
Who says Follies girls can't find other jobs?

Charlotte, NC
Thursday, May 17, 2018 5:15 AM
On a business trip to Atlanta, I am staying at a Hampton Inn which has a popular drug store in walking distance. I stopped in when walking back from dinner at a nearby pub for a sweet treat. I must have had one or two drinks to many and had the munchies. The young woman at the cash register (her nametag said she was the manager) noticed I was tipsy and began flirting with me. She actually wrote her phone number on the back of the receipt. When I got back to my room, I texted her and she immediately texted me back saying she had a 30 minute break at 10 pm and I should meet her for a drink. We met at my hotel and never went for that drink. Turns out the the Manager of the drug store is also a dancer at Follies and does OTC. She really did want a drink, but she wanted $$ more and agreed to go straight to my room. (I actually thought this was going to be free at first, but she was clearly more a pro than I first thought. She brought along a new pack of protection (I hope she paid for it). She seemed in no hurry to get back to the store, I guess that job will not last long. She now is texting to do a 3-some tonight, but I am all out of funds.


  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    1. She didn’t pay for that protection 2. You have to be one of the luckiest fuckers this week 3. I think if I were you I’d call anyone and everyone including my mom to scrape enough funds for that threesome
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Most of the CVS stores near me have ATM’s in the store. In your case - that’s quite convenient! Although - if she’s the store manager - maybe you can charge the 3 some to your FSA or HSA - that would be sweet! Lol!
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    Just get funds from CC..3 some with store manager..that sounds exciting...
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Dang, nice!
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Great story. Sorry I won't see you at Follies this trip. Maybe not ever again. LOL.
  • RTP
    6 years ago
    I actually enjoy the atmosphere at Follies(less the odor). I will be back, but I must say, I will spend a bit more time at the drug store.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I’m going into all the drugstores I pass by today. Kidding
  • VeryBigDawg
    6 years ago
    I want to grow up to be RTP! My x-Follies dancer story: Last year went to a high brow restaurant near my house, and low and behold one of my favs was the hostess there! She did not last long.
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Why is it that lucky serendipitous shit like this never happens to me? Oh well I'll keep doing things the hard way for now
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    These are the kind of threads that make TUSCL worth reading
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    A few weeks ago was heading to my go-to black-dive in the late-afternoon and stopped by the bank near the club - I took out about $300 in different denominations and the young AA teller was very flirtatious w/ my ugly-ass - it def crossed my PL-mind that she knew what that $$$ was for and perhaps she wanted me to spend it on her - also crossed my mind she may have seen me in a SC b/f and may even be a part-time dancer
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Others have posted about hotel desk clerks, and saying this was in Southern Cities. But I don't know what any of this has to do with Follies or any of its dancers. And I think it disgusting that some guys have a need to talk negative about the young women who service them in strip clubs. SJG
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    ^^ Not to be prejudicial but... A stripper working in a bank (where she'd have access to customer SSNs etc.) sounds like a recipe for disater
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    Great story
  • AmeliaSmith
    6 years ago
    I recently started to work at a bank. I wouldn't expect to see any of my customers in my club because most are 60+ but some accounts look so nice. If it was legal, I would most definitely try to get some customers into the club.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Really, you don't invite bank customers, the ones with nice accounts, to the strip club? :) :) :) SJG
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