better about ourselves. We go home.

Very little done in clubs can be considered truthful or reliable.

I’d let the OP blow me while I fingered that the question?
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Just returned back from ROT rally - ZZ top was awesome last night.

Nicole - you can get answers to your questions yourselves.
There's a new strip club opening in Austin in a few days.
It's upscale. And no touching.
Apply for a job (dancer, waitress, bartender, bouncer, whatever) . You will get hired.

Then do us a favor and write a review for that club.

Here's the link for job application:…

Good Luck !
I would think it would be awfully rare to cum across such dancers.
@roger I already got offered to be a waitress at yellpw rose when i went as a customer without even asking them for it ..a little bit before that i changed my mind and decided i didnt want to go in this business even if i could make more money like i dont care for it lmao. And plz, stop causing urself trouble like a little child.If u have problem with my posts, just scroll past them as absolutely fucking no one is forcing u to read or answer them. What a Dumbass?? Lol
^If you aren’t a troll why do you taunt and bait longtime members on the board. AFAIK that may very well be your picture but that doesn’t make you any less of a troll.
Im gona visit this place looks interesting!!
@25 someone who responds to someone being a dick by the same token(in turn.ny also being a dick) is ironic to you and constitutes neing a troll? Lmao what the fuck .omg
So first im not real. And when i legitimately begin to prove or offer to prove that im not, im a .troll because by showing attitude to someone who was a dick to me? Lmao ight dawg wtf haha
Trolls are real ! Your posts mark you as completely immature. IDGAF who you are to be blunt, you have no cred and the posts you’ve started are unquestionably trolling.
Youre weird as hell. Ive only been asking questions (besides my post abt strip club should shut down which i alreafy admityed my wrongdoing for) and havent offended anyone unless they were a dick to me first. The fact that YOU get so anmoyed and bothered at someone asking questions abt the industry and resort to calling me a troll for it shows ur lack of.tolerance and hence immaturity. It is only trolling if the posts are offensive or attempt to mock people, which none of my posts do. I also already admitted my error in posting that the strip club should be shut down, and even then that was only one post. All the others have been questions whivh cannot be found online as i have already teied that. Plus, im interested in gaining the perspective of male strip club goers which is what this site is good for. In the mean time, u might also want to the description of how a troll behaves in some online dictionary . Thats all have to say to you .
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
You should try putting some of those puppy ears and a little nose on your avi pic. You really can’t be a basic attention seeking thot without them.. no matter how many lame questions you ask, or how much you try to beg for attention by saying shit like “old guys are cute! Hehe! / I’ve never seen a penis! Lol!” That’s why 25 is confused, and thinks you’re a troll.. so go on. Add some bunny ears, or a little flower wreath to your pic!.. and ppl say I’m not nice. smh. :)
First time I tried to talk to a dancer at a strip club, "Sorry, but *I* don't go out with customers".

Then a few minutes later when she realized I was not asking for pay 4 play, but was treating her just as I would any other girl, she became almost apologetic. "You don't understand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night."

Then the next day when I came home late from work, a message on my old mechanical answering machine, and it was her voice.

avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
Nicole - there was no sarcasm in my post.
Just read your questions again - you will get the best answers yourselves.
Yeah - visit that club as a customer and find out by talking to the dancers - who gives blow jobs, hand jobs, etc etc.

Anyway - enough members have responded to you and their advice is spot on.

If you want information and opinons - either with dancing, or with research - members will respond (& yes with a sense of humor).

I believe you are real. Only an absolute low-life will troll in this fashion - estranged ex boyfriend maybe?

If your responses remain the same (like a 7 year old) - I have say you are a conflicted person.
God bless you.

I'll say - dancers are the most interesting people on earth (by and large). I have enjoyed most of my visits to strip clubs. Dancing - not an easy job - but for the right woman, it can be more rewarding than what a college degree might provide. Can you handle it ?
As I have found, for the most part, so long as one always treats strip club dancers just as one would any other girl, they are quite available, for the most part.

Most of the guys here though treat them as though money buys them, and then the brag about that her on TUSCL.

OK, I'll humor the troll: I've come across every single stripper that gave me a hand job. Let that sink in for a minute.
^^^^^^^ ?????

Guys treat women like prostitutes because they don't want to really engage with them.

@ sjg yup , thats xactly how it works youre totally right. But arent most strip club goers like the filth of men here anyway? I are an exception. Or am.i.wrong?
^If we're filth why would you be interested in engaging ? I'm weird, you are a fucked up twat, looks like you found another nut to play with, SMH
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
She just wants to be treated like a civi girl and to be handed money as she makes out w SJG in the front room.
Well thank you Nichole.

And twentyfive, web van guy will be at your door soon:…

She is a psycho Bj, she hasn't got a clue, just like our resident crazy boy, they are perfect for each other.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
When he said “van guy,” I thought he meant the whore van, at first lol.
That would be something. Some strip clubs do seem to have something like that.

^He's just a gnat. He says nothing that any normal person would ever take seriously.
goodness. i’m blushing and sexually frustrated. nicole, bj99, and nina... cum over to me and give me relief. i’ll return the favor.
^ "Ok @sjg thats interesting"

Sure sign of a troll.
BJ99 wrote:

"She just wants to be treated like a civi girl and to be handed money as she makes out w SJG in the front room."

Well at our local clubs, were there not a real prohibition, most of the girls would like this very much. They like getting handed money, they like being treated like a civvies because it is respectful. And most of them, especially the Latina's from our underground circuit, see makeout sessions as the most natural thing in the world to be doing. In their home OTC work they are an essential component. When in the advertised and mostly highly regulated of clubs, they find ways to communicate that such makeout sessions are standard for them.

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